Chapter 10

Accounting for Private Not-for-Profit Organizations

Not-for-Profit (NFP) Organization

An entity that possesses the following characteristics that

distinguish it from a business enterprise:

a)contributions of significant resources from provides who

do not expect any return

b)operating purposes other than to provide goods and

services at a profit, and

c)absence of ownership interests like those of a business


  • Accounting Standards Jurisdiction

FASB has standard setting authority over business organizations

and non-governmental not-for-profit organizations, e.g., hospitals

and universities. To illustrate, Salvation Army or Golden Triangle Baptist Hospital would use non-governmental NFP accounting

discussed in Chapter 10 for VHWO or Chapter 12 for hospitals.

Private sector, non-governmentally related NFPs typically

generate their revenue from either contributions or user charges.

GASB has standard setting authority over state and local

governments and governmentally related not-for profits, e.g.,

hospitals and universities. To illustrate, Oktibbeha County

Hospital and Mississippi State University would use Enterprise Fund Accounting discussed in Chapter 5.

Chapters 10, 11 and 12 will examining the accounting standards

for private-sector, non-governmental NFPs. There are four

categories of these NFPs: voluntary health and welfare

organizations (VHWO) and “other” nonprofit organizations,

colleges and universities, hospitals and other health care entities.

In this chapter, we will discuss the accounting standards for

non-governmental VHWOs that promotes the health and well-

being of the public and for “other” NFPs, such as religious

organizations, libraries, museums. A distinguishing feature of

these organizations is that they receive significant resources from

contributions, not from services rendered.

The next chapter, Chapter 11, will examining accounting

standards for non-governmental NFP colleges and universities.

Chapter 12 will examine accounting standards for non-

governmental NFP hospitals and health care providers, and

provide a brief discussion of accounting for governmental and

for-profit hospitals . A distinguishing feature of these

organizations is that they receive a lot of their resources from

services rendered the public.

  • Overview of Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations

Three classes of net assets:

Permanently restricted – e.g., endowments and certain assets

that must be maintained or used in a certain way.

Temporarily restricted – resources that are to be used for a

particular purpose or at a time in the future.

Unrestricted – includes all other resources.

Three required financial statements:

Statements of Financial Position reports assets, liabilities,

and net assets, which must be broken down into

unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently

restricted classes.

Statement of Activities reports revenues, expenses, gains,

losses, and reclassifications. Organization-wide totals must

be provided, and separate revenues, expenses, gains and

losses are provided for each class of net assets. Expenses

are only reported for unrestricted net assets.

Statement of Cash Flows uses the standard operating,

investing, and financing categories, and either the direct or

indirect method may be used. Restricted contributions for

long-term purposes are shown as financing activities.

In addition, voluntary health and welfare organizations

(VHWO) also require a Statement of Functional Expenses,

showing expenses classified by function, object, or natural


Note disclosures are required for all standard FASB items

that are relevant to nonprofit organizations.

  • Accounting, Including Reclassifications

Revenues, expenses, gains and losses are recorded on full

accrual basis, i.e., revenues are recognized when earned and expenses when incurred.To illustrate, bad debt expense is recognized at same time revenue is recognized from accounts receivable.

Accts Receivable1,000

Sales Revenue1,000

Bad Debt Expense 50

Allowance for Bad Debt 50

Revenue accounts are classified as unrestricted, temporary restricted or permanently restricted in preparing journal entries. Using these 3 categories is not required for assets, liabilities, expenses and other accounts (but always for revenues).


Contribution – Unrestricted500

Contribution – Temp. Restricted300

Contribution – Perm. Restricted200

Contributions if other than cash, e.g., plant, land, bonds or stock,

are recorded at their fair market value.


Investment – Stock1,000

Contribution – Unrestricted10,000

Revenues, including contributions, are considered to be

unrestricted unless donor-imposed restrictions apply. To

illustrate, exchange revenues are reported as increases in

unrestricted net assets. An exchange transaction is where the

buyer and seller both expect to receive something of value, e.g.,

you spend $2 for a cup of coffee.

If conditions are imposed by donor, then the revenue is normally classified a temporary restricted. A program restriction is imposed if the resources can only be spent for a particular purpose, e.g., scholarships. A plant restriction is imposed if the resources can only be spent for capital resources such as equipment, land and building. A time restriction is imposed if resources can’t be spend until a following year or contribution will not be received until a following year. Time restrictions would be reclassified from temporary restricted to unrestricted in the following year when receive the resources or can spend them.

If the contribution cannot be spent (an endowment) then the

revenue is classified as permanently restricted. Permanently

restricted resources cannot be reclassified.

As temporary restrictions are met for program, plant or time, reclassifications from temporary restricted to unrestricted are made:

Reclass. from Temporary Restricted1,000

Reclass. to Unrestricted1,000

Multi-year promises to give are recorded as revenues at the

present value of future collections.

