CD: 023/2008

InterOffice Memorandum

TO:All Personnel

FROM:Cindy Dick, Fire Chief

DATE:April 15, 2008

SUBJECT:Donating Leave/EOTs for Steve Mays

Due to the illness of Steve Mays’s wife, Steve has exhausted all his sick and personal leave. For this reason, the Fire Department is allowing fellow employees from TFD to donate leave hours and/or EOTs to assist Steve during this time. Leave donation can be made as follows:

  • Only personal (annual) or compensatory leave may be donated
  • Leave may be donated in hourly blocks with a one hour minimum
  • Leave will be credited on a dollar value basis
  • Leave donation will be accepted for a period of one month (04/16/08 – 05/16/08)

Please complete the attached Leave Donation Authorization Form and return to Ashante Petties for processing. If enough personal leave is donated, any remaining balances will be returned to the employees who donated time on a prorated basis based on their donation.

If a member would rather work a shift(s) for Steve in lieu of or in addition to donating leave, the donating member will submit a written request to the Operations Division Chief, which includes the dates that they are willing to work. The Operations Division Chief will coordinate the staffing and place the donating member on the roster under the Time Donation (TD) work code. The member being replaced will be shown on Time Donation – Received (TD-R) work code.

The member working the donation hours may serve in any specialty positions for which they qualify. (airport, paramedic etc.) Additionally, they may be required to serve in positions of lesser rank. (ie…Lts donating time may serve as Lts or FFs according to operational needs). Time donated will not be considered time worked, by the donator, and will not be eligible for any compensation. Donated time will be considered time worked, for the receiver, and no repayment will be required.

As consistent with Department staffing, a member will not be scheduled to work in excess of 48 consecutive hours unless approved by a Battalion Chief or higher level officer.

If you have any questions, please contact Mona Pearson.



(print, type, or complete on-line)


Department Director or Designee


Employee Name


Subject:Personal or Compensatory Leave Donation for:

(Leave Donation Recipient’s Name)

Pursuant to the solicitation request for personal and/or compensatory leave donations for the above-referenced employee, I wish to donate personal and/or compensatory leave as documented below:

Number of personal leave hours donated*
Number of compensatory leave hours donated*
My current hourly rate of pay
My employee number
My cost center number

*Leave donations must be made in full hour blocks. Donations of partial hours are not allowed.

I understand my personal and/or compensatory leave balance(s) will be reduced by the number of personal and/or compensatory leave hours that I have indicated I am donating.

Donor’s Signature: Date:

xc:Donating employee’s supervisor

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