Minutes of the Meeting of March Town Council held on 2nd December 2013 in The Skoulding Suite at March Town Hall commencing at 7.15pm.
Present Councillor A Pugh Town Mayor
CC Owen Deputy Town Mayor
Councillors MJ Cornwell SR Court
J French ML George
BM Keane GD Philpott
MW Purser TEW Quince
RF Skoulding
FDC Environmental Health Officer Debra Bodger
Annabel Tighe
Town Clerk C Lemmon
Assistant Town Clerk GSD Wilkinson
Police Sgt Martin Monger
Public Nil
133 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Councillor Count.
134 Planning Applications
Because of their positions on the Fenland District Council Planning and Development Committee and their commitment to Paragraph 28 of the Fenland District Council Code of Conduct, Councillors Cornwell and Quince declared personal interests and took no part in the discussions relating to planning matters.
It was also noted that due to their involvement in the building industry, Councillors Purser and Skoulding would not take part in any discussions relating to planning issues.
Councillors Cornwell and Skoulding left the room for the entirety of this agenda item.
It was agreed that one additional planning application would be discussed.
Application Name and address of applicant, details of application,
Number and recommendation of March Town Council.
F/YR13/0852/F Costa Ltd.
Change of use from A1 to mixed A1/A3 use and installation of new shop front.
5 – 7 High Street, March.
Received: 22 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 18 November 2013.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0853/F BT Centre, 81 Newgate Street, London.
Installation of 3no weather louvers to windows on north and south elevations.
Telephone Exchange, Dartford Road, March.
Received: 22 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 19 November 2013.
Since his business is adjacent to the application site, Councillor Philpott declared a personal interest and took no part in the discussions relating to this application.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0854/LB Mr V Rozkres, 110 High Street, March.
Internal and external alterations to include the reinstatement of 2 former doorways and insertion of 2 additional tie bars on rear elevation.
Norland House And Flats 1 to 4 Norland House 110 High Street, March.
Received: 22 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 19 November 2013.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0860/TRTPO Mrs B Young, 15 Saxon Way,March.
Works to 1 London Plane tree covered by TPO M/2/465/17
Land South Of 15 Saxon Way, March.
Received: 25 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 20 November 2013.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0862/F Mr Marrs, 33 Hereward Street, March.
Insertion of a dormer window to side and 2 x roof lights to rear roof slope of existing dwelling to form second-floor living accommodation.
Received: 22 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 21 November 2013.
Recommend approval.
F/YR13/0724/F Erection of 22no dwellings comprising 10 x 2-storey 1-bed flats, 1 x single-storey 2-bed, 11 x 2-storey 2-bed, including sheds, refuse store and cycle store involving demolition of existing care home (retrospective) and works to western footpath of Kingswood Road at Site Of Former Kingswood Park Residential Home Kingswood Road, March.
Revised proposals: Amended description (as above) and plans.
Received: 27 November 2013.
Consultation Date: 25 November 2013.
Recommend refusal on the following grounds:
A. Narrow access road.
B. Flood risk.
C. Should only be developed as part of a Master Plan for this area.
F/YR13/0813/F Erection of 2 x 2-storey 3-bed dwellings.
Land North West Of 321 Norwood Road, Fronting Smiths Chase, March.
Withdrawal noted.
135 Public Participation
Since no members of the public were in attendance, no public participation took place.
136 Police Update
Sgt Martin Monger reported as follows:
a) No problems were encountered on the Christmas lights “switch-on” night.
b) Commercial burglaries were currently being investigated.
c) Action had been taken against cyclists riding without lights, with several tickets and warnings being issued.
d) There were no particular crime trends giving cause for concern.
A discussion session ensued, with the problem of cars parking on the road to the north of the Station Road railway crossing again being highlighted.
Following his presentation, Sgt Martin Monger was thanked by the Mayor and left the meeting at 7.55pm.
137 Presentation by Debra Bodger, FDC Senior Environmental Health Officer
Debra Bodger explained the changing role of Environmental Health Officers and their interaction with partner organizations.
The presentation content is attached as Appendix 1 (7 pages).
A discussion session ensued to allow Councillors to clarify points and raise any questions they deemed necessary.
Following her presentation, Deborah Bodger was thanked by the Mayor and left the meeting at 7.40pm.
138 Minutes of Meetings
The following Minutes were agreed and signed by the Mayor:
Main Council Meeting of 4th November 2013.
Planning Sub-Committee Meeting of 18th November 2013.
