SEPTEMBER 30, 2014


Congratulations to Adam Sorrow, nominated by Mrs. Wolfe and to Jeremy Reed, nominated by Mr. Crosby on being chosen as last week’s COUGAR CHARACTER winners!!!!



1. Community Care of West Virginia – our school based healthcare offers hours on Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday.

2. CREDIT RECOVERY: We will offer credit recovery each week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Students must have a ride home at that time. Any student needing to make up a credit should see one of the counselors for an application.

3. TUTORING: The National Honor Society will again offer tutoring. The tutoring is Tuesday and Thursday mornings @ 7:00AM. Students who would like to request tutoring must see Mrs. DeBlossio by 2:00 the day before (Monday and Wednesday)

4. The Literacy Volunteers of Harrison County (LVHC) will once again sponsor Free Homework Help and Tutoring for the school season. Attached to the daily memo is a flyer with additional information.

5. The LHS Cougar Cheerleaders are sponsoring a trip to New York City on December 20 at a cost of $110 per seat. If interested please contact a cheerleader, Mandi Brown or Candi Toothman.

6. CHALLENGE PROGRAM will be here on Oct 8 to distribute monetary awards to our students. Any sophomore, junior or senior student who would like to have a chance to win the award for community service must see Mrs. DeBlossio for a form. All forms must be turned in by Tuesday, September 30.

7. PSAT EXAM: Any junior planning to take the PSAT (National Merit Exam) should register with Mrs. Decker. The cost of the test is $14.00 and it will be given at Lincoln High School on Wednesday morning, October 15, 2014.

8. YOUTH LEADERSHIP TEAM: MeetingWednesday, October 1 @ 7:00 am in Mrs. Shaulis’ room.

9. ACT MATH PREP CLASS: John Ebert will be here next Thursday at 8:30 am to speak to Jrs & Srs about his ACT Math Prep Class

10. UPWARD BOUND: A reminder to those sophomores who took Upward Bound applications, please turn them into Mr. Sharp, room 219 by the end of this week.

MENU:Lasagna, salad, mixed vegetables and breadstick

Bus duty this week: Metheney, DeBlossio, Spadafore

TUESDAY, September 30

Volleyball vs FS @ LHS 6

Girls Soccer vs FS @ LHS @ 8:00

Boys Soccer vs FS @ LHS @ 6:00

WEDNESDAY, October 1

Youth Leadership Team Meeting @ 7:00 am in Mrs. Shaulis room

THURSDAY, October 2

Lifetouch School Picture Re-Takes – 7:00 am – order blanks on the office counter

Report Cards Go Home

John Ebert here to speak about ACT Math Prep Class – approx. 30 min

Volleyball @ NM @ 6:00

Boys Soccer @ NM @ 6:00

Girls Soccer @ NM @ 8:00

FRIDAY, October 3

Fairmont Senior @ LHS @ 7:30

SATURDAY, October 4

Forest Festival Competition in Elkins

Cross Country Apple Valley @ Fairmont @ 10:30


John Ebert will be presenting an act Math Prep Class at BMS on October 14 and 15. The classes will run from 6-8 pm in the BMS LGI.

The ACT will be given on October 25 with a registration deadline of September 19. Late fees will be accepted until October 3.

Any student that wants to increase the math score on their ACT is strongly encouraged to attend.