Associated Students of Grand Canyon University
Senate Meeting
October 4th, 2015
College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Room 104
Meeting Minutes
October 4th, 2015
Call to Order: 6:01pm
Roll Call:
- All members are present and accounted for.
Approval of the minutes:from September 20th
No discussion
Senator Reports:
Treguboff: I am working on a resolution for the implementation of a golf cart schedule at the 29th Avenue garage.I am thinking about other possible resolutions and talking with students to help get ideas. I am also cosponsoring a bill that is on the floor tonight.
Thomason: I am working on two resolutions. One is for an additional golf cart for the Agave and 29th Avenue Areas. My second resolution is to implement another guard station at the 29th Avenue area.
Toews: I have been speaking with many students to gather information and ideas. I have submitted some ideas and I am waiting for approvals.
Franse:The appropriations committee has finished dividing the money to each club. I have been talking to students about their ideas and concerns. I have also submitted some ideas and am waiting for approval.
Novak:I have submitted ideas and I am waiting on approval for them.
Galaviz: I have been talking to students to gather ideas and I am waiting for a response on a resolution idea I submitted.
McGuire: I amsponsoring a bill on the floor tonight. I am also working some ideas for campus safety, food lines, and adjusting the Sodexo rule for clubs.
Committee Reports (Colson Franse):
- Appropriations committee
- We have finished our meetings. The senators on the committee made the decisions they saw fit to allocate the money appropriately. The report has been given to President of the Senate Nick Loudon. He has since then sent it to staff to staff forapproval.
- McGuire: Is there an estimated time for response?
- Franse: We have not been given a time because we are waiting on approval. We are hoping that will be soon.
Unfinished Business
- N/A
New Business
Item SB #045 – Future Leaders Town Hall Bill
Motion: McGuire
Second: Treguboff
McGuire:This bill has been close to home for me. I have also thought aboutASGCU getting involved in local politics. This will let us be able to go in and share our voices in the local government. This will be a bi-annual event. We will be seeing local legislation speaking. Basically there is a‘333’idea. There will be three delegates tomorrow attending the town hall. It will be myself, Senator Treguboff, and Senator Franse attending to see if it is a good event. This will give the power of three to create a committee and figure out if we will be doing this in the future. This can also create a satellite club on campus. Third this will be continued for three semesters. This spring we will decide if it will be continued.
Thomason:I was reading through your bill and you mentioned the ten participants and will that be judged on ASGCU members or poll of students.
McGuire:It depends on how much interest we get. We would just useASGCU members if there is only asmall response of students interested.
Franse: There is an option of creating a satellite location. I believe ASU was heavily involved in the creation of this town hall, how are they currently involved?
McGuire: They did host the first one in 2011 and since then they have not hosted it. Basically we would have to get in contact with them tomorrow as well as spring to see if there is interest on the student body. Hosting the event costs money but asatellite club is less or no cost.
Thomason:In regards to marketing, is there a budget needed? Or would that be on the senate to branch out and give ideas to the student body?
McGuire:There would be minimal cost to implement this. The only thing I did not include on my research may be the cost of poster printing but we do that so often in ASGCU I did not feel it was a big matter.
Vote 6-0-0 passes
Loudon: This will be in their hands to report on in the future and determine if this will be continuing.
Chief of Staff Report, Alysha Clark
- PR (Public Relations) is working on themes for Midnight Breakfast. We have a few ideas that we are testing out right now and a date will be given when everything is finalized.They are also partnering with Career Services to host Ice Cream and Internshipson October 18th and 19thfrom 10am to 1pm. When you sign up for their Career Compass Program you will receive an ice cream sandwich. They are also working to promote ASGCU by creating a scavenger hunt across campus. There is also potentially a resource table that will appear weekly. Different student leaders will be present to answer any questions students have. The Voter Drive is on October 26th. This is meant for students to register to vote. We will be handing out‘I Voted’ buttons and stickers.
- Diversity is working on Diversity Speaks will take place Thursday of the Its On Us week. They will be speaking on gender. Brittany is also planning her November event. We are looking intoan arts and culture festival.
- For Internal Affairs, there is the all ASGCU meeting in Stem 57/133. The two new hires have been chosen and confirmed. They will be included in our meeting tomorrow along with the Freshman Class Council. They are also working on elections and the new manual is being worked on as well.
- The New Hires will be present at our meeting tomorrow. They will also work on training and integrating within each of their teams as well as all of ASGCU.
- Marketing is busy as always and working on many projects.The‘10 and 2’ video is basically done, we just need to put a bow on it and send it off. Diversity Speaks was filmed last week and should be posted soon.The #asgcuviewsfrom106 campaign is still in progress and they may do photos instead of videos. There will also be items for the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle campaign.
