Request for Proposals
Needham Housing Authority
Housing Choice Voucher Program Administration Services
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The Needham Housing Authority (NHA) is seeking a qualified Professional Management Firm to perform all necessary functions to administer NHA’s Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher programs, consisting of 120 vouchers.
Responses must be received by the Official Contact at NHA no later than Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 4:00pm. The RFP responses must be submitted in electronic format as a PDF document and e-mailed to the Official Contact with the following subject line: "RFP – Voucher Program Administration Services".
RFP responses become the property of the NHA and may be used as the NHA deems appropriate. Responses that do not materially conform to the requirements of this RFP will not be considered. The NHA reserves the right to review the submission and either reject all proposals, take no further action, issue a subsequent Request for Proposals to a short-listed group of respondents, or select a Professional Management Firm.
The RFP, amendments to the RFP, and other information associated with this procurement are available in electronic PDF format from the Official Contact. The official contact is the only authorized contact for this procurement, and as such, handles all related communications on behalf of NHA.
Name: Paul Dumouchel, Executive Director, Needham Housing Authority
Address: 28 Captain Robert Cook Drive, Needham, MA 02494
Phone: (781) 444-3011
Printed copies of all documents are also available from the Official Contact upon request.
All inquiries regarding this RFP must only be made to the Official Contact. All interested parties must submit a Letter of Intent to submit a proposal by October 13, 2017. This Letter of Intent must be submitted to the Official Contact. This will allow the NHA to inform all interested firms of inquiries made and the NHA’s answers to such inquiries.
The NHA is an Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action Employer and conducts its business in accordance with all Federal, State and Local laws, regulations and guidelines, as applicable. Small, Minority, Women Business Enterprises and the Disabled are encouraged to participate in this process.
It is the NHA's intent to sign a professional management services agreement with the successful firm effective January 1, 2018. The initial term of the agreement will be for two (2) years with three (3) consecutive one (1) year renewals, provided that the NHA chooses to exercise its right to do so. At the renewal period, the NHA and the Professional Management Firm shall negotiate fees and/or appropriate compensation at that time. If the negotiation period fails to produce terms agreeable to the NHA, the NHA shall have the option to procure and select another entity to provide such professional management services.
Table of Contents
A. Background Information……………………………….. Page 3
B. Required Submission Contents...………………………. Page 5
C. Selection Process and Criteria………………………….. Page 7
D. Post Selection Process…………………………………… Page 7
E. Timeline...………………………………………………… Page 8
F. Notice of Acceptance or Rejection……………………… Page 8
G. Not Responsible for Costs Incurred……………………. Page 8
A. Background Information
The Needham Housing Authority operates a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program that currently serves 120 families, 20 of which have Project-Based Vouchers. The NHA receives approximately $1.2 million in annual funding for this program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the form of rental subsidy provided to make Housing Assistance Payments to landlords on behalf of participating families. Income for the administration of the HCV program is also received from HUD in the form of administrative fees earned based on the number of families assisted each month and the Voucher Program administrative fees established annually by HUD.
The NHA’s HCV program regulations are in the Code of Federal Regulations at 24 CFR 982 and 983, and in the Annual Contributions Contract set forth by HUD. The NHA must also comply with all laws, rules and regulations for all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the performance of these programs.
The NHA’s HCV program is currently being administered by another Public Housing Authority and the NHA has been rated a High Performer in the most recent Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Certification. The current management agent uses the HAB software as their tenant management system, and the NHA participates in the Mass NAHRO Centralized Waiting List (CWL).
The following is a representative list of anticipated HCV program administration services to be provided by the successful management firm in accordance with HUD regulations and the NHA’s Section 8 Administrative Plan:
· Complete all leasing activities
· Perform all annual and interim recertifications
· Conduct interviews, screening and provide guidance to existing and interested HCV landlords and program participants in accordance with the NHA's Section 8 Administrative Plan
· Manage and maintain the HCV waiting list in accordance with the NHA's Section 8 Administrative Plan
· Maintain / update the NHA’s Section 8 Administrative Plan, as needed, and in conjunction with the NHA Executive Director or designee.
· Maintain all data and calculation information in a housing management software system that is specific to the operation of a Housing Choice Voucher program, which includes Project-Based Vouchers.
· Issue monthly Housing Assistance Payments to landlords, and utility reimbursement payments to tenants, where applicable.
· Maintain all participant and applicant files at the firm’s offices.
· Complete the monthly PIH Information Center (PIC) submissions.
· Prepare and submit monthly leasing and expense data to NHA for use in VMS submissions and reporting to the NHA’s Board of Commissioners, as mutually agreed upon by the firm and NHA.
· Prepare utility allowance schedules at least annually, or more often if large changes in utility rates warrant updated schedules.
· Process portability requests.
· Perform all HQS inspections, including quality assurance inspections in accordance with SEMAP regulations. The current NHA Section 8 Administrative Plan states that HQS inspections are completed on a biennial schedule.
· Correspond with HUD or other applicable government officials, auditors and program compliance staff who are auditing or reviewing the NHA’s HCV program.
· Correspond with HUD or other applicable government officials to answer inquiries, as needed.
· Assist NHA in establishing payment standard schedules at least annually, or more often as needed.
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B. Required Submission Contents
Cover Letter
All submissions must contain a cover letter signed by the individual who has the vested authority to represent and make legally binding commitments on behalf of the Professional Management Firm. This letter should also include a statement of the firm's availability to begin administration services on January 1, 2018.
Professional Management Experience & Staffing Credentials
All submissions shall require identification of the Professional Management Firm's ownership and organizational structure. Assigned personnel to the NHA shall be identified, along with their respective roles in carrying out the professional management services contained in this RFP. The Professional Management Firm must identify their experience in the last 10 years with administering the HCV program and with administering Project-Based Vouchers.
