BID DEADLINE: February 3, 2017


Pend Oreille County

Attn: Rhonda Cary

625 West 4th

PO Box 5025

Newport, WA 99156-5025

Office Phone: 509-447-4119

***Faxed or emailed submittals will not be accepted***

Project Description

Pend Oreille County Community Development Department, in conjunction with Northwest Management, Inc. (NMI), is soliciting quotes from certified logging contractors to perform logging and hauling services on approximately 71.3 acres. The treatment area incorporates 3 harvest units in southern Pend Oreille County; 2 units totaling 43.3 acres within Rustler’s Gulch Recreation Area and 1 unit totaling 28.0 acres within Pend Oreille County Park (please refer to unit maps on the following pages). The estimated total saw log harvest volume is 400 MBF. This contract will be awarded based on a best value rating system (see page 5 for evaluation process). All bidders must be LEAP or Master Logger Certified and members in good standing with Washington Contract Loggers Association or Idaho Associated Logging Contractors (or have equivalent certifications and be a member in good standing with a similar organization). Pend Oreille County reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

General Harvest Conditions

Pend Oreille County Timber Sale --- Bid Due on February 3rd, 2017 at 2 P.M. Northwest Management, Inc.


Pend Oreille County Timber Sale --- Bid Due on February 3rd, 2017 at 2 P.M. Northwest Management, Inc.


Harvest System:

·  All harvesting is ground based

·  If feller buncher is utilized, all bunches must be packed to skid trails. The County Park must be processed in the woods with log lengths skidded to the landing. Rustler’s Gulch must be whole tree skidded.


·  Partial suspension is required while skidding

·  Damage to natural regeneration is to be minimized in all ground-based units.

·  Corridor spacing for skidding is 75 feet within Pend Oreille County Park and 100 feet within Rustlers Gulch Recreation Area

·  Maximum skidding distances for each unit are found in the unit descriptions on page 3

Slash Piling:

·  All piles must be dirt-free and constructed with an excavator.

·  Pushing of slash with skidder/dozer blades is not acceptable.

·  All slash pile heights will be equal to or greater than the width of the pile (e.g. 15’L x 10’W – height must be 10’)

·  Maximum pile size in the County Park is 15’W x 15’L. No maximum size for Rustler’s Gulch.

·  Maximum diameter of slash to be piled is six (6) inches

·  Piles in the County Park will be created in skidding corridors and be a minimum of 20’ from leave trees

·  Up to 90% of logging slash created in the county park will be piled with no minimum guarantee on the amount of piling to be completed.

·  Unit piling in the County Park is a required bid item for this project, to be completed by an excavator.

·  Piling in Rustler’s Gulch will be done in landing. If conditions permit, slash will be burned while logging.

Log Sort Specs:

·  Log sorts will consist of sawlogs and hew wood (tonwood). Up to 5 loads of pulp may be removed from the County Park, to be determined by forester while job is active.

·  Contractor will be expected to maximize sawlog volume down to a 6-inch small end diameter.

·  Multiple sawlog sorts should be expected.

·  A portion of logs not suitable for sawlogs or hew wood will be bucked off before skidding and left in the woods for wildlife habitat enhancement (e.g. pistol butts/rot), or left as a “high stump”

Log Branding:

·  Spray both ends of every log with red paint – this timber is export restricted.

·  Logging contractor is responsible for supplying red paint.

·  Log branding of all log ends 10 inches diameter and greater is required utilizing the POC registered brand.

Logging Schedule:

·  Successful bidder must begin work within 10 days of notice to proceed.

·  Pend Oreille County

·  Logging operations in the County Park are to be completed by May 15, 2017. Slash piling within the County Park to be completed by May 25, 2017.

Pre-Haul Maintenance:

·  The logging contractor is responsible for pre-haul brushing of haul roads. Approximately 1,800 feet at the County Park and 775 feet at Rustler’s Gulch is anticipated. Please allow for this in the logging bid.


·  Post-haul road work is a bid item in this request. There is no minimum guarantee on the amount of post-haul road work.

·  If issued, this work must be done with a grader.