McGuire: I know marketing sent an email went out about it but it didn’t detail a
date. Is there an expected launch date for the website?
Clark: There is not an expected date because the website is under such under major construction. There is so much back and IT work that it will take several meetings collaboration conversations. We are hoping it will be up and running by the end of this year.There should be a very basic list at the most.
Administrative Vice President, Andrea Hamilton
- Volunteer GCU had event atthe Prescott Promenade last week. They had a total of 19 organizations attend. They were for students to learn about what is out there in terms of volunteering. Many groups had to leave early because all of their marketing items ran out. Many reached out and thanked us for letting them come out and talk to students. Ryan (Volunteer GCU Director)is also working on the blood drive that is coming up. Posters are out to be hung up. If you can definitelysign up online to donate blood. It is a great way to get involved. He is also working on brainstorming for his event in November on campus. Last year at this time we partnered with Operation Christmas child but we are not sure if we want to go in that direction.
- FCC (Freshman Class Council) had their first meeting last week and their bonding day was on Saturday. It was really fun and we made them do skits. They also played a lot of games and we also have the skits recorded f anyone wants to watch them.They will be at the ASGCU meeting tomorrow but many have already been involved and hanging out in the office. They seem very comfortable in there. For those of you who are ‘bigs,’you all are invited to the FCC meeting tomorrow for the big reveal. If you cannot go let us know.
McGuire: Are we doing Operation Christmas Child or are we not at all?
Hamilton: We are meeting with the same organization to see if we want to do it again this year.
Executive Vice President Report, Nick Loudon
- For the Senate, they all have a lot of ideas they have been giving me but many have been put on hold. We are having bi-weekly meetings with myself, Pablo, and Moyo and it seems that we need to figure out what’s best for continuing. We need to be able to meet possibly more regularly and go throughthe ideas. You guys are working hard and we want to get through those ideas.The Town Hall is on Thursday this week in Stem 57 room 131. We have a couple guest speakers. Tim Griffin and Ryan Sand will be coming to talk about public safety. This will include what it will look like moving forward. The posters havejust been put up and we are really excited about that.
- Clubs is slowing down quite a bit. They have their clubs Christmas party in December but that’s the only event they have left for this semester. Adam and I met to determine the budget for that event. Club advocates are now getting in the groove and figuring things out. They are getting used to the new systems and processes.
McGuire: Is there a date for the Christmas party?
Loudon: It will be in early December. I am unaware of the actual date at this moment.
President’s Privilege, Slate Herman
- I just wanted to first say I appreciate the effort from the senate to integrate within the politics Arizona. Our job as a student government is to be aware of what’s going on in the social environment and it’s great that you all are getting involved in that.
- Congrats on the event on Monday with pizza. People will do anything for pizza and it’s great that you could incorporate the survey.
- Parent weekend is coming up and we have the volunteer signup sheet on our Facebook page.We staff this weekend because Jeannie, who is in charge of Parent’s Weekend, does not have a staff underneath her. If you haven’t met Jeannie, meet her. She is one of the nicest people I know.She really needs help during the early morning shift at 5:30 am.
- Its On Us is next week. We have six ASGCU members who are passionate about sexual assault awareness have set up some great events for the student body. Come by those events they will be great and the actual agenda will be brought up tomorrow at the all ASGCU meeting.
- There is the Recycling Awareness Campaign coming up shortly. This will be centered around recycling awareness on campus. There will be a lot of social media campaigns as well as providing blue recycling bins for students and handing them out. We are enteringinto the planning phase of that.
- I want to just update everyone on things that I have been doing over the past three weeks. I have been attending the Ground Traditional Meeting as well as the University Leadership Meeting.
At the Traditional meeting Brian gives an update on what is going on within the campus and how weare evolving. It is almost like a lecture structure.
At the Leadership meeting it is more of a round table discussion. We discuss different things going on at the university such as online enrollment numbers. This is the first time the student body president has been asked to be involved and hopefully we will be asked to be involved in the future.
Advisor’s Privilege, Pablo Ciscomani
- First I want to thank everyone for all the hard work you’ve been doing. On Monday you collected a total of 177 surveys. This is a good amount to have to have valuable data and gather information. The data will help centralize the town hall. The speakers will go over all the information covered to understand what is best for them to speak about.
- As for Clubs, we are partnering with the Canyon State Credit Union to give free checking accounts for our current clubs. This will let them be able to handle their own accounts instead of going through us for everything. The website will have a generic list that we can list all the clubs on until it is available. We are working on digitizing all our forms and working on making everything electronic.
Call to the Audience
Sydnee Akers: For the Future Leaders Town Hall bill, is that a bill that senators can go year to year without repassing?
McGuire: This bill is creating a committee to send a delegation to the Town Hall or to implement on campus.
Motion: Novak
Time: 6:26 pm