Council Proceedings

Regular Session Minutes-Approved

Monday, May 14th, 2018 7:00PM

The Sheffield City Council Regular Session was called to order at Sheffield City Hall by MayorScott Sanders, at 7:00PM on MondayMay 14th, 2018. Council Members in attendance wereNick Wilson, Dave Smit,and James Robbins. Absent was Jim Hegarty & Brad Mulford. Also, in attendance were Pat Nuehring, Public Works Director and Sam Cain, Police Chief.

MayorSandersled the Pledge of Allegiance.

The city clerk noted a name mistake on the agenda from Ridge Stone Golf Club to Ridgestone Grill LLC. She also noted that the library director had called and withdrawn Becky Poppen’s name as a board candidate per Poppen’s request. Wilsonmotioned to approve the agenda with the changes,Robbins seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Mayor Sandersannounced that it was the time and place for the public comment time. Shirley Meints was present to address the council. She stated that there had been a complaint filed against her cats roaming around town, but she was never notified of the complaint. Instead her cats were trapped and taken out of town. She stated that if she had known about the complaint, she would have kept them inside. Robbins asked if the cats had collars and tags so they could easily be identified as hers, she said they didn’t, but she was working on it. Wilson suggested if they trapped one, stop and ask Shirley if it was hers and if it was, ticket her per our city ordinance. If not, let it go in the country.

Wilsonmade a motion to accept the minutes from theApril regular. Robbins seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Robbins made a motion to approve the bill listing. Smit seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Robbinsmade a motion to approve the clerk’s monthly finance report andWilsonseconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Police Chief Cain gave the council an update on the happenings in the department during the past month. He stated that they had been dealing with vandalism of kids shooting BB guns at windows and cars. Lindsay Jones was present to ask if she could ride along with Chief Cain as part of career exploration. Robbins stated that he was ok with it as long as Cain was. Wilson initially stated that he was against it strictly for safety purposes, however later in the discussion, he said he was ok with it if it was only with the Chief and only during the day. Smit agreed and thinks it can be a good thing for her. Cain and Jones (and her parents) will work to come up with a schedule.

Public Works Director Nuehring gave an update on his department from the last month. He informed the council that the water main project is moving along as fast as possible with all the rain. The contractor is about 1 month behind due to the rain. He also reported that boring of the pipe is not going to work in a good majority of the project due to the soil type here in Sheffield. He also reported that they had seeded all bare dirt in the cemetery, were going to start pool preparations this week along with the flushing of hydrants. Brandon Emhoff started on May 4th as the new public works assistant.

Old Business:

  • The police department updated the council on the use of data in the police truck. Chief Cain stated that they have used it as much as possible. Wilson motioned to switch to the unlimited data plan with 3 phones and eliminate the hotspot. Robbins seconded the motion and it approved unanimously. Chief Cain will work with Mayor Sanders to complete the switch. The council would like to be notified of what the new monthly total will be once completed.
  • Robbins motioned to approve a resolution establishing a Fundbalance Policy. Wilson seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, and numbered

New Business

  • Johnathon Murphy from Hauser & Berkland Law Office in Belmond was present to talk to the council about the possibility of representing the City of Sheffield. He told the council a little about himself and answered their questions. They discussed the situation of the Bottom Lock Bar and how he would handle it. The council thanked him for his time and told them they would be in touch.
  • The City Clerk informed the council that Julie Peltier had taken care of her delinquent account and no action was needed.
  • Sheri Bogue was present to ask the council for permission of 12 picnic tables to be used at Relay for Life on July 27th. She was also requesting that participants be able to use the pool free of charge during the event. Robbins made a motion approving the use of picnic tables and swimming pool. Smit seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
  • Sheri Bogue was present to explain to the council that West Fork Cub Scouts will be camping at Galvin’s park sometime in June and would love to do some volunteer project as a part of it. She will coordinate with City Hall & Public Works when it gets closer.
  • Robbins motioned to approve the ABD License for Ridgestone Grill LLC. Smit seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
  • Smit motioned to approve Pay Estimate #2 for the Water Main Project. Robbins seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
  • Robbins made a motion to approve a resolution setting public hearing for the FY2018 Budget Amendment #2. Smit seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved adopted and numbered 18-41.
  • Smit motioned to approve a resolution approving destroying of public records in accordance with Iowa Code 372.13. Wilson seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, and numbered 18-40.
  • The city clerk presented a resolution and policy regarding reserve Fundbalance at the recommendation of the state. Wilson stated that he doesn’t want to be locked into 25% at all times in case of emergencies. Smit likes the theory of the policy but agrees with Wilson. Smit recommended adding “reserves would not be used without the council view and approval prior to spending”. The clerk will make the changes and bring the policy back to the May meeting.
  • Three applicants were presented to the council for swimming pool manager: Andrew O’Connor, Trent Trask, & Kelsey Nierengarten. Discussion occurred surrounding all three and the general consensus of the group was that an adult manager is desirable, but Nierengarten brings the lifeguard certification and experience. Wilson made a motion to approve a resolution hiring Andrew O’Connor as manager with a maximum of 25 hours per week unless pre-approved by the Mayor. Robbins seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, & numbered 18-42.
  • Robbins motioned to approve a resolution hiring Brandon Emhoff as the Public Works Assistant. Smit seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, and numbered 18-45.
  • There was brief discussion regarding the hiring of lifeguards and pay. Robbins motioned to approve the resolution with the list of lifeguards presented and start all guards at $7.50 and give all returning guards an additional 50 cents. Wilson seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent; Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, and numbered 18-43.
  • Robbins motioned to approve a resolution hiring Trent Trask as Campground Host/Part-time Parks Maintenance position with a maximum of 15 hours per week unless pre-approved by the Mayor. Smit seconded the motion and roll call vote was as follows, Ayes: Wilson, Smit, Robbins; Absent: Hegarty & Mulford. Mayor Sanders declared the resolution approved, adopted, & numbered 18-44.
  • Smit made a motion approving the City Clerk to submit a grant application to be intended for new playground equipment at City Park. Robbins seconded the motion as it passed unanimously.
  • There was discussion regarding the hiring of a new city attorney, between Brian Miller & Johnathon Murphy. Wilson & Smit expressed concern that Murphy had never handled city business before, but Sanders & Robbins felt confident in his utilizing his partners knowledge. Wilson then moved to hire Murphy on a 6-month evaluation period. Smit seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mayor/Council Comments – Savannah Howe from the Sheffield Press addressed the council and wanted to know if the city had any feedback from the county accessor letter to residents regarding re-assessment[C1]. The City Clerk has had a few but has directed them all to the accessors office. Robbins asked Nuehring about seeding some muddy spots in city park.

Robbinsmotioned to adjourn the meeting, Smit seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Adjournment at 9:05PM.


Katy Flint, City ClerkScott Sanders, Mayor
