South Ayrshire Council

Financial Support for Voluntary Organisations

Application Form

“Our vision is to establish South Ayrshire as the most dynamic, inclusive and sustainable community in Scotland”

Grant Administration

Policy, Community Planning and Public Affairs

South Ayrshire Council

5th Floor, Burns House

16 Burns Statue Square



Tel: 01292 616245


South Ayrshire Council

Vision for the Future

Our Priorities and Themes

Prosperous, Learning & Achieving
·  Increase the opportunities for business development and promote inward investment.
·  Develop our town centres and strengthen links with Central Scotland, Ireland and Europe.
·  Ensure an adequate supply of affordable housing.
·  Improve the continuity of education and training. / Healthy, Safe & Caring
·  Tackle poverty and help create employment opportunities.
·  Improve the quality and accessibility of health and care services.
·  Integrate and develop services for children and young people.
·  Make South Ayrshire an even safer place to live, work and play.
Clean, Attractive & Sustainable
·  Conserve and enhance our natural and built heritage.
·  Adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more sustainable.
·  Promote civic pride.
·  Support and develop sporting, leisure and cultural opportunities.
·  Improve the viability of rural communities. / Ambitious, Forward-Looking & Responsive
·  Improve our efficiency and effectiveness.
·  Strengthen sound governance and improve the scrutiny arrangements.
·  Improve community leadership and partnership working.
·  Improve our customer focus.


This form can be used to make application to two funding support systems that can be offered by the Council.

Please tick the appropriate box below to indicate to which of these you are making application.

Please note – applicants may only apply to ONE source on this form.

If you want to provide more detailed information please use an additional sheet.

Funding will only be available to support projects which contribute to the main priorities and themes outlined previously. Applicants should consider the project’s relevance to South Ayrshire Council’s vision for the future and be able to explain how their project contributes.

N.B. Only application forms completed in full will be considered.

I am making application to (please tick only ONE):

Financial Support to Voluntary Organisation System
Complete questions 1 - 23 and question 25
This is the Council’s main source of funding for voluntary organisations.
Rural Grants
Complete questions 1 – 25
Applicants applying for Rural Grants must ensure that the project is compatible with the Ayrshire LEADER, Local Development Strategy. For details on LEADER Strategy contact the Ayrshire LEADER team on: 01292 673765

Advice and assistance with completion of this application form is available from the Council’s External Funding Team. Please contact:

Carole Coull / Jacqueline Brown
616226 / 616245

Please send completed form to:

Grant Administration

Policy, Community Planning and Public Affairs

5th Floor, Burns House

16 Burns Statue Square



Section One – About Your Organisation

1. / Name of Organisation:
1a. / Name of Project:
Name of Project Partners (if applicable):
2. / Contact Person A:
Position in Organisation:
Address (including postcode):
3. / Contact Person B:
Position in Organisation:
Address (including postcode):
4. / What type of group are you? / (Please tick all that apply)
Not a constituted group. (Note: Only in exceptional circumstances will groups in this category be considered for support)
Constituted. (But not recognised as a charity)
Constituted. (And recognised as a charity)
Constituted. (And registered for VAT)
Other (Please specify)
5. / Address of meeting place (including postcode)
6. / Which of the following best describes the areas in which the organisation is active? (Please tick all categories that apply)
Play / Pre-fives / Economic Development / Business / Tourism
Young People / Unemployment / Employment
Elderly / Pensioners / Adult Education / Training Issues
Arts / Culture / Environmental
Women’s Issues / Health Issues
Advice / Information / Town Centre
Disabled / Rural Issues
Sports / Leisure
7. / Is your organisation operating as a Social Enterprise? If yes please state activities below.
8. / Is your organisation registered with the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care?
Yes / No
If yes please attach:
1.  A copy of your registration certificate
2.  A copy of your most recent inspection report
If awaiting registration please attach a copy of your application for registration with the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care.
9. / Which of the following best describes the nature of the organisation? (please tick one category)
(i.e. operating exclusively within South Ayrshire) / Ayrshire
(i.e. operating partly within South Ayrshire but also within the Ayrshire area)
(i.e. operating partly within Ayrshire but also elsewhere in Scotland or the UK) / Rural
(i.e. operation in a rural community)
10. / Does your organisation have regular contact with any department of South Ayrshire Council?
Yes / No
If yes which department?
Do you have contact with any particular officer within that department?
Yes / No
If yes, which officer?
What assistance (if any) does South Ayrshire Council currently offer to your organisation? (e.g. school lets, access to community halls etc)
11. / Brief summary of the activities of the organisation and their fit with South Ayrshire’s vision for the future. (All applicants should highlight the local elements of their activity specifically i.e. South Ayrshire based activities.)
12. / When was the organisation formed?

