October 3, 2016
I. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Mary Ellen Finch (President), Joanne Kidd (Treasurer), Melissa Raulerson (Secretary), Eva Cervantes, Chip Straley, Jackie Viskup and Ralph Gray. Board Members not present: Jonathan Close (Vice President) and Jay Wachs. Guests in Attendance: Mike Finch, Michael Frisella, and Lifetime Member John Paul Plante
II. Approval of September 5, 2016 Minutes
Adjustments need to be made to treasurer’s report and a few grammatical errors corrected.
Eva moved to approve minutes with amended corrections. Jackie seconded. Motion passed.
III. Treasurer’s Report. Joanne included Love Letters and War of Worlds in the budget. We are registered at Fry’s, so we need to let patrons know they can sign up their Frys’ cards to donate to YCT. They can select us as a charity and Frys will send us funds at no cost to the customer. Melissa will put information out on social media about how to sign up. Made $200 from War of the Worlds. Joanne had to pay royalties for the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, so she transferred $7,000 over from savings account. Going to pay Historic Yuma Theater this month for the use of their facilities as well. Eva moved to accept report, and Chip seconded. Motion passed.
IV. President’s Report. Got an email from the Yuma Historic Theater saying they needed the Green room for another project going on. Mary Ellen expressed her concern and asked Historic Yuma Theatre to come up with another option. One option is a classroom upstairs. We have a cast of 32 that needs to be accommodated. Joanne has chosen one of the back rooms in the back of the art center. Discussion ensued.
V. Season Shows 2016-2017
A. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – Joanne invited Board Members to come look at the set with the actors in the back, using the exact space we will have once in the Historic Theater. Thanks to Anthony for sorting through the props and furniture piles. Joanne and Anthony were able to cover furniture with pads. Special thank you to Chip as well for teaching the cast stage combat. The kids are enjoying his teaching. Posters have been ordered for the windows of the Historic Theater. Eva secured two sponsors because they are excited about the show. John Paul asked about selling our shirts and the raffle, as well as where to set up. We have been approved to do both of these activities. Need to distribute flyers to schools. We are coming in greatly under budget. 10th show is official for November 18th at First Christian Church. Love offering with suggested amount to be announced. Chip mentioned doing a food drive at this show. Eva to ask the church if allowed.
B. The Foreigner – Chip has given scripts to a few of the production crew. The first production meeting to be scheduled within the next few weeks. Jason Irr will be the AD. After Narnia set moves out, the new set construction will begin. Chip has asked if anyone sees the tubes inside of carpet rolls to secure them for him. Eva said call Big Bob’s to also ask. Ralph mentioned asking Lowes. Eva suggested composing an email and choose one day to go around to local businesses to secure the rolls. Eva also received a call of a winter visitor inquiring about auditions. Auditions will be the last two weekends of November. Discussion ensued.
Chip began talking about the set construction and floating ideas around. He has also had people already stepping up for costumes. Chip mentioned needing help from Eric Raulerson to secure British uniforms. He is requiring 1- minute monologues for audition. Mary Ellen to get audition flyer to Melissa for Social Media marketing. Last questions posed of ideas on how to use a weapon and have items fall from ceiling. Discussion ensued.
VI. Standing Committee Reports
A. Season Advertising – Michael. Board approved $3000. Got the Lamar Digital Billboard for $1250. He also secured El Dorado for advertising, KAWC for day sponsoring, and The Yuma Sun accelerator package for $1,099. Total is $2, 931.70, coming in just under budget. We have the Billboard through November 3rd, and the radio through October 28. Jay and his station will also put together some free advertising.
B. Our Building (2874 E. 16th St.) – AC unit is out in back building, and the electronics need to be housed in a cool area. We can purchase one for $130, but we need another one for the back of the building. Ralph expressed there was already a hole cut in wall that has been covered which will help us with install of a new unit. Discussion ensued. Ralph is going to donate a swamp cooler.
Ralph made motion to purchase two AC replacement units not to exceed $750. Eva seconded. Motion passed.
Ralph to fix fencing. Chip asked if we have brought up having lighting at the front of our building for people to see at night. Discussion ensued. Chip is to look into reflectors.
C. Fundraising: Jackie. Small turnout, but they made $200 and only spent $26. Show was well received. Brought up doing a second season of reader’s theater to keep this going. Also discussed the dates. Wants to schedule another meeting for October to discuss Love Letters. Auditions to be held after The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. If we add a second show, we can do donation only and not have to pay royalties. Jackie will get final word if second show can take place Dome House.
VII. Old Business
A. Lyric Theater- tabled.
B. Board Committee Duties- Joanne typed up duties as an example. Melissa passed around another example of duties. Committee meeting to be established to flush out duties and present to the Board for approval. Ralph mentioned making sure the producer and director are separate positions. Mary Ellen also proposed the production team come to the board meeting when a proposal is given. Discussion ensued. Melissa will head the committee. Eva and Jackie to be on committee as well. Melissa will email all to meet.
C. YCT and YPG- tabled. Melissa will talk to YPG about MM Troupe going up there.
D. 2017-2018 Season Dates- Mary Ellen working on the draft email; she wants to set up a meeting to discuss the dates around middle of November with Ann Wilkinson and Jane Peabody. Proposals preferred soon. Joanne and Melissa to have proposals by the next meeting. Discussion ensued.
E. Shoe Drive – Can take old new shoes. Eva suggested we sanitize shoes before bagging. Haven’t started project yet, and it will be a 3 month collection. More information to follow once project is confirmed.
F. Restaurant Takeovers- Mike has not been able to reach intended parties at some of the restaurants. Eva brought up Chucky Cheese. Some places require volunteers to be there to wash dishes, buss tables, etc. Melissa asked for an age requirement so we can get kids to help.
VIII. New Business
A. Loan of Set Items: Jackie. Local pastor is asking for some of our set pieces on loan. Jackie has a specific email of requested items. Jackie will ask if any members of the congregation are YCT members. Discussion ensued. We need to have a policy in place for future. Jackie to get more details and discuss with Board.
B. Michael Frisella- Representing NexGen Board. Explained to board what the organization is. President of NexGen set a soft cap of 10 teachers total to receive a free ticket for the upcoming show. He is willing to go up to 20 (hard cap). These dates will be the 4th and 5th of November. Will have a NexGen representative there to validate. Mary Ellen proposed creating vouchers for them as another option as opposed to having a representative present. Discussion ensued. Michael to finalize flyer this evening for students to give out at school and also to go onto the YCT FB website.
IX. Good of the Order. Mike- offered to help Jackie once she has the baby. Eva had emergency oral surgery but is back at it! Murder Mystery show this Saturday at Foothills Eatery. Joanne enjoyed the Lost Island and War of the Worlds. Jackie will not be at the next meeting, but will hopefully be giving birth! Husband did deploy last week. Waiting on her PHD. Melissa thanked board for being so welcoming and she has been enjoying Eric helping with set construction. Chip is still employed and suggested scheduling stage combat workshops for kids. Eva and Chip to work out details. Mary Ellen said October 14 at the Art Center for the Tribute To the Muses. We have also been invited to Heart of Yuma October 25th.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:17pm.