Contribution Receivable8,500

Contribution –Temp. Restricted8,500

As the promises are collected in future years, the difference

between previously recorded temporarily restricted revenue at

present value amounts and the current value collected is recorded

as contribution revenue, not interest revenue.


Contribution Receivable850

Contribution – Unrestricted150

The promises received would also be reclassified from temporary restricted to unrestricted if they can now be spend for any purpose. Otherwise they would be reclassified as they are spend for their allowed purpose.

Reclass. from Temporary Restricted 850

Reclass. to Unrestricted850

Expenses are reported only in the unrestricted net asset

classification. When temporary restricted resources are used for

their allowed purpose they are frequently expensed. Since

expenses are unrestricted and the resources being used are

temporary restricted, a reclassification is needed from

temporarily restricted to unrestricted resources. To illustrate,

restricted resources are spent for a scholarship.

Expense – Scholarships1,000


Reclass. from Temporary Restricted 1,000

Reclass. to Unrestricted1,000

A presumption is made that a given expense would first be made

from restricted resources for that particular purpose, if available,

rather than unrestricted resources. As shown above, when

restricted resources are used for their allowed purpose and are

expensed, a reclassification would be necessary.

Expenses are to be reported by function, which may be described

as either program or supporting. Major program classifications

should be shown, e.g., Performance Expense or Ballet School Expense. For VHWO both program and supporting activities are

to be shown on a Statement of Functional Expenses. Natural

categories can also be used for expenses, e.g., salaries expense,

supplies expense or depreciation expense.

Plant may be recorded as temporarily restricted or unrestricted,

depending on policy of organization. In this class our policy is to

classify PPE as unrestricted. A reclassification journal entry

therefore is needed when restricted resources are used to

purchase an unrestricted asset but no reclassification entry is

needed when PPE is depreciated.(If PPE istemporarily

restricted, then no reclassification entry is needed when restricted

resources are used to purchase a restricted asset but an amount is

reclassified each period to unrestricted for the amount of

depreciation.) All plant other than land and museum collections

are to be depreciated.

Contributed services are where individuals provide services to

NFPs. Contributed services are recognized only when they:

1) create or enhance nonfinancial assets, OR

2) require specialized skills, are provided by individuals

possessing those skills, and typically would be purchased

if not provided by donation.

When recognized, contributed services are recorded as both

a revenue and expense:

Expense – Contributed Servicesxx

Revenue – Contributed Servicesxx

Investments in stock and bonds are to be carried at fair value.

Purchases and gifts of stocks and bonds are classified as

Investments–Stock or Investment-Bonds (not as Common

Stock!!). Since stocks and bonds both have to be adjusted to fair

value at end of year you normally should keep them in different

portfolios to make that adjustment.

Normally, donations of collections of art work are not recorded.

As discussed in other chapters, the three requirements to disclose

but not record such donations are: 1) held for public exhibition, 2)

properly taken care of, and 3) if sold proceeds are used to

purchase other works of art. When works of art are recorded, they are recorded as permanently restricted assets.

Painting by Monet5,000,000

Contribution – Perm. Restricted5,000,000

Illustrative Transactions

1.Contributions and revenues are normally unrestricted. Can also

receive cash payments on accounts receivable outstanding.


Accounts Receivable200

Interest Receivable 200

Contributions-Unrestricted 2200

Admission charges-Unrestricted 1200



Interest Revenues-Unrestricted 800

  1. Not all revenue is from cash.

Accounts Receivable300


  1. When donors impose restrictions of purpose, plant or time on

contribution, then the revenue has to be identified as temporary


Contributions receivable1000

Contributions-Temp. Restricted1000

  1. A reversing journal entry is made at the beginning of the year for

performances to be completed during the current year. The

performances could not be recognized as revenue in the previous

year since they are to occur in the current year so a liability had

been set up, Deferred Revenue, when the cash or receivable was

received. We can now recognize them as revenue since the

performances are to occur in the current year.

Deferred Revenue2,000

Admission Revenue-Unrestricted2,000

  1. Season tickets sold at beginning of year for performances in the

future would not be recognized as revenue but as a liability

(Deferred Revenue). As the performances occur during the year

they can be transferred from Deferred Revenue to a realized

revenue account, as in #6 journal entry below.


Deferred Revenue5,200

Part of monies received may be for contributions rather than for

performances that are purchased.

Cash 10,000

Deferred Revenue ($80 x 50)4,000

Contributions-Unrestricted (($120 x 50)6,000

  1. Half of season ticket performances ($5,200 + $4,000) were

performed by year end.

