Sophomore Vocabulary Word Crossword Puzzle
1. Acquiesce – (v.) to accept without protest
2. Renegade – (n.) a deserter, outlaw
4. Bequeath – (v.) to give or pass on as an inheritance
6. Deviate – (v.) to turn aside; to stray from a norm
8. Antipathy – (n.) a strong dislike, hostile feeling
9. Fathom – (v.) to understand, get to the bottom of
11. Elevate – (v.) synonym for escalate
12. Acrid – (adj) harsh in taste or color
13. Amend – (v.) change in a formal way
15. Condolence – (n.) an expression of sympathy
17. Extol – (v) to praise extravagently
19. Etiquette – correct behavior
20. Facile – (adj.) easily done or attained
21. Guile – (n) treacherous cunning, trickery
22. Bereft – (adj., part.) deprived of; made unhappy through a loss
24. Irrelevant – (adj) not to the point, not applicable or pertinent
26. Assiduous – (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent
28. Ominous – (adj) threatening, bad omen
30. Lamentable – (adj.) to be regretted or pitied
32. Misconstrue – (v) to interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of
33. Innocuous – (adj.) harmless, inoffensive
34. Stately – (adj) dignified, majestic
35. Sojourn – (n) a temporary stay
36. Reiterate – (adj) to say again, repeat
38. Pliable – (adj) easily bent, flexible, easily influenced
40. Muse – (v) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder
42. Prefix
44. Patent – (n) exclusive rights over an invention (v) to arrange or obtain such rights
45. Placate – (v) to appease, soothe, pacify
46. Scrupulous – (adj.) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details
47. Protrude – (v.) to stick out, thrust forth
Sophomore Vocabulary Word Crossword Puzzle
1. Abhor – (v.) to regard with horror or loathing
3. Duress – (n) compulsion by threat
4. Brash – (adj.) prone to act in a hasty manner
5. Tepid – (adj) lukewarm, unenthusiastic
7. Implicate – (v.) to involve in
8. Adversary – (n) an enemy, opponent
9. Figurative
10. Covet – (v.) to desire something belonging to another
14. Turbulent – (adj.) disorderly, riotous, violent
16. Quell – (v) to subdue, put down forcibly
18. Compunction – (n) remorse, regret
19. Elated – (adj) in high spirits, jubilant, extremely pleased
20. Finite – (adj.) having limits
21. Gnarled – (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy
22. Brandish – (v.) to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion
23. Converge – (v.) to move toward one point, approach nearer together
24. Impervious – (adj) not affected or hurt by
25. Profess – (v.) to affirm openly
27. Spontaneous – (adj.) not planned or engineered in advance
29. Esteem – (v) to regard highly (n) a highly favorable opinion or judgement
31. Pinnacle – (n) a high peak or point
32. Malevolent – (adj.) spiteful, showing ill will
33. Inter – (v.) to bury, commit to the earth
35. Superficial – (adj) on or near the surface; concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow
37. Ironic – (adj) suggesting a incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens
39. Limpid – (adj.) clear, transparent
41. Unfeigned – (adj.) sincere, real, without pretense
42. Potent – (adj.) powerful
43. Chastise – (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction
45. Poignant – (adj.) deeply affecting, touching
46. Squalid – (adj.) filthy, wretched, debased
48. Dearth – (n) a lack or scarcity, inadequate supply, a famine