CCH E. Cowles Andrus Summer Fellowship for
Community Health Improvement Application / 2017

Center for Community Health

University of Rochester Medical Center

E. Cowles Andrus Summer Fellowship

Community Health Improvement


Summer 2017

Application Deadline: MARCH 31, 2017

The Center for Community Health provides $3,500 to UR medical students participating in community health projects that impact cardiovascular health through the Andrus Fellowship funding. This is a competitive process and only one applicant will be funded.

Application Requirements:

  1. A completed application cover sheet
  2. No project proposal is needed. However, a narrative answering questions described below must be submitted with the cover sheet
  3. Letter of support from a mentor or supervisor that you have worked with and are familiar with you and your abilities. Two letters of support are recommended and the letters should mention your previous work in community or public health (these can be brief).
  4. A University of Rochester faculty mentor does not need to be identified. If selected for the fellowship, you will be paired with a mentor within the Center for Community Health that will oversee your work during the fellowship.
  5. Brief interviews will be conducted with all qualified applicants and additional questions about the project can be discussed at that time.

The E. Cowles Andrus Summer Fellowship for Community Health Improvement offers medical students, and occasionally exceptional public health master’s students, the opportunity to plan and conduct projects in community health, particularly related to cardiovascular health. The summer fellow will work within the Center full-time for eight weeks under the direct supervision of a manager or director but will be expected to work independently on a substantial and sustainable project mutually agreed upon by the student and the Center’s needs.

Applications will be evaluated based on demonstrated commitment to community, understanding of the Center for Community Health, and potential for contributing to a successful project.

Completed applications should be submitted in hard copy or via email to the Center for Community Health offices, particularly to Jen VanRy who can be reached electronically to .

For questions please contact:

Jennifer VanRy


URMC Center for Community Health

Thank you for your interest,

Theresa M. Green, PhD, MBA

Director, Community Health Policyand Education


The CCH serves as an academic center within the University of Rochester Medical Center, conducting research and developing and implementing programs that address community health and disparities.

Our mission: To join forces with the community to eliminate health inequalities and improve health through research, education, and service.

Our history:The Center for Community Health was established by the University of Rochester Medical Center to develop and expand academic-community health partnerships dedicated to improving the health of our community. It represents anew model of institutional commitment to community health that focuses on prevention. The Center also works in close collaboration with local government, grassroots and faith-based organizations, social service providers, schools, community-based clinics, business partners, foundations, and private philanthropists to better identify, understand, and target the health challenges confronting the region, and to expand important health services.


The E. Cowles Andrus Summer Fellowship for Community Health Improvement offers medical students, andoccasionally exceptional public health master’s students, the opportunity to plan and conduct projects to improve the health of the community. The summer fellow will work within the Center full-time for eight weeks under the direct supervision of a manager or director but will be expected to work independently on a substantial and sustainable project mutually agreed upon by the student and the Center’s needs.

Coordinator:Theresa Green, PhD, MBA Director of Community Health Policy and Education

Eligibility: Current University of Rochester MD students (preferred) and exceptional MPH students

Duration: 8 weeks


Requirements:Completed Application Form (see below)

Two brief letters from mentors or advisors. The letters should contain a statement in support of the student and his or her work in community health

Application Deadline: MARCH 31, 2017






Student ID #: ______

Class______Phone______Box #______


Local Address______



Center for Community Health Andrus Fellowship

Cover sheet (p.2)


Previous Community Health Experience (volunteer, coursework):

Previous Research Experience:

Other relevant skills:

How did you hear about the Andrus Fellowship?


Have you worked previously with anyone at the Center for Community Health? If so, with whom and when?



Pleaseanswer the following questions (Please be succinct, limit each answer to NO MORE THAN one page each).

  1. Why are you interested in participating in this opportunity, and in which specific program within the Center are you most interested? (see the CCH website) Elaborate on how you could contribute to the goals of this program, or what type of project you would propose within the center.
  1. What are your career goals and future interests?

Summary of Requirements

  • Cover Sheet (page 1 and 2)
  • Application narrative response to questions (#1 and #2 above)
  • Two letters of support from mentors or supervisors, preferably faculty at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry or community leaders. The letters should contain a statement in support of the student. Please ensure that the letters of recommendation are received by the Center for Community Health prior to the submission deadline. Letters may be submitted directly from the faculty/mentor or through the applicant.
  • Please submit a brief resume in addition to this application