Deferred Revenue4,600

Admission Revenue-Unrestricted4,600

  1. Received interest income (unrestricted) on endowed investments

during the year, and accrued interest on them at year-end.


Interest Receivable 200

Interest Receivable 420

Interest Revenue-Unrestricted1,480

  1. Unrestricted and restricted pledges of contribution were received.

Pledges may be restricted by purpose, by time, or for plant

acquisition. Multi-year pledges are recorded at the present value

of the payments. Interest is accrued on them each period (in the

Contribution account), which will bring the receivable up to the

face amount of the actual contribution.

Contributions Receivable4,906

Contributions-Temp. Restricted4,006

Contributions-Unrestricted 900

Contributions Receivable63

Contributions-Temp. Restricted63

  1. Cash can be received for contributions made and recognized last

year. Because of the time restriction, itwould be reclassified this

year from restricted to unrestricted. It can now be spent for any



Contributions Receivable830

Reclass. from Temp. Restricted-Time830

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Time830

  1. Cash was received on unrestricted contributions made in current



Contributions Receivable2,800

  1. Restricted resources were used to pay for certain expenses:

Performance Assistance Expense-CPE1,600

BalletSchool Expense-CPE 500

Neighborhood Production Expense-CPA 800


Reclass. from Temp. Restricted-Program2,900

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Program2,900

12. A new organ with a market value of $2,500 was donated.



13.Restricted funds use to purchase musical instruments.



Reclass. from Temp. Restricted-Plant Acq.200

Reclass to Unrestricted-Plant Acq.200

  1. The time requirement for funds previously received has expired,

and the funds now are unrestricted.

Reclass. from Temp. Restricted-Time1,750

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Time1,750

  1. A permanently restricted gift of stock and bonds is received as an endowment.


Contributions-Perm. Restricted2,000

  1. The investment porfolio is adjusted to net fair value at year-end.


Gains on Investments-Unrestricted1,750

  1. Salaries incurred during the year were paid.

Performance Expense-Salaries2,000

BalletSchool Expense-Salaries4,000

Neighborhood Production Expense-Salaries 500

Management & General Expense-Salaries3,500

Fund-Raising Expense-Salaries 500

Membership Development Expense-Salaries 500

Cash 11,000

  1. Depreciation expense on plant assets was recorded.

Performance Expense-Depr.1,426

BalletSchool Expense-Depr. 700

Neighborhood Production Expense-Depr 50

Management & General Expense-Depr 600

Fund-Raising Expense-Depr. 300

Membership Development Expense-Depr 300

Accum. Depr-Building 600

Accum. Depr-Equipment2,776

  1. Grants were awarded to schools to assist in their productions of plays, concerts, and ballet performances, and $300 in Grants Payable outstanding at beginning of year paid.

Grants Expense800

Grants Payable300


Grants Payable 100

  1. Supplies were purchased for various activities and outstanding

Accounts Payable from beginning of year paid.

Performance Expense-Supplies600

BalletSchool Expense-Supplies500

Neighborhood Production Expense-Supplies100

Management & General Expense-Supplies400

Fund Raising Expense-Supplies200

Membership Development Expense-Supplies100

Accounts Payable150


Accounts Payable 120

  1. Paid interest on notes payable and long-term debt and charged to various functions, and made payments on them also.

Performance Expense-Interest214

BalletSchool Expense-Interest151

Neighborhood Production Expense-Interest 83

Management & General Expense-Interest 80

Fund Raising Expense-Interest 40

Membership Development Expense-Interest 32

Notes Payable500

Long Term Debt400


  1. Took an inventory of office supplies on hand at end of year and had used up $70 from inventory on hand at beginning of year.

Management & General Expense-Supplies70


  1. Prepared closing entries for each classification, i.e., unrestricted,

temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted assets.


Admission Revenue 7,800

Interest Revenue 2,280

Concession Revenue 400

Tuition Revenue 800

Gains on Investments 1,750

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Time 2,580

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Plant Acq. 200

Reclass. to Unrestricted-Program 2,900

Performance Expense5,840

BalletSchool Expense5,851

Neighborhood Production Expense1,533

Management & General Expense4,650

Grant Expense 800

Fund Raising Expense1,040

Membership Development Expense 932

Net Assets-Unrestricted 9,664

Contributions-Temp. Restricted4,069

Net Assets-Temp. Restricted1,611

Reclass. of Temp. Restricted-Time2,580

Reclass. of Temp. Restricted-Plant Acq. 200

Reclass. of Temp. Restricted-Program2,900

Contributions-Permanently Restricted2,000

Net Assets-Permanently Restricted2,000

  • Alternative Procedure for Recording Fixed Assets

NFPs can record fixed assets as unrestricted or restricted. In our journal entries, we assumed that they are classified as unrestricted so that we can depreciate them without a reclassification entry.