Raving about Room 4:

March began “Read Across America” month. In honor of this special occasion, room 4 had some mystery readers. A big thank you to Ben’s Grandmas and Emma Wade’s Granny for coming in to room 4 to read and celebrate reading. The students and I truly appreciate your time and your reading selections!

A special thank you for our “special treats” last week. Room 4 students took home pirate treasure from a really neat treasure chest. Thanks, Mrs. Nicholes (Ben’s Grandma)! 

We did it! We earned our 100th marble! Students voted and the winner was….. “Stuffed Animal Zoo Day”. We will celebrate this on Wednesday, April 14, 2010. Students may bring in ONE stuffed animal to share with the class on this special day. Students will be allowed to keep the stuffed animals on their desks and play with them at recess if it is indoors.

Mrs. Robinson will be eating lunch with the students who had all areas of their behavior calendars signed this Friday, April 16, 2010. Way-to-go, room 4!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to: Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Fleischer, Mrs. Worthy, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Sill, and Mrs. Lawrence for coming in to help with our “Spring Fling” last week. Because of your help/support, room 4 was able to dye eggs, make “chick magnets”, taste jelly beans, sort/graph jelly beans based on color, and color special pictures. A BIG thank you to Mrs. Lawrence for helping to gather the materials and the grown-ups!!!! 

A special thanks to: Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Worthy, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Fleischer, Mrs. Lawrence, and Mrs. Rainesfor coming in to room 4 last week. We truly appreciate your support in learning. Thanks!

RBE is still collecting Box Tops, Campbell Soup labels, Tyson chicken labels, & Nestle water labels. Please continue to send in labels, thanks!


!The end of the third grading period was Friday, March 26. Grades will be posted to Infinite Campus by Thursday, April 1, 2010. If you are not logged in to Infinite Campus, you may call our school secretaries to receive your password information. If you prefer a paper copy, please jot me a note. We will not be sending home paper copies until Monday, April 12.

!Wednesday, April 14, 2010 = PTA meeting at 7pm in the RBE library.

!Field Trip Permission Slip and Money due Monday, April 26, 2010 ($5.00 cash or check made payable to Red Bird Elementary).

!Thursday, May 13 = First Grade Music Program at 7 pm; please put this on your calendar as this is a music requirement.

Attention Madison Residents:

We have two very important school issues on the May 4 ballot. If you are not registered to vote, you may pick up a voter registration form at any of the Madison Local School buildings. You must be registered 30 days prior to May 4 in order to vote (which is April 2).

It’s OUR future. Your DECISION.



Room 4 will begin unit 11. Unit 11 is a three week unit, and we should complete it by Friday, April 30, 2010.

Unit 11 Concepts:

-change our focus from sounds to syllables

- compound words

- learn how to read and spell two-syllable words with closed syllables

-syllable division rules for closed syllables; compound words; and between two vowels

- reading and spelling words with two closed syllables

- paragraph structure

**All of the words we have learned so far in Fundations have been closed syllable words.**

Trick Words must me MEMORIZED. Do not TAP OR SOUND OUT EVER!!!!! 

New Trick Words (should practice nightly to read & spell):

Week 1: people, Mr., Mrs.

Week 2: years, says, little

Week 3: good, very, own

Review Trick Words (should be able to read and spell): the, of, and, to, a, was, is, he, for, as, his, has, I, you, we, they, one, said, from, or, have, were, here, put, there, what, she, out, so, are, two, about, into, only, other, new, some, could, want, any, my now, say, do, first, our, over, come, would, after, also, many, before, called, how, your, down, should, because, each


Students will be quizzing over their past AR book this week, and they will be choosing new independent reading (AR) books for the week. Reading homework should be completed and turned in by Friday, April 16, 2010. If your student is reading a MAKE BELIEVE (fiction) story, s/he should complete the cause/effect side. If your student is reading a FACTUAL (non-fiction) story, s/he should complete the fact balloon side.

Our shared reading this week will be from our Reading Street series. Our story is called “Who Works Here?” by Melissa Blackwell Burke. This is a non-fiction story. Nonfiction tells about real people and events. It is not made-up or make-believe. Our high frequency words this week include: people, live, work, who, out (words your student needs to be able to read but not spell at this time). We will use this shared reading to focus on long I words using the pattern frame i-consonant-e (examples; slide, nine, wipe). We will also spend quite a bit of time discussing author’s purpose (the reason an author writes a story) and focusing in on Proper Nouns (especially with special titles).


Room 4 will begin unit 7 this week. Unit 7 is a shorter unit, and we will move through it quickly. It should last approximately 2 – 3 weeks.

I will be sending home fact triangles. Please use these in addition to flash cards to practice learning simple addition/subtraction facts.

Unit 7 overview:

-to sort attribute blocks according to attribute rules;

-to extend children’s familiarity with polygons;

-to identify 3-dimensional shapes;

-to explore symmetrical shapes

Unit 7 concepts this week include:

-to reinforce sorting attribute blocks according to attribute rules


*exploring attributes

*exploring designs

*fact platters

*time match

-pattern blocks and template shape identification and investigation of their characteristics

-Tric Trac Game

-exploration of My Reference Book for Students

-fact triangles

Please continue to do math links in pencil and return them the next day.

We will continue to play games to support our learning. Please check out for more information.You may log in from any computer: personal, work, library, school, etc.Use your log-in codes to play the games online.

Go Tribe,

Mrs. Robinson 


Remember we do go outside for recess twice a day. Winter is almost over, but sometimes morning recess is just a tad bit cool. Please continue to send in boots, gloves, hats, scarves, and socks. We’re almost into SPRING…for good!!!!!!

1)Room 4 will be participating in the “Lake County Captains Baseball Reading Program”. Students will have the opportunity to complete four reading challenges in order to travel around the bases. As the student completes a challenge, s/he moves to the next base. Each base earns a “Captains-related” item. When the student has successfully completed all FOUR reading challenges, s/he receives a FREE ticket to a Lake County Captains Game. Our school game is set up for Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 6:00 pm at the Eastlake, Ohio stadium. If you cannot go with our school, you do have a few other options. More information will follow soon. Please be aware: If you do not complete ALL of the challenges, you do not earn the free ticket. Each challenge sends you to the next base and you receive your free ticket when you get to home plate! 

2)Room 4 is competing in a school-wide reading competition for the month of April. The student in first grade that reads the most minutes for the entire month of April will receive special recognition during our Right-to-Read week in May. Read on, superstars! 

We are officially using our LAST bottle of hand sanitizer. We have been doing such a good job of washing and sanitizing as often as possible. We do our best NOT to share germs and these “quick soaps” definitely help us out. If you can send in a bottle, we would greatly appreciate it (the pump kind, please!)!! 

Let’s Go Tribe!!!! Let’s Go Room 4 Readers!!!! Hurry Up Spring!!!!