Job Description – Roster Coordinator / 2014

Job Description

Roster Coordinator

Adult Community

Responsible to: / Cluster Leader (who reports to the Adult Services Manager)
Responsible for: / Management of the casual pool; deployment of all staff in Adult Residential and Day Services (in liaison with local managers)
Functional Relationships: / Close working relationships with all Cluster Leaders, House Leaders, Wake Over Supervisor, Work Opportunities Coordinator, Work Centre Leaders and staff;
also with Contracts & Quality Assurance Manager; Sustainability Manager; Human Resources Manager and HR/Payroll team, Admin Support; General Manager
Location: / May be based at home and/or in an office in one or more Hohepa properties on the Clive site and in the Taradale / Greenmeadows area; the role will involve some travel between Hohepa sites


The Hohepa community provides 24 hour / 7 days a week care for both children and adult residents based on Anthroposophical Principles, Social Therapy and Curative Education (Dr. Rudolf Steiner).

Adult residents live in houses on the Clive site or in the Taradale / Greenmeadows are. These houses are staffed by leaders/managers and support staff, with someone on duty at all times except during the day, Monday - Friday, when the residents are at work (either in external employment or participating in the Clive-based Day Service programmes). Day Services operates Monday - Friday, excluding public holidays, with a break over the Christmas/New Year period.

Hohepa Hawkes Bay employs over 300 staff; around 180 of these work in Adult Residential and Day Services. 70% of staff work split-shifts. There is a significant challenge in deploying staff, ensuring that the right people with appropriate skills and competencies are at work when and where they are needed, and that cover is found for staffing gaps - sometimes at short notice. Previously the local managers had the responsibility to roster staff and arrange cover; the concept of centralised rostering is new to Hohepa.

Hohepa is currently undergoing a period of organisation development. The focus is on building a healthy organisation that delivers a consistently high quality, resident-focused service that is robust through its central connection to Anthroposophy.


·  To contribute to high standards of service delivery for all Hohepa service users, to ensure that every life is fully lived.

·  In consultation with local managers, to ensure staff rosters are drawn up, which take account of available funding and local requirements, and that people with the appropriate skills and competencies are rostered to work when they are needed.

·  To coordinate, lead, support and manage a pool of casuals, being familiar with the availability and abilities of individuals, and liaising with them over their work preferences.

·  To manage the provision of relief staff, to fill gaps in the roster.

·  To identify the need for new casuals, including any specific requirements around skills or availability, and to participate in recruitment processes if required.

·  To contribute to the creation of a constructive, engaged working climate for all staff where Hohepa’s values shine out day-to-day.