The Professional Management Firm shall be required to provide the NHA, and maintain during the contract period, adequate insurance for property, auto, commercial general liability, workers compensation, and errors and omissions. Further, the firm shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the NHA from any and all claims that may arise from the contract caused by the selected firm or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the selected firm. The firm shall provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the NHA as an additional insured on all insurance policies.
Resumes should be included for all personnel to be assigned to the NHA and should list all appropriate credentials including but not limited to required training and certifications to perform services under this RFP scope.
If the responding firm will subcontract to another firm or individual a part of the services to be performed under this RFP, the response must clearly identify the specific work (and/or portions thereof), and list the person(s), and provide resume and experience of the individual(s) to be providing the actual service(s).
Transition Plan
The response should include a transition plan that explains how the Professional Management Firm proposes to replace the existing firm and how the financial and other property records would be transferred. Any additional transition items, such as notifications/announcements to residents, funders, and regulators should be contained in the narrative.
Litigation Matters
The submission from the respondent shall include litigation matters, threatened, pending or resolved specific to the NHA, other Housing Authorities, HUD, or DHCD. The NHA, at our sole discretion may elect not to consider respondents who have pending, or have threatened litigation depending on the type of litigation.
Conflict of Interest Certification
The responding firm must submit in writing to the NHA that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief except as otherwise disclosed herein, that there is no organizational conflict of interest. Conflict of Interest is defined as a situation in which the nature of the services under this contract and the respondent's organizational, financial, contractual, or other interests are such that:
1. Award would result in an unfair advantage.
2. The respondent's objectivity in performing the services is impaired and has fully disclosed this conflict of interest herein.
3. Any future conflict of interest with respect to this contract shall immediately be disclosed to the NHA Board of Commissioners in writing, and such disclosure shall include any action taken by the respondent to mitigate the organizational conflict.
4. The respondent agrees that the organizational conflict of interest shall extend to all subcontractors and consultants.
5. No member, Commissioner, officer, or employee of the NHA who exercises any control with respect to this contract shall during their tenure or two years thereafter, have any direct or indirect interest in this contract, or any proceeds derived from said contract.
6. The NHA reserves, at its sole discretion, the appropriate response and the proper handling of any conflict of interest which includes but not limited to term nation of the contract.
The NHA reserves the right to confirm and verify any and all information provided in the submission response, and should NHA verification establish evidence of misleading or false information, the NHA, at our sole discretion, may reject the submission.
Fees and other Compensation
The response shall include a proposed percentage of the per unit monthly administration fee received by the NHA. No additional fees and/or other compensation necessary to perform the services identified in this RFP will be considered.
C. Selection Process and Criteria
The NHA will establish a selection committee to review and evaluate all submissions received by the Official Contact. The selection committee will review and evaluate the submissions based upon information contained in the respective submission packages and responsiveness to the submission criteria. The selection committee will then determine, if deemed necessary, who shall be selected for an interview. Selection is not solely based on "lowest-bidder" criteria. NHA reserves the right at any point in the process to take no further action, issue a subsequent Request For Proposals to a short-listed group of respondents, make a selection, or reject any and/or all submissions.
Selection criteria that shall be considered in determining selection of the management firm include, but are not limited to:
· The submission conforms to and achieves the goals of the NHA to deliver exceptional management services to its participants and high-quality administration of the HCV program in order to preserve the NHA as a high performing agency under SEMAP.
· The capacity, strength and composition of the Professional Management Firm, as well as demonstration of successful management of HCV and PBV programs.
· Direct experience with managing and operating HCV and PBV programs.
· Professional qualifications of key personnel assigned to the NHA portfolio.
Maximum Points assigned are as follows:
Cover Letter 5 points
Specific Staff Experience 25 points
Relevant Experience with HCV and PBV programs 40 points
Transition Plan 10 points
Conflict of Interest / Litigation 5 points
Compensation / Competitiveness of Fees 15 points
Total Points: 100
D. Post Selection Process
Upon selection of the Professional Management Firm, the NHA shall negotiate a contract in accordance with the criteria listed in this RFP, as well as industry standards. No later than 30 days after the selection of the Professional Management Firm, a contract shall be signed, and the intended effective date of this agreement shall be January 1, 2018. The NHA reserves the right to negotiate with the next ranked Professional Management Firm if the contract has not been executed within the 30 days of the initial selection. The contract must be approved by the NHA Board of Commissioners.
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E. Timeline
The timeline of activities for this procurement process is planned as follows:
RFP Released: October 3, 2017
Letter of Intent Due: October 13, 2017
Deadline for Inquiries: October 17, 2017
Answers Released: October 19, 2017
Proposals Due: October 24, 2017 by 4:00pm
Selection: November 16, 2017
Contract Start Date: January 1, 2017
The NHA may amend this schedule, as needed. Any change to this schedule will be communicated to firms who have submitted a letter of intent to the Official Contact.
F. Notice of Acceptance or Rejection
Notice by the NHA of the acceptance or rejection of a response to this RFP shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given when mailed or e-mailed to the respondent, or the duly authorized representative at the address indicated in the cover letter accompanying the respondent' s submission to this RFP.
G. Not Responsible for Costs Incurred
The NHA is not obligated to pay, and shall not pay, any costs in connection with assisting the respondent or incurred by any respondent at any time unless the NHA has expressly agreed to do so in writing. Furthermore, the NHA reserves the right to retain all response submissions for a period of 90 days after the submission due date, and the withdrawal of any proposal shall be granted only with the NHA's written consent.
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