Course: Art II: AP Studio Art, 2D Design

Teacher: Ms. Virginia Fiebig

Conference Hours: (A) 10:05-11:35, (B) 8:30-10:00

Telephone Number: (956) 214-6100

Room: A110



Art II AP is a yearlong comprehensive course designed to engage students in an examination and creative exploration of the visual arts. The overall goals of this course are as follows. The student will develop characteristics of creativity and problem solving skills applicable in all aspects of their lives. The student will acknowledge, appreciate and nurture the artist within themselves and focus and initiate direction and career preparation. The student will gain a measure of visual literacy toward comprehending and communicating in our world. In addition, student will acquire aesthetic sensitivity relative to the world tomorrow, toward navigating a rewarding life journey.

Course Objectives: Student will:

1. Expand their appreciation of the visual arts

2. Understand and effectively use the elements of art and principles of design

3. Creatively and effectively use a variety of media

4. Understand and appreciate the contributions of artists, works of art and art history

5. Understand the goals and requirements of the AP Studio Art Program

Project Overview:

Promoting creative thought and expression will be a foremost goal of the art program. Art projects will involve both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art including craft technique. First semester will focus on drawing problems and techniques. Second semester will focus on painting, printmaking, ceramics and sculpture with an emphasis on design and creative self expression. Art history will be incorporated into each project. Formal instruction concerning the importance and influence of art styles, and artists will be ongoing. Oral and written critiques, discussions, readings, quizzes and group work will also be an integral part of the course. Note taking will be an ongoing part of the learning experience. Students will also be required to keep a folder and produce a portfolio of artwork.


Student progress will be constantly monitored to ensure objectives and standards are being achieved. Formative assessment will include individual student/teacher discussions, constructive critiques, group reviews and regular evaluations. Formal assessment will be in the form of quizzes, written or oral critiques, tests and evaluations based on project objectives and a variety of rubrics.

Grading Procedure and Weights:

50% Art projects, selected exercises, tests

30% Quizzes, written work, folder, selected exercises, notes

20% Daily work, project preparation, participation, selected exercises, and cleanup

Project Grading:

All projects will be evaluated based on creativity, completion, criteria/skill met, craftsmanship, and use of studio time. A variety of grading assessments will be utilized for evaluation of projects. All work is due at the designated assigned time. Students absent on a day work is due shall receive a due date for the next day the students return to class

Project Preparation:

Students will have occasional drawing assignments and or assignment preparation to do outside the art class. It is important that these assignments be completed on time as critiques will usually be held on the due date. Work is accepted one day late only; however, ten points will be deducted from grade for late assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to meet with teacher to establish all make up requirements


Quizzes, both announced and unannounced, can be expected over any material covered in class. Final exams may not be retested.

Missed Work:

Any student who misses class for reasons other than illness or a family emergency is expected to notify instructor in advance of the missed class. Assignments must be requested before the absence and are due on the student’s return to class. Expected absences should not cause students to fall behind in class work. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with teacher to establish all make up requirements and to refer to Blackboard for further assignment instructions.

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted for only two class days following due date. Ten points will be deducted for each day work is late. It is the student's responsibility to meet with teacher to meet all requirements or to arrange for project extensions.

Students may request additional time (up to one week) to complete a studio assignment outside class only when the school calendar permits. At least 70% of any studio assignment must be done in the art room.

Retest Procedure:

Students may retest for up to two class days following test date. A grade not exceeding 70 may replace the original score unless prior arrangements have been made and discussed with instructor. It is the student's responsibility to meet all retest requirements or to arrange for any extension.

End of Term Exams:


Exam contents: 50-100 questions consisting of multiple choice, matching, open-ended questions, visual recognition and drawing assessment


Attendance will be taken each day. Students are required to be in their seat at the tardy bell. If a student is tardy, they are to report to the automated tardy station at the front office window where they will receive a tardy slip. A student will report to lunch detention on the 3rd tardy (listed on the tardy slip). Mando Aguirre will proctor lunch detention.

Safety in the Art Room

The art class is a safe place to work and learn if students are careful and follow all safety rules. Each student must assume responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their classmates. All students will be provided with an additional detailed list of safety rules that each individual student will be expected to model at all times.

Come Prepared: Art is about breaking rules! However, artists follow certain procedures to ensure their work environment is safe. A safe studio helps promote creative artwork.

Know your materials: Using classroom approved materials is much safer than using borrowed art supplies with which you may be unfamiliar.

Know your process: Be conscious of the materials you are working with. Oil paints, solvents, cutting blades, and other art materials can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Only use art materials that you have received instruction in using.

Be aware of your surroundings: Certain art processes require training prior to execution. Make sure you are comfortable using all art equipment and tools before beginning a project. If a piece of equipment seems to be broken or is not working correctly, ask for help immediately. Do not continue working if you suspect something is wrong.

Work Safely: You will be working in close proximity with other artists. Make sure you are aware of the tools and equipment that is being used around you. The best way to prevent an accident is to stay alert.

Clean Up: Keep your work area free of sharp objects, unopened solvents, and other potentially hazardous materials. Take responsibility for your own safety and the safety of those around you.

Wash Up: Keeping the studio and equipment clean helps eliminate potential safety risks. Clean tools and equipment last longer and function more safely and effectively. Always wash all solvents, paint, marker, and other art materials from your skin. Some materials may be harmful if exposed to skin for extended amounts of time. Ask whenever you are unsure of anything!

Prohibited Behavior and Actions

  • Refusal to work
  • Refusal to clean up
  • Wasting or abusing art materials and tools
  • Tampering or causing intentional harm to another student’s artwork
  • Putting any art materials on yourself or another student (unless it’s a pre-approved art project)
  • Making a mess on purpose

General Class Rules: Student will:

1. Respect themselves, others and teacher

2. Follow directions the first time

3. Clean up their area

4. Use quiet voices

5. Be seated and quiet by second bell

6. Work independently

Supplies Needed:

1. 1 White poster board 22”X28”

2. Inexpensive paper folder

Administrator Signature Date

Teacher Signature Date

Art II: AP Studio Art, 2D Desing

Teacher: Ms. Virginia Fiebig

Telephone: (956) 214-6100

This is to verify that I have received a copy of the course summary for the 2015-2016 school year.

My signature below indicates that I have received the course summary, have read its contents, and understand its contents.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

Student Name (Print) Parent Name (Print)Bottom of Form


Student Signature Parent Signature

Parent Email