Please ensure you complete this information, applications where this information is not provided cannot be considered for funding.

PLEASE ENCLOSE A COPY OF YOUR CONSTITUTION, TRUST DEED, MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OR OTHER STATUS DOCUMENT WITH THIS APPLICATION. Please note: all Constitutions or other status documents must include a dissolution clause indicating how assets will be dealt with should the organisation cease to exist.

13a. / How many members:
Aged under 18? / Aged 18 or over? / Elderly/Pensioners
13b. / How many members live in South Ayrshire:
13c. / Is membership open to all:
Yes / No
If no, describe limits to membership:
13d. / Do all members have equal voting rights?
Yes / No
If no, describe the limit to voting
14.a / Does your organisation work with the wider community, provide lasting benefits and promote volunteer working?
Yes / No
If yes, please describe below
14.b / Does your organisation work towards achieving South Ayrshire Council’s Vision and Single Outcome Agreement Objectives?
Yes / No
If yes, please describe below

Section Two – About Your Work or Project

Please consider the Council’s priorities and themes when completing these sections and Council’s objectives as outlined in Section 5 of the guidance. Please complete all sections as incomplete applications will not be considered.

15. / Purpose of grant application. Please describe the specific way you would use any grant awarded.
Indicate what you propose to achieve.
How do you know there is a need for this project?
If this application is not successful, what effect would that have?
16. / 1.  Please provide specific details of your project regarding:
Project Objective
Targets & Outcomes
No of Participants
Pre fives / Under 18s / 18 & over / Elderly/
Timescales (start date & completion date)
Please state how you will evaluate your project.
17. / Please provide a breakdown of all project costs below. Please be specific and do not use phrases such as “as much as possible” or “at the Council’s discretion”.
Project Costs
(Please provide budget headings) / Total Costs
Total Project Costs: / £
Note: For applications for financial support of £5000 and over you may be required to establish a service level agreement with South Ayrshire Council. (i.e. formal agreements about services with or on behalf of the Council for residents of South Ayrshire)
Please indicate below a detailed breakdown of total project costs, your organisation’s contribution, other organisations’ contribution (in total) and grant assistance requested from South Ayrshire Council. / Total
Total Amount for Project costs:
Your organisation’s Contribution:
Other organisations’ contribution (in total*)
*See item 19 for breakdown
Please state the amount of grant requested from South Ayrshire Council. (Please indicate below any specific element of the project the grant funding will be used for, if appropriate) / £
18. / Does your organisation carry out fundraising activities?
Yes / No
If yes, please describe below , please include amount raised from activities.
Amount: (£)______
19. / Please give details below of other organisations (including local authorities) that you have applied to for funding for this project. (Please state whether your organisation has or will be applying to LEADER for funding for this project)
Name of Funding Body / Amount Requested (£) / Source
(public/private/in-kind) / Date approved / Funding Confirmed / Awaiting Decision (please state date expected)
Total Funding / £
20. / Has your organisation received financial support from South Ayrshire Council or other Local Authorities in the past?
Yes / No
If yes please indicate
South Ayrshire
Yes / No
Please indicate what the award was for:
Other Local Authority:
Amount (£):
Please indicate what the award was used for:
21. / Please indicate if it is your intention to seek financial support on a regular (e.g. annual) basis from the Council. (Please note that only in exceptional circumstances will organisations or groups receive funding for the same project for more than 3 years. Therefore you should NOT assume that regular financial support will be available and that your organisation is expected to develop in a sustainable manner which will allow it to operate without regular support from the Council.)
Please tick appropriate box.
Yes / No
Please indicate if your organisation has had funding for this project before. If yes, please state what the project was and the outcomes of the project.
Project Name:
Activity Funded:
