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September 2016
In this issue of the library bulletin:- HDAS redevelopment
- Logging in to OpenAthens resources
- e-LfH resources
- AIMS reprocurement
- ContentFrameworkAgreement
- CKS update
HDAS redevelopment update
Feedback from the latest round of external testing has been evaluated and as a result it is likely that HDAS will go live towards the end of October 2016. This will run in parallel with the current version of HDAS to allow users to transition from the old version to the new version. The current version of HDAS will be switched off during December 2016. Exact dates for releasing the new version as a live service and switching off the current service will be confirmed as soon as possible.Following feedback from users
- We have updated the new HDAS system so that it will now provide a semi-automated migration of saved searches and alerts from old to new HDAS going back to 2008.
- You should create and save any new searches and alerts in the old system by close of play Monday 10 Oct.
- If you save anything in the old system after this date, you will have to manually re-enter it into the new system if needed.
We will circulate more detailed information about how to migrate your searches next week.
Training materials
Work is underway to provide the following training materials for you to use and share with your service users:
- Quick Guide to using HDAS -designed to print on 2 sides of A4 and be folded into an A5-size leaflet
- HDAS user manual - an in-depth guidewith step-by-step instructions and screen shots
- What's new/different - a help sheet about why some features are different in the new version of HDAS
There is also a recording available of a Webex session which was delivered in July, which gave a demonstration of the new HDAS site and how to use it.
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Logging in to OpenAthens resources
You can see and access all of the resources that you are entitled to with your Open Athens account from the login page via the NICE website.There are links to the nationally purchased resources as well as any local resources.If you are still using the old Eduserv login page, you will see that it has changed. The "local resources" tab is no longer available - you just have the options for "Show All", "Favourites" and "Recent".
The information that was on the local resources tab was very out of date. This tab was created as a special customisation forNHS users, and was coded separately. Removingthetab so that the resource list matches what is in the OpenAthens administrator systemwas the easiest way of keeping the information accurate and up to date.
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e-Learning resources now available with your OpenAthens account
All OpenAthens account holders now have access to a large set of elearning resources from Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH).This organisation works in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.
HEE e-LfH’s programmes cover subjects from audiology to anaesthesia, dentistry to dermatology, electronic fetal monitoring to end of life care, primary care to prescribing, safeguarding children to statutory and mandatory training. All content is nationally quality-assured and available 24/7. The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point.
HEE e-LfH has added the e-LfH Hub and its thousands of e-learning sessions to the list of OpenAthens resources to make it easier to access them.
You can find the new content by going to
Log in with your OpenAthens username and password, and click on My Resources in the menu on the left hand side.
For more information about accessing e-LfH resources via OpenAthens visit:
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Access and Identity Management System reprocurement
The AIMS reprocurement process has now been completed, and Eduserv have been awarded the contract, which runs from May 2017 to April 2020. This means that we will continue to use OpenAthens to manage access to national, regional and local content resources.Back to top
NICE Electronic and Print Content Framework Agreement
The new NICE Electronic and Print Content Framework Agreement is now live.Eligible purchasers from the NHS and other health and social care related organisations can use the Framework to buy print and electronic journals and books as well as databases, Aggregated Evidence Resource Summaries and Point of Care (PoC) related tools.
Providers appointed to the Framework:
- Blackwell's
- Dawson
- Elsevier
- Kortext
- LM Info
- Mark Allen
- ProQuest
- Tomlinson's
- Waterstones
- Wiley
- Williams Lea (TSO)
- Wolters Kluwer
There are two Lots on the Framework - Providers may be appointed to one or both Lots. Purchasers should choose the Lot relevant to their content purchase and licensing needs.
Full details about the Framework including a Buyers Guide and Provider Profiles are available here.
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CKS update
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) updates its topics and adds new ones on a regular basis.New topics added since June:
- Multiple myeloma
- Alopecia – androgenetic female
- Alopecia – androgenetic male
- Anal fissure
- Antenatal care – uncomplicated pregnancy
- Bunions
- Chlamydia – uncomplicated genital
- Delirium
- Dementia
- Diabetes – type 2
- Earwax
- Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (trochanteric bursitis)
- Haemorrhoids
- Head injury
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Immunizations - childhood
- Immunizations – pneumococcal
- Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes
- Pancreatitis – acute
- Pancreatitis – chronic
- Whitlow – staphylococcal and herpetic
If you have any suggestions for updates or areas to cover in the bulletin, or wish to be added to our direct mailing list please contact:
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