Cowlishaw PTA General Meeting December 13, 2012

Officers and Event Chairs present: Jackie Cuculich, Karen Ahern, Bianca Ballard, Victoria Sense and Gineen Vargas.

Welcome – Jackie Cuculich
Jackie announced that Meijer sent out an email to PTA presidents indicating they had extra money to give and to please fill out a form. Cowlishaw PTA received $300. We can apply every month for a $25 gift card as well. Additionally, the Koalas Helping Koalas program raised $1000.
Principal’s Report – Claudette Walton
Cowlishaw Elementary received $2500 gift from Big Lots as we were the closest school to their new location. There are no decisions made yet on what it will be used for. The criteria include something sustainable – possibly technology. Also, the school board is re-districting. It has not decided anything yet until the meeting in January. The board meetings are online and available to be watched, including the workshop.
The December chorus concert was beautiful along with the band concert.
Teacher Liaison Report – Mrs. Laura Garwood
A report was given by Mrs. Purse in her absence. No concerns to report. There is ongoing planning of field trips. The teachers participated in the Halloween party handing out candy.
Mrs. Purse also shared that her role is also the testing liaison. The upcoming ISATS in early March will affect grades 3 & 5 in the areas of reading and math. The 4th grade will include science, reading and math. Recently the 2 & 5 graders were sent out their CogAT (cognitive ability test). The results help teachers determine improvements needed: overall delivery of what they do, how teachers are teaching, best practices, professional development, and address needs of any under-performing students.
Secretary Report – Gineen Vargas
Presented Minutes from the 10/24/12 General Meeting – unanimously approved.
VP Membership Report – Victoria Senese
Victoria shared that there are 249 current members and 44 staff members. The PTA directories were sent out in November.
TreasurerReport– Karen Ahern
See attached financial report. Add the Halloween party proceeds: net of $3600 with approx. $1900 received for PTA.

Special EventsReport– Bianca Ballard/Monica Houston
Bianca shared that they have a tentative assembly for January 22, 2013 related to science during the school day. They are working with the Police department for something in the Spring.

Event Chair Reports:

Holiday Shop - Dana Jacobson
Dana shared that the Holiday Shop is Friday night, December 14th. She has 24 volunteers and has a goal of selling $1000 worth of merchandise or more. The company will give $100 of books in a variety of grade levels for every $1000 sold up to $500. Koala Lou is also coming. Square One Art orders will also be available for pick up.

Ozzie Reading – Dana Jacobson
Dana will send out Ozzie Reading forms next week: 12/21/12.

PDAC World Café – Monica Houston
Ms. Walton shared on behalf of Monica as they both attended a follow up meeting to the World Café talking about achievement for all students. Purpose was to create an action plan to further grow our involvement to parents – those isolated or not making their way into the school environment.
Art Awareness – Jen Gerard
Jen shared that she will begin Art Awareness the second week in January. Emily Vincent will be moving so Jen has enlisted Tabitha M. unofficially to help her. Information to volunteers has been sent and they are still enlisting help for several classes: Ms. Strain, Ms. Lorch, and Ms. Dickerson’s classes. She would like to have a volunteer signup sheet at Orientation night next Fall.
Grant Writing – Karen Ahern
Karen attended a workshop and found it fascinating to listen to those who were passionate about writing grants. We must decide on a plan of what we want, be ready to show your reports on how much money you have and how much you need the company to provide. Companies such as CDH and Home Depot have given grants. Kohl’s Cares provides physical assistance with Kohl’s employees as volunteers at events. Lisa Gangi would also like to be part of a meeting to list the three biggest needs.
Spring Fundraisers – Karen Ahern
Karen is looking into Spring fundraisers for PTA. The “Fun Run” is still up in the air. Butter Braids has brought in $1800 in the past. We may have samples available at an event to advertise them. The question is how to get people involved in our fundraisers. There is a plant sale as a possibility also. The goal is to reach 50% participation of families.
Ms. Walton would like to have another conversation with board regarding Fundraiser ideas. She would like to talk about meeting the needs of our entire population at Cowlishaw.

New Business
Mrs. Purse would like to organize a run for students in March on a short term basis until the park district completes their projects. She would like to then tag-in the Fun Run and Mr. Soto. Further planning to follow.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Gineen Vargas, PTA Secretary