Our Lady, Mother of the Saviour
Dunny Lane, Chipperfield
Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians
Parish Priest: Father Richard Mway-Zeng SDS
Assistant Priest: Father Christopher Luoga SDS
Youth Worker: Mr Jack Bull
The Presbytery
96, The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS
Tel: 01923-266177
Youth Worker:
Parish School: Divine Saviour Primary, Broomfield Rise, Abbots Langley
Tel: 01923- 265607
Executive Headteacher: Mr Stephen Wheatley
Head of School: Mrs Helen Wilson /

PALM SUNDAY Year B 25th MARCH 2018

Mass Schedule

24th Sat Vigil Mass of Palm Sunday

18:30pm Dee Stanley Deceased

25th Palm Sunday: Time Year B

10am Joe Pike +

29th Maundy Thursday The Lords Supper


30th Good Friday

14:30 Stations of the Cross

15:00 The Passion of the Lord

31st Sat Easter Vigil of Easter Sunday

20:00 People of the Parish

1st Easter Sunday

10:00am Joe Clements

Before any of the masses

or upon request

Adoration & Benediction

First Sundays, 4pm at Abbots Langley

Marriages, Baptisms
Contact the Parish Clergy via email or telephone

6 months’ notice required for marriage

School Forms, Passports, etc

Please speak to the Clergy after mass

Sunday Readings: Year B

Weekday Readings: Year 2

Two Parades.

There are two parades of Holy week: First into Jerusalem from Bethany on the Sunday and Jesus being acclaimed as a political saviour. People hoped he would triumph, that his followers would put him into power and all hoped he would get rid of the Romans.

The second, from Jerusalem outside the walls of the city on the following Friday, to Calvary; a man in disgrace. A man carrying his cross, crowned with thorns, mocked and bullied and tortured. And about to be killed. Like the parade to a dishonoured graveside.

He had all sorts of followers – some like camp followers, some terrorists, some people on the make for themselves, or the ones who stayed till the end, like his mother, an aunt and a few of the followers. The others were at a distance, they would come back, and would follow later to the end.

We hope to be in that second parade.

Palms are for waving in triumph, then they and wither. The cross is forever, for all time.

The cross is his love, and as we follow in this parade we show our willingness to console him in love to the end.

This is a holy week because a man like us, and one of the Trinity, gave his life.

Look at a crucifix and say, ‘what will I do for Christ?’
Lord, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free;
you are the Saviour of the world.

A warm welcome to you! Please introduce yourself to others and to the priest at the end of Mass

Last Week’s Offertory Collection

£589.93 Thank for your generosity.

WE WELCOME FR THOMAS MALAL: He is a general consultant for the Salvatorians. He will be staying with us over Easter.

NO MASS HERE ON TUESDAY 27TH MARCH: As there is the Chrism Mass at Westminster Cathedral at 12noon.

EASTER TRIDUUM: It is most important that you attend the Masses and services over the three days of Easter. For those making their Confirmation and First Holy Communion, they should be attending.

EASTER FLOWERS: In preparation for Easter celebrations, there will be a second collection this weekend for Easter Flowers. Thank you for your generosity.

EASTER OFFERING ENVELOPES: These are available at the back of church: This is your personal Gift to Fr Richard and Fr Christopher

PARISH CENSUS & VOLUNTEER FORMS: Thank you for those for have filled in their form. If you were unable to complete a form, please take one from the back of church and return to one of the clergy.

SPECIAL CELEBRATION MASS: On Sunday the 27th May 2018 Bishop Paul will be say Mass at Divine Saviour school. This will be a joint celebration between St. Saviour’s, Divine Saviour School (Chipperfield will join from the year ahead). On that day there will only be one Mass at the church. It will be (weather permitting) an outdoor Mass followed by picnic’s and some form of entertainment. Further details will be posted nearer the time.

Consecration MASS: His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols will be here on 15th July 10am, for the Dedication Mass of our Parish. Please make a note of this in your diary. More details to follow.

Youth Clubs

The following year groups will meet in the Abbots Langley Parish Centre accordingly:

School Years 5-6: Fridays, 5-6.30pm

School Years 7-9: Fridays, 7-9pm

Children's Liturgy

This group now runs during the first half of the 10am Sunday mass, and is specifically for children below Holy Communion age. Jack, our youth worker, facilitates this group and would appreciate a few more volunteers to help with its running so that it becomes more of a parish endeavour rather than a one-man project. Please speak with Fr Paul or Jack if you think you may be able to help.

THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR MARCH: Evangelisation: Formation in Spiritual Discernment. That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian

Holy Week Services:

Maunday Thursday 8pm Mass

Good Friday 2.30pm Stations of the Cross

3pm The Passion of the Lord

Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 8pm

Easter Sunday Mass 10am

Confirmation mass……………………………14th April 2pm

Cardinal’s visit…………………………………………..15th July

For those who maybe away over the Easter. Fr Richard & Fr Christopher wish you a Holy and Blessed Easter