NPLD SteeringCommittee/Seminar
Location: Assemblée Nationale, 33 rue Saint-Dominique, 7ème arrondissement de Paris.
Thursday, 30thOctober 2014
Seminar to start at 10.00 and end at 13:30
Afternoon meeting to start at 14.30
The theme of the first session will be:
A multilingual France of indigenous languages: a profile and future developments
No. / Time / Item / Paper No / Sponsor10.00 / Setting the context and purpose of the Steering Committee Seminar / Introduction / Chair/ CEO
10.05 / An overview of the linguistic profile of France / PPT / Fulup Jakez
10:20 / The current political and linguistic situation in France
- Paul MolacMember of the BretonDemocratic Union (UDB) anddeputy of the French National Assembly
- Danielle AuroiDeputy of the French National Assembly and Chair of the European Affairs Committee
11.00 / Break
11.15 / Presentation by the various language communities in France regarding the present status of their languages
- Alsace - Isabelle Schoepfer
- Corsica - Sébastien Quenot
- Occitan - Jocelyn Icart
- Basque - TBC
- Catalan – MíriamAlmarcha
- Brittany - Fulup Jakez/ Lena Louarn
- TheMosellearea - DrClaudineBrohy
12.25 / The European Charter – A view on the possible positive implications of the ratification of the Charter by the Government of France.
- Dr. Claudine Brohy.
12.50 / The Government of France and the ratification of the European Charter
- Mr. Michel Alessio
Chef de la mission Langues de France, DGLFLF
13.25 / Roundup of Discussion and action points / CHAIR/CEO
Thursday Afternoon 30thOctober 2014
Internal meeting of the Steering Committee
Location: Assemblée Nationale
14.30 - 18:15
No. / Time / Item / Paper No. / Sponsor14:30 / Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity: A presentation and discussion / SC1403-01 / MO/VCF/CEO
15:00 / A discussion on the possible new structures for NPLD (group work) / SC1403-02 / CHAIR
16.00 / Refreshments
16.15 / Completing tasks on the following issues:
- The Briefing notes for TT and SC WP 5 and 6
- Online guide for funding possibilities
- Regional events for funding possibilities.
16:45 / Quality plan and end of year evaluation- 2014 and a discussion on the full evaluation plan for early 2015 / Oral presentation
SC1403-03 / DL
17:00 / Advocacy work in Brussels:
- Roundtable events
- The Launch of the Roadmap for Linguistic Diversity
17:15 / Report to EU agency on the first 18 months of EU grant funding: An update / Verbal presentation / SEJ
17:30 / Work plan for 2015- Priority Issues / SC1403-05 / SEJ
17:45 / Financial Update
- End of 8 months Financial Report Jan – August 2014
- Bank Guarantee for EU Funding
18:00 / Minutes of the Steering Committee meeting held in Leeuwarden in June 2014 / SC1403-07 / CHAIR
18:15 / Any Other Business
- We have programmed a guided visit to the Assemblée Nationale (AN), 33 Quai d’Orsay at 08h 50 on Friday morning. Departure will be from the hotel, and time will be announced at the meeting.