DellCityIndependentSchool District
District Improvement Plan / Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Dell City ISD Philosophy
2011-2012 District Educational Improvement Committee Members and Campus Improvement Team
District Goal 1
District Goal 2
District Goal 3
District Goal 4
Appendix I
Budgetary Resources
Appendix II
State Compensatory Education
Program Purpose
Appendix III
Highly Qualified
Appendix III
School Improvement Documents
Parent Notification Letters
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
DellCityIndependentSchool District
Mission Statement
A Quality Education For All
Vision Statement
Our responsibility is to provide every student with an education that prepares them for the real life challenges of the 21st century.
Core Values
- Values each child as an individual in his/her own right.
- Encourages excellence in our students' academic, cultural and athletic pursuits.
- Challenges our students, parents and the community to eliminate boundaries and focus on possibilities for learning success.
- Builds upon partnerships within the community to maintain our position as the center for educational, cultural and civic activities.
- Inspires leadership and creativity in our children and staff.
DellCity ISD Philosophy
Dell City ISD’s vision statement reflects the direction, values and goals we are striving for as we move forward. It takes into account our past, present, and future. Overall it is the common aim for everything we do from strategic planning, classroom instruction and infrastructure improvement to community outreach.
2014-2015 District/Campus Improvement Team
Fabian Gomez –Superintendent
Dr. Debra Martinez- Campus Administrator
Tracy Baeza – Elementary Teacher
Sandra Vargas – Parent Representative / Community Member
Veronica Gomez – Junior High School Teacher
Timothy Harber - High School Teacher
Robert Cedillo – Business Representative
CIP/DIP Review – November 2014
(Board of Trustee Acceptance – November 2014)
Region 19 Turn-Around Team visit for a Campus Walk-through, Training, and On-site Needs Assessment to make recommendations for a School Improvement Plan
October 8, 2014 – Addressed Focus Data Analysis, Student Level Review, On-site Needs Assessment and
Targeted Improvement Plan
This plan was revised with the intention of immediate implementation to address school improvement and the district’s academically unacceptable status. Modifications and future revisions will be developed based on a review of student’s academic progress and suggestion for the PSP, ESC Region 19 and DIP/CIP campus mentor. The district is committed to creating a systemic change and providing a quality education for all.
ESC Region #: / 19 / District Improvement PlanDistrict Goal 1
/ Stage of Intervention: / Did Not Meet StandardLEA: / Dell City ISD / Revision Date: / November 2014
Co/District #: / 115-903
All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Quantitative measures of student performance/ program improvement) / ACTIVITIES/STRATEGIES
(Initiatives planned to achieve the desired result) / RESOURCES
(Materials/supplies, fiscal, and personnel needed to implement activities) / TIMELINES
Initial (Beginning)
Interim (Formative)
Final (Summative)
for evaluation purposes
1a. Dell City ISD teachers will provide instruction by using curriculum specifically designed to cover state objectives (TEKS) and prepare students for State of TexasAssessments of Academic Readiness(STAAR™) and End of Course Exams (EOC). /
- Districtwide professional development in teaching TEKS, TAKS, STAAR, EOC strategies. ESC 19 or outside consultants.
- TEKS resource system professional development to tie curriculum objectives directly to TAKS objectives, to understand the standards and to embed the process standards. √-list 12
- Implement, as needed, research based accelerated education programs or response to interventions address the needs of all students including special populations to include small group instruction and individual instruction.
- Continue research-based math and reading program strategies to include but not limited to computer assisted programs. Teachers use grades and data to monitor progress. Parents receive copies of grades of reports and discuss their child’s progress with teachers.(TI)√-list 7
- Disaggregate and review student performance data to identify strengths and addressing areas of need, which are discussed during weekly teacher meetings (vertical alignment) and then small group meetings (horizontal alignment.)
- Plan instructional strategies for enhancing areas of strength and addressing areas of need. √-list 12
- Plan staff development that will address areas of need.
- Continue diagnostic testing to assess progress by using TEKS resource system unit test and Eduphoria.√-list 7
- Make needed curricular and instructional changes based on student progress by changing the tutorial focus, increasing the use of technology to teach objectives like Educate Online.√-list 7
- Educators will keep abreast of the development of creative and innovative techniques in instruction and administration using those techniques as appropriate to improve student learning. (TEC)
- Maintain the required 22 to 1 ratio in
- Supplemental, Research-Based instruction as sponsored by the Region 19 Turn Around Team’s professional development.(TI) These activities are monitored weekly by the campus administrator and evidence is supported by CBA.√-list 7
- Supplemental, Research-Based Social Studies and Science Instructional strategies to support CBA and supplemental STAAR/EOC test practice materials. (TI)√-list 7
- Scheduled extra time for accelerated instruction and tutorials for remediation.
