Clerk: Mrs Julia Tufnail

7 Amen Place, Little Addington, Northants, NN14 4AU

Telephone 07410 633544


Notice is hereby given that the next Meeting of

Finedon Parish Council

will be held at the Town Hall

Bury Green Road, Finedon

on Wednesday, 21stJune 2015 at 7.00pm

Councillors are Summoned and members of the public press invited to the next Meeting as above.

Julia Tufnail

Clerk, Finedon Parish Council



19/17-18Apologies for Absence

20/17-18Declaration of Interests

21/17-18Confirmation of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 24th May 2017

22/17-18Questions/Statements from Parishioners

Members of the public may address the Council during the Questions/Statements from Parishioners session on any matter relevant to the Council’s activities. If you wish to speak you must let the Clerk know no later than 24 hours before the meeting. The time allotted to any members of the public shall not exceed 3 minutes each and the total time for all speakers is 15 minutes.


Chief Inspector Daryl Lyons – Q&A session with the Parish Council

24/17-18Open Spaces

Banks Park & Green

  1. To Report on Playground Inspections
  2. To consider the future of the concrete shed in Banks Park
  3. Anglian Water Depression on Green
  4. To consider the Tree Survey further quotation from Nathan Warne

Pocket Park

a)To consider the Tree Survey and further quotation from Nathan Warne

b)To consider the quotation from Countrywide Fencing on Tainty Field


  1. Chapel Maintenance – To consider the quotations for works
  2. Rates rebate on Cemetery in the sum of £4,172.91

25/17-18Community Matters

a)Update onReinstatement of Post Box, Wellingborough Road

b)Newsletter & Articles

c)Defibrillator Installation Update from Cllr Harper

d)Cenotaph Restoration –To report on the way forward and to agree costs

e)Issue of the Mound in the Rec, Finedon

f)Litter Pick – Cllr Farrell to report


WP/17/00330/FUL – 73 Wellingborough Road, Finedon Access with dropped kerb

27/17-18Highways - Report from Clerk on Footpath between High Street and Wells Street


  1. To Receive Financial Report and Bank Reconciliation
  2. To Approve the payments due for June 2017
  3. To consider part-funding the Clerk’s 2 year part-time course Community Governance at De Montford University, Leicester starting from September 2017

29/17-18Clerk’s Roundup for Report Only

3017-18AOB for Report Only