
Choir is an elective class that explores different styles and periods of vocal music. Students will learn vocal techniques and music theory to further their knowledge of music.

Class Motto: Choir is family

The expectations of the classroom are:

Be in your assigned seat with your folder and pencil by the time the bell rings.

You will be counted tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings.

Please be respectful to everyone and everything within the classroom. Keep the

room neat and orderly. Please do not use the room, the practice room or

my office as your personal locker or closet.

A good attitude is a must for a successful rehearsal. The success of a choir

depends on how it rehearses.

You must try your best in all you do. An outstanding choir requires teamwork.

Please keep all food, drink and gum outside of the classroom at all times with

the exception of a water bottle. Restroom and drink breaks will not take

place during class.

All school rules apply in this classroom.


The following are consequences for not following classroom expectations.

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Removal from classroom
  3. Detention
  4. Contact Parents
  5. Office referral

Office referrals may take place immediately based upon the severity of the action.


Weekly Grades-100 pts. based on participation, teamwork, attitude and posture.

Tests/Quizzes-50 pts. which may consist of written or singing assignments.

Performances-100 pts.

It is very important for all students to be at concert and festival performances. Some performances will require traveling to an area school. This may take place during the school day or on a weekend. Attendance is required. The whole group counts on everyone within the group to be successful. All absences must be approved before performances except in cases of an emergency. Absences will result in a zero. Remember that eligibility may play a role in some events that are not graded. If you are not eligible, you will not be able to participate. A calendar of events will be given to you.


Absences from daily rehearsal will need to be made up with an assignment. The assignment will either be written or having you come in before or after school for 15 minutes per absence to work on the music. You will be responsible for your make-up assignment. You will have 3 days to make up the time or hand in written assignments after which a zero will be given for that absence.


If you have more than one unexcused tardy, a 15 minute detention will be given for each tardy. An unexcused tardy will be assessed if you are not in your seat with your folder by the time the bell rings.

Other Opportunities


KMEA District/State Choir: Auditions take place at Dodge City Middle School

. You will be required to learn three pieces of music in their entirety from which small sections are taken for the audition. The audition will take place via “blind audition” for three judges comprised of area vocal music instructors. Based on your score, you have the opportunity to make district and state choir from this audition. If you are accepted into district choir you will participate in an all day rehearsal and performance at Dodge City High School. Statewide choir will take place at the KMEA in-service workshop in Wichita in February.

Solos/Ensembles: You have the opportunity to participate at the League, Regional and

State music events with a solo or in an ensemble. Out of class rehearsals will take

place to prepare for these. You will need an accompanist to play for you. I will

help to the best of ability, but it is your responsibility to find one.


Some fees may apply throughout the year. These fees may include:

District/state audition fee if you opt out of auditioning after the registration deadline. The school has to pay for all registered to audition whether you audition or not.

Lost or damaged music. If music is left somewhere other than your folder or

slot, it is considered lost.

Choir t-shirt if the choir chooses to get one.


Please read through the above course expectations carefully. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email. I would be happy to explain anything. Also, please take the time to fill out the following. This information is for my use only. I will try to communicate upcoming events to you by email, but would love to have a phone number in case I need to talk to you in person. Remember to check out the schools website ( for upcoming events or articles about the music department. I look forward to having your child in my class.

Shara Bane

HS Vocal Music



Please sign and return by September 3, 2010.

I have read and understand the Course Expectations.


(Student Signature) (Date)


(Parent Signature) (Date)

Contact Information:

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/ Guardian E-mail: ______

Home Phone: ______