- Provide research-based progress- monitoring tools, technology, and professional development around effective program implementation in the classroom. (TI) To include a locally developed online Professional Learning Community monitoring program. √-list 7
Campus administrator
Technology Coordinator
SPED Director
ESL Director
Migrant Coordinator
Region 19 ESC Turnaround Team
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI - Schoolwide (REAP)
CTE / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- Staff development agendas
- Benchmark test results at least two times per year.
- Grades
- Contact hours for Region 19 ESC Professional Development Support
- Lesson Plans
- Weekly CBA’s
- Walk-through documentation
- CBA – Curriculum Based Weekly Assessments
- Impact on targeted student performance levels.
- Local and state assessments
- Analysis of student academic assessments. (TEC)
- Student performance data disaggregated by student groups and gender. (TEC)
- Evaluation of policies and procedures to ensure a positive impact on student performance. (TEC)
- Evaluations of professional development activities to ensure a positive impact on student performance. (TEC)
1b. Continue to guide and support a process of curriculum alignment that will result in a comprehensive, well-balanced curriculum. /
- Promote vertical/horizontal articulation between and among teachers to align curriculum.
- Encourage and support vertical/horizontal articulation efforts through the C-Scope VAD and weekly teacher meetings. (The district has applied for and received a waiver from TEA to dismiss early each Wednesday for teacher professional development and opportunities to discuss student progress, strategies and instructional needs.) Conference calls, emails, and/or video conferencing follow up support from ESC Region 19 during Wednesday’s professional development times. √-list 12
- Involve students in completing their own personal graduation plans.
- Students will be encouraged and challenged to meet their full educational potential. (TEC)
- Continue to align health and P.E. curriculum emphasizing choices for healthful living with the help of the School Health Advisory Council.
- Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality CTE programs, including relevant technology.
- On-site customized instructional planning sessions for academic teams for a unit of study and monitoring support based on the TEKS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM instructional focus document –targeting math and other core areas. (DIP/CIP Strategy Region 19 – 2A)√-list 12
- Training for the campus campus administrator provided by ESC Region 19 for on-site guidance to make connections and verify the alignment between the curriculum and teachers’ interpretation through instructions by using the instructional focus document and vertical alignment document. (DIP/CIP Strategy Region 19 – 2A)√-list 12
Campus administrator
Technology Coordinator
SPED Director
Region 19 ESC Turnaround Team
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI - Schoolwide (REAP)
SE / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- Planning session agendas
- Staff development evaluations
- On-site Needs Assessment by ESC Region 19’s Turnaround Team (DIP/CIP Strategy Region 19 - 1)
- Lesson Plans
- Weekly CBA’s
Summative Evaluation:
- 100% completion of scope and sequence documents
- NCLB Compliance Report evaluation
- Analysis of student academic assessments. (TEC)
- AEIS Report -Student performance data disaggregated by student groups and gender. (TEC)
1c. Communicate to teachers the status of all students in special populations programs and strategies to prevent failure and achieve potential. /
- Districtwide professional development in knowledge of special populations programs.√-list 9
- On-site sheltered instruction training and support provided by ESC Region 19 for proper identification, assessment, instructional placement and delivery of services to ensure the academic and linguistic success of the English Language Learners. √-list 12
- Mock TAKS / STAAR/EOCtesting. √-list 8
- Plan and implement a comprehensive process for improving student performance. Strategies include using information and data from curriculum based assessments, TEKS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, Eduphoira and other computer generated data. Tutorials are based on weekly skills test, TEKS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM unit test and student performance. The main instructional strategy for tutorials addresses different learning modalities.√-list 7
- Disaggregate and review student performance data to identify strengths and areas of need.√-list 8
- Plan instructional strategies for enhancing areas of strength and addressing areas of need.√-list 12
- Continue diagnostic testing to assess progress.√-list 8
- Make needed curricular and instructional changes based on progress.√-list 8
- Evaluation of polices and procedures to ensure a positive impact on student performance. (TEC)
- Coordination of districtwide professional development activities provided through other federal, state, and local programs. (Title II, Part A)√-list 9
- Implement and monitor Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies to meet the identified needs of students. (TI)√-list 7
Campus administrator
SPED Director
ESL Director
GT Coordinator
Migrant Coordinator
Region 19 ESC Turnaround Team
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI - Schoolwide (REAP)
SE / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- Staff development agendas
- Benchmark test results at least two times per year
- Weekly CBA
- Impact on target student performance levels
- AEIS Report -Analysis of student academic assessments. (TEC)
- Evaluations of professional development activities to ensure a positive impact on student performance. (TEC)
1d. Facilitate staff development based on targeted areas from the comprehensive needs assessment. /
- Generate and utilize data from a comprehensive needs assessment that will provide focus for staff development for the next several years.√-list 9
- Plan and implement staff development for administrators, teachers, support and auxiliary personnel that addresses the needs identified in the data review.√-list 9
- Provide staff development on teaching strategies that promote learning for all students; conflict resolution; and prevention of sexual harassment.√-list 9
- Assess effectiveness of staff development through an annual survey and make needed changes. Staff development activities are transferred and being used in the classroom, which is evident through student work and observed lesson from the campus administrator’s walk-throughs.√-list 9
- Provide collaborative staff development opportunities, ie. Scheduled Wednesday Staff Development meetings.