Roster and budget management / Weighting
Key Accountabilities / Key Performance Indicators /
·  Liaise with the Contracts & QA Manager, Adult Services Manager and Sustainability Manager to confirm available of funding
·  Liaise with local managers to identify ideal and practical rosters, within budget and to meet needs (including staff numbers, skills, training, competencies etc)
·  Draw up staffing rosters using roster software; ensure coherent working patterns for individuals are included, taking account of employment agreements and policies
·  Highlight any anomalies (eg planned rosters exceeding budgets) and ensure the relevant manager has the information to rectify the problem or authorise any over-spend in advance
·  Assess the skills, experience and agreements in place with ‘fixed hours’ staff, in liaison with local managers and HR; maintain an awareness of staff development, planned moves, leavers etc
·  Make arrangements to cover planned leave, through roster changes, use of casual staff, overtime; liaise with managers and individuals / ·  Rosters are in place which comply with organisational requirements - meeting funding constraints, house programmes and staff contractual conditions
·  Evidence of consultation with local managers about their needs and aspirations
·  Demonstrable knowledge and understanding of current staff (permanent / fixed term), their skills, training and competencies
Management and leadership of casual pool / Weighting
Key Accountabilities / Key Performance Indicators /
·  Contribute to recruitment processes for new casual employees; identify specific needs (eg skills, availability); participate in shortlisting, interviewing, reference checking, as required
·  Ensure that casuals participate in induction training before being offered any work, and are inducted into the specific requirements of the workplace
·  Provide ongoing support and motivation for casuals, including giving feedback on performance (informal and through formal appraisals), communicating regularly with them, keeping them informed of opportunities, and identifying learning and development needs so that training and development takes place
·  Develop and maintain accurate and up to date information on the availability of casuals, and their work interests, skills and competencies
·  Ensure that support is provided to any casual who experiences a workplace incident, accident, issue with challenging behaviour of a resident, etc; liaise with On Call and senior staff who are able to provide professional support interventions, guidance and training
·  Take action on any performance concerns, complaints etc in relation to casuals and their punctuality, work ethic, conduct and performance in the workplace; see advice from HR, participate in meetings or processes to address issues
·  Identify cases where casuals appear to be developing regular patterns of work; liaise with HR to determine if they move to a fixed hours role or patterns of work change / ·  Evidence of participation in recruitment processes, in line with Hohepa practices
·  Performance appraisals are carried out effectively and on time, and regular and constructive feedback provided
·  Issues and concerns are addressed promptly and clearly, with improvement plans in place and acted upon
·  Receives positive feedback about communication
·  Timely and accurate information on each casual, their skills, work aspirations and availability, is recorded and informs rosters and arrangements for cover
·  Casuals feel supported
·  Evidence of decreased turnover of casuals and effective rostering
Arrange cover for short-term staffing gaps / Weighting
Key Accountabilities / Key Performance Indicators /
·  Receive calls from staff who are unable to attend work due to unplanned leave (sickness, bereavement, other emergencies)
·  Assess the availability of suitable individuals to provide cover at short notice, taking account of casuals, staff who may be willing to work additional shifts and staff who may be able to be moved
·  Liaise with individuals to agree who will work
·  Notify the local managers / senior staff of what has been done (particularly where staff are moved at short notice) / ·  Evidence of decision-making that takes account of the availability, skills and abilities of people, and their ‘fit’ with the work that needs to be covered
·  Accurate record keeping of calls with staff who ring in at short notice (with reasons for non-attendance)
·  Consistent liaison with staff and managers, to build good working relationships and mutual trust
Personal conduct and performance / Weighting
Key Accountabilities / Key Performance Indicators /
·  Be a role model for casual staff, demonstrating conduct and behaviours expected from a line manager, working out of the principles and practices of anthroposophy
·  Comply with all Hohepa policies, procedures and guidelines, including Health & Safety requirements; ensure these are communicated to all members of the team, and any questions or concerns are raised and addressed
·  Ensure that hazards are identified, all accidents and incidents are reported and recorded, and injured employees are supported to achieve early return to work wherever possible / ·  Demonstrates support for and embraces the impulse of Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy – through speech and actions
·  Evidence of reflecting on own performance and taking advantage of learning opportunities in order to improve performance
·  Consistently complies with policies and procedures
·  Maintains practices consistent with health and safety legislation; any hazards are actively addressed and reported
Record keeping and reporting / Weighting
Key Accountabilities / Key Performance Indicators /
·  Maintain accurate and detailed records on staff availability, shifts that need cover and how they are filled
·  Liaise with HR and payroll to ensure that shifts are recorded accurately into the electronic timesheet system, casuals are paid correctly etc
·  Provide regular and ad hoc reports, to meet required standards and timeframes; this includes reports to Hohepa management and to the ASM / ·  Accurate records maintained, able to provide information readily
·  Timesheet sign-off carried out accurately and to meet timescales
·  Any reports are produced to the required standard and timeframes


PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS / A qualification in a relevant subject, eg Business Administration.
KNOWLEDGE / Knowledge of relevant legislation eg employment law.
EXPERIENCE / Experience of supervising or managing staff, including involvement in recruitment processes, appraisals, identifying training needs, performance and disciplinary matters. / Experience of business administration and work in an office environment.
Some experience in administrative processes, eg dealing with callers, writing business letters.
CONFIDENTIALITY / Ability to maintain confidentiality at all times; does not engage in gossip or reveal any personal or business information to others (internal or external) who do not need to know.
IT SKILLS / Advanced skills in word processing, spreadsheets, databases.
Some knowledge of HR or pay systems. / Must be comfortable with using IT systems and able to pick up new systems. (The role will include use of ‘roster software’ but this has not yet been identified, and so the successful candidates will be involved in implementing and testing the new system.)
Knowledge of Word and Excel.
COMMUNICATION / Understands the principles of good two-way communication, and able to put these into effect.
Able to implement processes including appraisals and recruitment, and to address performance concerns. / Excellent verbal communication skills; good on the telephone and in person, able to establish and maintain rapport with staff and others.
Committed to keeping people informed (eg of roster changes at short notice.)
Communicates effectively with staff, using persuasion and negotiation skills.
PLANNING AND ORGANISING / Is able to handle multiple tasks and projects concurrently. / Ability to plan and systematically implement processes; on a daily basis to prioritise in line with business needs; to prepare in advance; consistently to follow through to ensure tasks are completed; and to take ownership of tasks and remain accountable.
Attention to detail; high levels of accuracy in data entry and provision of information.
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT / Ability and willingness to monitor and review efficiency of processes, identify problems and propose workable solutions.
PERSONAL QUALITIES / Able to make a contribution to the organisation through own ideas and activities. / Ability to relate to people with disabilities, particularly Intellectual.
Proactive, self-motivated with a “can do” attitude.
Demonstrates personal qualities of integrity, trustworthiness, the ability to reflect on own behaviours, performance and motivation.
Is a good team player: adaptable and receptive to new ideas; accepts constructive criticism where necessary; is willing and able to adjust to changing demands and circumstances.
Ability to remain calm, objective and in control in stressful situations, and maintain stable performance under pressure.
Is results focused, able to meet deadlines and targets.
(Rudolf Steiner Principles & Teachings) / Willingness to support and engage with the community life of Hohepa, including participation in Festivals and Community events. / Willing to work within the principles and practices of anthroposophy as they apply to this role; this includes respect for the uniqueness of each individual.

General Conditions of Employment

If you are offered employment (and have not previously worked for Hohepa) your appointment will be subject to a 90-day Trial Period to assess and confirm your suitability for the position. During the trial period employment may be terminated with one week’s notice. You may not bring a personal grievance or other legal proceedings in respect of a dismissal made due to you being assessed as unsuitable for employment during the trial period. A Performance Review will take place at the end of the trial period. (Performance Reviews will be an ongoing integral part of your employment).

Any offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Police Clearance. Hohepa takes up a police vetting report on all employees at the start of employment and then every two years. If you have convictions this does not mean we will not employ you; we would discuss the circumstances with you. It is important that you answer questions about convictions on the application form honestly; all information will be treated in confidence.

You must have the right to work in New Zealand, and will be asked to provide documentary proof (eg through a birth certificate or passport) if an offer of employment is made.

Hours of work:

Normal hours of work will be as follows:

·  Weekdays: 6 am to 9 am, 2 pm to 4 pm

·  Weekends and public holidays: 6 am to 11 am

with some additional time for administrative and office work, involvement in processes and for building knowledge and working relationships with managers and staff in the houses and Day Services.

This position will operate on a daily basis: therefore two people will be appointed to work either fixed days or on a rotating roster. This could be two equal part time positions (approx 25 hours per week each), or an alternative work pattern as agreed, Some flexibility will be required, especially around holiday times and to cover other absences.

Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol:

Hohepa is a fully non-smoking environment, and if you accept employment with us you guarantee that you will not smoke (even during break times) during work hours.

You must also agree to attend work free of any adverse effects of alcohol or drugs (including illegal drugs and similar substances); and to consent to pre-employment testing then random testing if you are employed.