Mrs. Losey

English 9


Guiding themes

These are the overarching themes found in the literature we will read this year. Our writing assignments and class discussions will focus primarily on these topics.

·  Ordinary People as Heroes

·  Through the Eyes of Youth

·  Personal Identity Through History

·  Knowledge Comes at a Price


Major units may include any of the following: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Book Thief, Romeo and Juliet, Inherit the Wind, A Separate Peace, Lord of the Flies, and Night. Each assigned novel will include in-school assignments, nightly homework, class discussions, tests, and graded written assignments. Material from other genres such as short stories, newspaper and magazine articles, web pages, and poetry will also be used.

*Additional titles to be selected from a supplementary reading list as well as personal choice.


All major writing pieces will adhere to the writing process (planning, drafting, editing, revising, publishing). Assignments will encompass various modes of writing, including: Literary Analysis (theme, characterization, and symbolism), Personal/Expressive, Persuasive/Argument, Research Process, Poetry, and Creative/Narrative.

Speaking and Listening

There will be multiple opportunities for formal as well as informal public speaking throughout the year. You will participate in class discussions, debates, skits, and dramatic monologues.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Style, conventions, and word development will be an integral part of the reading and writing processes. Building your vocabulary will greatly enhance your communication skills.

Required Core Assessments: Each of these district assessment scores will be recorded on Infinite Campus (Parent Portal).

*Personal Narrative/Memoir *Character Monologue/Dialogue


«  Be respectful of yourself and others. Be tolerant and understanding.

«  Participate in class. Share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions—they’re worthwhile.

«  Be a responsible student. Complete your work on time and come to class prepared.

«  Ask for help when you need it.

«  Read for pleasure. Read because it’s assigned. But, whatever you do.…READ! It will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones should only be used in class with my permission for academic purposes. Please refrain from texting, emailing, using social media, filming, taking pictures, etc. during instruction.

Grading Policies

Grades for this class are determined based on a percentage out of 100. Assignments you do, both in and out of class will be given points. All points you earn for a marking period will be tallied and divided by the number of points possible for that marking period.

Grades are organized into two categories: “Summative” (i.e. papers, projects, tests, quizzes, core assessments) (90%), and “Formative” (i.e. quizzes, homework, classwork, study guides, rough drafts, etc.) (10%).

It is my expectation that you will turn in only your best quality work. Substandard and sloppy work may not be accepted. However, you may have the opportunity to revise/redo some assignments to bring your performance to a proficient level.

You must bring writing materials and a reading book (independent or assigned) to class every day. We will often have class time to work and/or read. Assignments should always be copied into your assignment book at the beginning of class.

Written Work Policies

All handwritten work that is turned in should be in pencil or blue/black ink. If the work is word processed, you should always use 11 or 12 point Times New Roman/Calibri (or very similar) font. Double or 1.5 spacing and the proper heading are also required on each assignment.

Students are often required to type the final copy of a formal writing assignment so plan ahead. Printer failure or an empty ink cartridge is not an excuse for lateness. You may email work to , share it on Office 365, or bring in a flash drive to print at school (please take care of this BEFORE arriving at class. The library is open from 7:20-7:30 A.M. for this purpose). If in doubt, write it out!

Assignments and due dates will be posted on the calendar on my website, which can be found by navigating through the district web site.

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