Numbers Attended:
Age groups:
Please indicate brief details of the type of project:
Please indicate brief details of how the project fits with the Council’s objectives and vision for the future:
Please indicate in brief details of how the project will offer added value to the Council:
What action have you taken to develop the project to ensure its sustainability in the future?
22. / Financial situation of the organisation – please indicate the present amount of financial reserves held by the organisation. Please explain clearly if any of this reserve is restricted by another funding body to pay for a specific activity or project (we may require to see a copy of the grant award terms)
Please enclose a copy of your most recent bank statement / book and a copy of your financial statement / audited income and expenditure accounts for the preceding year with this application.
23. / Applications will not normally be considered unless all of the following information has been received and all of the information requested in the application form has been completed. Incomplete application forms cannot be considered for funding. Please tick to indicate that you have submitted this information with your application.
A current financial statement (income & expenditure over a period of a year signed & certificated by an independent 3rd party)
A copy of your most recent bank statement / book
A copy of your constitution signed and dated by 2 Office Bearers
A certificate of support, if applying for funding of £1000 or less (provided with this application form) signed by an Independent Referee
24. / The Rural Communities Committee requires that any financial support provided to voluntary organisations should be used to address the unique challenges and difficulties facing rural communities. This could be, for example, in terms of services, training and employment. Please indicate how your project will address rural issues in all or part of South Ayrshire and clearly demonstrate how your project is compatible with the Ayrshire LEADER Local Development Strategy: Contact the Ayrshire LEADER Team for information about LEADER on 01292 673765 or 01292 673768. Please state whether your organisation has or will be applying to LEADER for funding for this project.
25. / Declaration on behalf of (organisation name):
I herby apply for consideration for financial assistance as detailed above. I confirm that all information given is correct and that, if awarded a grant, the organisation will comply with South Ayrshire Council’s conditions of grant including completion of an evaluation report within six months of award, detailing grant expenditure.
I understand that the information supplied, specifically group’s name, reason for and amount of award may be published on South Ayrshire Council’s website or local press. I understand this to exclude bank / financial details.
Name (in block capitals):
Signed: / Date:

Statement of Support by Independent Referee

To be completed if applying for funding of £1000 or less

Your application needs the support of an independent referee who knows your organisation and its work.

You must attach this certificate – signed by your referee – to your application.

Please note that referees may be contacted to confirm their knowledge of your work.

A referee can be any responsible person. Suggestions are a local Councillor or Member of Parliament, a religious leader, Council or Health Service officer, police officer or a senior bank official. Referees must not be an employee or office bearer of your organisation; anyone related to an employee or office bearer of your organisation; someone who has been an employee or office bearer in the past two years or someone who will directly benefit from the grant.

Job Title
(if applicable)
Address for correspondence (including postcode)
Daytime telephone number
E-mail Address
(if applicable)
Name of organisation:
How long have you known this organisation?
How do you know this organisation?

I can confirm that I have known this group and its work for at least one year or from its start. I have read this application and support the request for funding, and I am suitably qualified to act as a referee for this project. I am willing to be contacted to discuss this application further. I am also willing to comment on the grant at a later date if this application is successful, and to provide a short written report if required.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Name (please print): ______