·  Road will be returned to pre-haul conditions including drainage features


·  Equipment is expected to be weed free – all equipment must be thoroughly power washed prior to entering the project area. The sale administrator will inspect all equipment prior to entering the County Park.

·  The combination of equipment planned for use must be identified by the contractor in their proposal.

Volume Determination:

·  Harvest volumes are estimates only.

Unit Descriptions

Unit 8 & 9

Location: Rustler’s Gulch Recreation Area

Unit Size: 43.3 Acres

Prescription: Commercial thinning harvest consisting primarily of Douglas-fir. All live conifers with a d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) greater than 8 inches which are not banded with orange paint are to be cut. Snags which are not located in yarding corridors or posing a safety risk are to be retained.

Harvest System: This unit will be harvested using a ground-based harvest system with mechanical or conventional falling. Trees must be packed out to skid trails if using mechanized falling. Trees will be whole tree skidded to the central landing shown on the map. Partial suspension is required during skidding.

Slash: Slash may be burned at the landing while logging if conditions are suitable. Ignition and burning of slash produced while processing is included in the logging bid price.

Road Plan: Use existing road system. 775 feet of brushing is anticipated prior to hauling. If post-haul grading is determined necessary by forester, it will be completed at the hourly bid price submitted on the grading bid form.

Unit Boundaries: Flagged & painted orange and posted with white “Timber Sale Boundary” tags.

Max Skidding Distance: 1,100 feet

Approx. Volume: 275 MBF – see Page 4 for additional information

Other information: 1.) Log decking/loading sites are noted on attached maps.

2.) Large woody debris (LWD) is to be left scattered throughout the harvest unit at a frequency of 2 pieces per acre. LWD must be 10 inches in diameter on the small end and a minimum of 10 feet in length. Logs from felled trees that are not suitable for the sawmill should be used for this purpose. Some skidding/distribution may be necessary.

Unit 8A

Location: Pend Oreille County Park

Unit Size: 28.0 Acres

Prescription: Sanitation harvest consisting primarily of Douglas-fir and grand fir. All trees with a blue band and butt mark are designated to be cut. Snags which are not posing a safety risk are to be retained.

Harvest System: Ground-based with conventional or mechanized falling. If mechanized falling is used, trees must be packed to skid trails. Trees will be limbed and topped before skidding. Cut-to-length systems are optional.

Road Plan: Use existing road system. 1,800 feet of brushing anticipated prior to hauling. If post-haul grading is determined necessary by forester, it will be completed at the hourly bid price submitted on the grading bid form.

Unit Boundaries: Flagged with orange and posted with white “Timber Sale Boundary” tags

Max Skidding Distance: 1,200 feet

Approx. Volume: 125 MBF – see page 4 for additional information

Other information: 1.) Log decking/loading sites are noted on attached maps.

2.) One retention units is flagged out within the harvest unit, as indicated on map. Skidding is not permitted through this area.

3.) Trees within one and a half tree lengths of the house noted on the map have been identified for removal. These trees are included in the harvest and should be accounted for when submitting a logging bid.

4.) Large woody debris (LWD) is to be scattered throughout the harvest unit at a frequency of 5 pieces per acre. LWD must be 10 inches in diameter on the small end and a minimum of 10 feet in length. Logs from felled trees that are not suitable for the sawmill should be used for this purpose. Some skidding/distribution may be necessary.

Summary of Harvest Volumes

Estimated Volume by Species
Unit # / Acres / DF / GF / LP / PP / RC / WH / WL / Total / Hew / Pulp
8 / 23.3 / 30 / 0 / 5 / 115 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 150 / 25 / 0
9 / 20.0 / 15 / 0 / 10 / 100 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 125 / 25 / 0
8A / 28.0 / 40 / 65 / 2 / 1 / 5 / 10 / 2 / 125 / 50 / 100
Total / 71.3 / 85 / 65 / 17 / 216 / 5 / 10 / 2 / 400 MBF / 100 Tons / 100 Tons
Unit # / Acres / Harvest System / Avg. Cut MBF/AC / Harvest Volume (MBF)
8 / 23.3 / RTS / 6.44 / 150
9 / 20.0 / RTS / 6.25 / 125
8A / 28.0 / RTS/CTL / 4.46 / 125
Total / 71.3 / Total / -- / 400