- Provide training and subsequent resources (including supplies and materials) to implement the training on individualized instructional strategies for students identified as needing intervention. (TI)√-list 7
- Provide staff development to support the infrastructure needed for RtI implementation. (TI)√-list 9
Campus administrator
Region 19 ESC Turnaround Team
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI - Schoolwide (REAP)
SE / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- Registration for staff development sessions
- Report Cards
- On-site Needs Assessment by ESC Region 19’s Turnaround Team
- AEIS and other state assessment data
- Teacher evaluation of training
1e. Continue efforts to attract, hire, and retain highly qualified teachers resulting in 100% of teachers being state certified in their area of assignment and meet the “highly qualified: federal requirement.
NCLB Performance Goal 3:
By 2005-2006, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers. /
- Continue to provide a quality employee compensation plan and benefits for district staff.
- Recruit highly qualified and certified teachers by posting vacancies on various websites.
- Use technology to market teacher positions, to advertise benefits, and to take applications over the Internet.
- Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed, and retained. (TEC)
- Involvement and participation from teachers in determining needs for staff development and hiring (TII, Part A)
- Assist teachers not currently Highly Qualified to meet the HQ requirements in a timely manner.
- Assist with certification testing fees when determined the need exists.
- Assist teachers in attending or obtaining resources for TExES study sessions when available.
- Develop employee competencies to sustain the district’s technology goals.
- Notification to parents when child is assigned to a teacher who is not highly qualified in an understandable and uniform format in a language that the parents can understand (TI)
Campus administrator
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI – Schoolwide
NCLB / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- District salary plan
- Benefits
- Stipends
- Campus administrator Interview
- DEIC recommendations
- School Board adopted employee compensation plan and benefits
- Certified teachers employed
- Approval by school board
- Highly Qualified Report
- Campus administrator Attestation
1f. All Title I, Part A paraprofessionals with instructional duties and hired after January 8, 2002, and teaching in a program supported by Title I, Part A funds, have a high school diploma or its equivalent and meet the Title I, Part A qualifications based on their (1) completion of 2 years of education at an institution of higher education, or (2) earning an associate’s (or higher) degree, or (3) having met a rigorous standard of quality through a formal local academic assessment that assesses the knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and mathematics; or the knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness, as appropriate. /
- Recruit highly qualified and certified paraprofessionals by posting vacancies on various websites.
- Use technology to market paraprofessional positions, to advertise benefits, and to take applications over the Internet.
- Qualified and highly effective personnel will be recruited, developed, and retained. (TEC)
- Ongoing districtwide professional development training to enhance instructional competencies.√-list 9
Campus administrator
Budget Resources:
Special Population:
TI – Schoolwide
NCLB / Initial Evaluation:
- See needs assessment
- Credentials provided by the applicant
- Campus administrator Interview
- DEIC recommendations
- School Board adopted employee compensation plan and benefits
- Certified teachers employed
- Approval by school board
- Highly Qualified Report
- Campus administrator Attestation
1g. Continue to implement a systematic long-range planning process that results in exemplary student performance to the following levels: TAKS 98% passing all test with 50% commended performance, SAT 50% above 1110, ACT 50% above 20, 100% of graduates participating in Special Education meeting Individual Education Plan (IEP) requirements, 75% of graduates enrolled in post secondary studies or in military, 75% of graduates receiving distinguished or recommended diploma.
NCLB Performance Goal 5:
All students will graduate from high school. /
- Continue to provide guidance to ensure that students have support needed to succeed.
- Monitor student performance on a regular basis via report cards, test results, grade sheets, diagnostic testing, course passing rates, etc. and make targeted instructional changes for students. √-list 8
- Use information to make informed decisions about placement and tutorials as well as to develop new strategies for supporting and helping students. (TI)√-list 8
- Conduct in-district summer school for all students failing courses.√-list 16
- Provide diagnostic testing to identify students that need additional support, place students in appropriate classes, and establish tutorials for students in need. (TI)√-list 8
- Students who require related services receive the kind and amount necessary to assist the child to benefit from special education services.√-list 8
- Students receive a variety of related services based on need and integrated in the regular curriculum.
- Provide supplemental teacher, tutor, and/or substitute pay to support appropriate interventions. (TI)√-list 8
- To provide on campus support to teachers and the campus campus administrator through a mentoring program designed to provide a change agent for the district thus enabling new and effective teaching strategies to be incorporated into the teaching and learning process. The program will be based on consulting, collaborating and then coaching the math professional to discover the disconnect between the educator and the learner. √-list 12
- Increase the use of manipulative, graphing calculators, and hands-on activities in math classes through training and provided materials.√-list 9
Campus administrator
SPED Director
Assistive Technology Team
Region 19 ESC Turnaround Team
Math/Science Initiative Consultants
PSP and Mentor
Budget Resources: