İbrahim Kaypakkaya
To All Workers and Oppressed Peoples of the World,
We salute international proletariat, oppressed peoples and nations, sister communist parties, revolutionary parties and organizations, national liberation movements and all patriots who resist against imperialism, fascism and reactionism with the revolutionary spirit of Communism that is glorified by our Party’s 8th Conference!
We celebrate our Party’s foundation’s 35th anniversary by declaring our Party’s 8th Conference that is concluded by the triumph of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Our Party’s 8th Conference whose essential agenda was the People’s War, took steps to advance our struggle.
Our Party’s 8th Conference is an important milestone for the People’s War that is executed by our Party which is founded by the leading Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya in the year 1972. This is materializing the leaps and advances of our Party that commits the duty of the Turkey part of the struggle for the proletarian world revolution.
(Imperialists) Who supposed to be able to do everything and who believed to rule the world as they wish until yesterday, is facing with difficulties in believing their disappointment today. The mercilessly struggle and resistance of peoples is rising against the furious imperialist aggressiveness under the leadership of USA.
The 4th and 6th years of the Iraq and Afghanistan occupation turned into a bog that pulls the tyrants to inside by the resistance of the peoples. In the metropolises of the world, the protest chains of the workers and laborers meet with the rebellions of the “curseds” that grows the fire. The freedom winds of the peoples of Latin America shake the castles of imperialism and carry the important messages about the future’s socialist world unless it blows up the sails of the reformism for today.
The power marches under the leadership of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties are climbing to the peaks. The new ones are added to the countries that fires the People’s War. The flag of Maoism is waving in all continents. The ideology, which will be printing the course of the century, is showing itself in the beginning of the process. The following days will witness the growing of this reality.
To the International Communist Movement and sister Communist Parties,
Our Party, TKP/ML, which endeavors to be a honorable component of the International Communist Movement in its 35 years old history according to its conception of internationalism, decided to continue its activities for advancing the International Communist Movement with a great sacrifice and decisiveness in its 8th Conference.
Our 8th Conference is clear that the ideological struggle against modern revisionism, Trotskyism, reformism and any kind of opportunism and liquidation cannot be divided from the class struggle against imperialism, fascism and any kind of reactionism.
Who cannot get any success in liquidating the communist ideology in the material reality of the class struggle with poor propaganda, endeavors to make it invalid by the demagogy of “the change in the conditions” and by degenerating it’s essence with falsifying. Because of this reality, ideological struggle against various bourgeois currents, which use all opportunities, is one of our prior duties.
In practicing this duty, with using the advantages of having the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, it is important to underline some key concepts. The first of these concepts is the People’s War which was the main agenda of our Party’s 8th Conference. People’s War strategy, which should be defended as the universal liberation way of the semi-colonial countries, will act as a determinant role in advancing the proletarian world revolution in leaps.
Imperialist-capitalist system, which reached to the 21st century with many difficulties, is dragging humanity to the catastrophe with itself. The only force that can stop this is the revolutions under the leadership of the proletariat. With the stupendous experiences of the last century, oppressed peoples of the world under the leadership of proletariat will give an end to the sovereignty of the cruelty.
For this, communists must execute a struggle that will race with the time!
Down with imperialism, fascism and any kind of reactionism!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
Central Committee Political Bureau
April 2007
* This is a part of the poem written by the communist poet Nazim Hikmet.