Haul Rates

The pre-determined haul rates identified in the table below will be paid to the contractor based on one-way miles from the harvest area. For Unit 8 and 9 in Rustler’s Gulch Recreation Area, mileage is calculated from the junction of Fertile Valley Road and Last Chance Road (southeast entrance to the property) to the purchasing mills. For Unit 8A in Pend Oreille County Park, mileage is calculated from the junction of the County Park Road and Highway 2 to the purchasing mills. Mill destinations and miles will be finalized upon signing of the Timber Harvest Contract. Haul rates for sawlogs and peelers will be paid to the contractor by net scale (MBF). Hew wood/ton wood product will be paid by the ton.

One-Way Miles / Rate per MBF (net scale) Sawlogs/ Peelers / Rate per ton (Hew and Pulp)
0-20 / $ 40.39 / $ 6.73
21-35 / $ 50.89 / $ 8.48
36-50 / $ 55.25 / $ 9.21
51-60 / $ 66.06 / $ 11.01
61-70 / $ 71.87 / $ 11.98
71-80 / $ 82.46 / $ 13.74
81-90 / $ 89.77 / $ 14.96
91-100 / $ 97.08 / $ 16.18
101-110 / $ 104.40 / $ 17.40
111-120 / $ 113.65 / $ 18.94
121-130 / $ 124.20 / $ 20.70
131-140 / $ 131.83 / $ 21.97
141+ / $ 145.28 / $ 24.21

Contract Conditions

1.  Upon award of the contract, submit a Certificate of Insurance prior to commencing work, naming Pend Oreille County and NMI as Additionally Insured:

Pend Oreille County Northwest Management, Inc. (NMI)

PO Box 5040 PO Box 1103

Newport, WA 99156 Deer Park, WA 99006

2.  Provide certificate of Workers Compensation Coverage to NMI prior to signing the Harvest Contract.

3.  Execute NMI’s Timber Harvest Contract (date TBD) prior to starting work.

4.  By signing the bid form, the bidder commits price for 90 days from the closing date of this solicitation.

5.  Contractor commits to commencing work within 10 days of notice to proceed. Notice to proceed will be issued based on bidder’s work plan.

6.  The contractor will continue work in a professional manner, without delay until all units are complete. Mandatory harvest completion/slash piling/road maintenance date at Pend Oreille County Park is May 25, 2017.

7.  All logs delivered, scaled and paid from the 1st to the 15th of the month will be payable by the first day of the following month. All logs delivered, scaled and paid from the 16th through the last day of the month will be payable by the 16th of the following month.

8.  The successful Contractor shall, at its own expense, furnish Pend Oreille County, within ten (8) business days of notification of award, a performance bond in a form and from a surety acceptable to Pend Oreille County or a cash bond, in the amount of $15,000. Bonds shall be conditioned upon the full and faithful performance of all terms, provisions, and conditions of the Contract, and specifically upon payment for all labor and equipment used in completing the Contract work.

9.  This contract will be awarded to the highest scoring bidder based on the best value rating table seen below. Bidders with unsatisfactory references and/or incomplete bid forms will not be considered fully responsive. All bidders must be LEAP or Master Logger certified and members in good standing with Washington Contract Loggers Association or Idaho Associated Logging Contractors (or have equivalent certifications and be a member in good standing with a similar organization).

Pend Oreille County reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Best Value Rating System

A three person panel consisting of Pend Oreille County Park Board Members will evaluate all submitted bids. Four categories will be used to rank bidders as seen below.

1.)  Qualifications and work experience will be evaluated to determine they meet the scope of the project.

2.)  Project approach and work plan will be evaluated to determine it meets the goals of the project.

3.)  Vendor references will be contacted.

4.)  Bid prices will be evaluated using the lowest price submitted as a baseline to divide all other bids. The lowest bid will receive a full 60%.