Christmas Lights Working Party Meeting of 18th November 2013.
139 Matters Arising
Re Main Council Meeting of 4th November 2013:
Minute 114: A congratulatory letter was forwarded from the Mayor to Lesley-Anne Parkinson on 6th November 2013.
A. Minute 121 / 104 / 89 / 68 / 52: Re derelict buildings in Acre Road.
B. Minute 121 / 104 / 89 / 68 / 54 / 39 / 30 / 7: Re car parking facilities within the town.
C. Minute 121 / 104 / 89 / 74: Re enforcement action being taken against The Pet Shop and the Old Freezer Shop.
Councillor French reported that the concerns of March Town Council regarding the lack of responses being received from Fenland District Council had been raised at Cabinet on 7th November 2013. In consequence, the Clerk was requested to forward copies of the various e-mails to Alan Melton, Paul Medd and Richard Cassidy.
A response from Trevor Watson dated 15th November 2013 concerning car parking facilities was circulated to all Councillors on 18th November 2013.
A response from 3C’s stated that a response would be received from Graham Nourse by 3rd December 2013.
Minute 121 / 104 / 89 / 68 / 54 / 39 / 30 / Street Lighting: Copies of all e-mails passing between the Clerk and Peta King-Parcell regarding the Christmas streetlight socket in Nene Parade were circulated to all Councillors on 5th November 2013. This work has still not been completed.
Having been proposed by Councillor George, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Balfour Beatty requesting a charitable donation to partly compensate for the excessive time spent on sorting out their various problems.
Minute 121 / 104 / 89 / 73: Costs regarding Wimblington Road street lighting have still not been received. This will be included as a separate agenda item at a later meeting.
Minute 122: The Clerk reported that he had applied for grant funding totalling £7,000 from Locality on 6th November 2013.
Minute 123: An e-mail regarding future development in Gaul Road was forwarded to Paul Medd (FDC) and Mark Lloyd (CCC) on 5th November 2013. A response was received from Paul Medd dated 7th November 2013 that stated that our concerns would be shared with the senior planning officers so that they could consider the most appropriate way to progress this matter.
Minute 124: The Clerk reported that he had spoken with Wendy Otter on 5th November 2013 regarding the proposed Community Rail Partnership Notice Board.
Minute 124: The Assistant Town Clerk forwarded details of the new scheme to Councillor Count on 7th November 2013. A response dated 9th November 2013 stated that matters were now progressing towards the advertising (traffic orders) stage.
Minute 126: The agreed bid under the Local Highway Improvement Initiative was forwarded to Cambridgeshire County Council on 6th November 2013.
Re Christmas Lights Working Party Meeting of 18th November 2013:
It was reported that the Christmas lights “switch-on” night had been an excellent
event, and that any issues arising there from will be resolved at the de-brief meeting in January 2014.
140 2014 / 2015 Budget
The Clerk presented the proposals for the 2014 / 2015 budget and precept.
The Clerk also informed Councillors of the following:
a) At this point in time, Towns and Parishes did not have to work under the same Government constraints that Districts and Counties were bound by i.e. a nil rise in Council Tax charges.
b) Towns and Parishes could, in the future, be requested to undertake additional functions that Districts and Counties currently undertook but may be cutting back due to budget constraints.
c) The budget presented took account of the economic climate and likely changes to future precept rules. It had been set to maintain the services and support currently provided whilst ensuring adequate reserves.
d) Due to the possibility of the FDC estimates changing, it would be necessary to approve the budget and precept in principle at this meeting and then ratify the figures at the 6th January 2014 meeting.
Following lengthy and in-depth discussions, it was agreed by a majority of 10 to 1 that the budget and precept be accepted without amendment (Proposer Councillor Skoulding, Seconder Councillor Purser).
The figures presented equated to a budget of £199,110 and a total precept requirement of £198,834.
It was agreed that these figures would be ratified at the 6th January 2014 meeting.
Full details relating to the budget and precept will be included as an appendix to the 6th January 2014 minutes, at which time all outstanding items will have been finalised.
141 Grants and Donations
No applications for funding had been received during the last quarter.
142 Cambridgeshire County Council – Councillor Update
There was no Cambridgeshire County Council update.
143 Fenland District Council Update
Councillor Owen stated that there was no update for the current month.
144 Schedule of Accounts
The Schedule of Accounts, as circulated, was agreed.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.40pm
Councillor A Pugh ……………….………………………….. 6th January 2014.
(Mayor of March)