30 CFR Part 46 Starter Kit with Sample Training Plan

U.S. Department of Labor

Mine Safety and Health Administration National Mine Health and Safety Academy

Instruction Series Guide IG 36

December 1999

Reprinted 2001

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30 CFR Part 46 Starter Kit With Sample Training Form

U.S. Department of Labor Elaine L. Chao


Mine Safety and Health Administration Dave D. Lauriski

Assistant Secretary

Instruction Guide Series IG 36

December 1999

Reprinted 2001

How to Use This Starter Kit

Welcome to the Part 46 Starter Kit with Sample Training Plan. This package is designed to help you develop an effective, mine-specific training program that meets the provisions of part 46.

This package is divided into eight sections. Six of the sections contain information you can copy or customize to meet your needs. You may want to put this material in a three-ring binder and keep it in your work vehicle so you will have it handy when needed.

Let=s take a brief look at each section.

Help Poster. Take a minute to look at it. The poster has useful telephonenumbersandother sources you can use to help you put a Part 46 plantogether.

Introduction. Brief review or the rule with important dates toremember.

Space for the Part 46rule.

 The Sample Training Plan contains a set of instructions and a format you may want to follow to prepare your Part 46 Training Plan. Be sure to review the first four pages in this section before starting to put your plan together.

Space for your trainingplan.


The MSHA Training Material List describes a variety of training materialsindifferent formats that can help experienced and novice trainers produce effective and interesting programs. All of the items on the list are available from the National Mine Health and Safety Academy and an order form is included for your convenience. If you are an inexperienced trainer, you may want to order a copy of the Part 46 Instructor Guide With Lesson Plans (IG 37) from theAcademy.

The Sample Training Records/Certificates section provides some forms for you touseto track your part 46 work. These forms cover each of the five categories of part 46 training.

You can get additional assistance in developing your part 46 program byconsultingthepeople listed in the Educational Field Services Contacts and State Grants Contacts sections of this package. They are experienced trainers who can helpyou.


Help Poster Introduction 1

Miners=Rights...... 3

Space for Part 46 Rule

Developing a TrainingPlan...... 5

SamplePlanInstructions...... 7

SampleTrainingPlan...... 9

Space for Your Training Plan MSHA Training Materials List

Videotapes...... 43

Training Materials...... 44

Instructional Guides...... 45

Safety Manuals...... 46

Order Form...... 47

Sample Training Records

New Miner TrainingRecord/Certificate...... 49

Newly-Hired Experienced MinerTrainingRecord/Certificate...... 51

New Task TrainingRecord/Certificate...... 53

Annual Refresher TrainingRecord/Certificate...... 55

Site-Specific Hazard AwarenessTrainingRecord/Certificate...... 57

Educational FieldServices Contacts...... 59

State GrantsContactInformation...... 67


The part 46 training rule requires shell dredging, sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, and surface limestone mines to have a training plan approved by us (MSHA).

By October 2, 2000, you (mine operator and independent contractor) must have an approved training plan developed and implemented. The training plan must address all the elements of training that miners must receive. This includes training for:


newly-hired experiencedminers;


annual refresher;and

site-specific hazardawareness

By March 30, 2001, miners who were working before March 30, 2000, must have completed their initial annual refresher training. Miners hired after March 30, 2000, must receive their annual refresher training no later than 12 months after being hired.

A training plan that contains the following information is approved:

Company and minename(s);

MSHA mine identification number(s) or independentcontractoridentification number(s);

The name and position of the person designated by you who is responsibleforthehealth and safety training at themine;

A general description of the teachingmethods;

The course materials that are to be used in the training program,includingthesubject areas to becovered;

The approximate time to be spent on each subjectarea;

A list of the persons and/or organizations who will provide the training, and the subject areas in which each person and/or organization is competent to instruct; and

The evaluation procedures used to determine the effectiveness oftraining.

Remember, you do not need to send your training plan to MSHA for approval. A training plan is considered approved if it contains the required information as listed in Section 46.3(b).

Under Part 46 Miners Are Given the Following Rights and Responsibilities Pertaining to Training Plans

The miners or their representatives must be notified when a plan is submitted by a mine operator to an MSHA Regional Manager for approval. Miners and their representatives may also request review and approval of the plan by the Regional Manager, and must notify the production-operator or independent contractor of such request [Section 46.3(c)].

The miners=representative, if any, must be provided with a copy of the plan at least 2 weeks before the plan is implemented or submitted to the MSHA Regional Manager for approval. At mines where no miners= representative has been designated, a copy of the plan must be posted at the mine or provided to each miner at least 2 weeks before the plan is implemented or submitted to the Regional Manager for approval [Section 46.3(d)].

Within 2 weeks following the receipt or posting of the training plan, miners or their representatives may submit written comments on the plan to the operator, or to the MSHA Regional Manager, as appropriate [Section 46.3(e)].

The miners or their representatives must be notified by MSHA of the approval, or status of the approval, of the training plan within 30 days after the date on which the operator submitted the training plan for approval or the date on which a miner or miners=representative requested approval of the plan [Section 46.3(f)].

The miners=representative, if any, must be provided with a copy of the approved plan within 1 week after approval. At mines where no miners= representative has been designated, a copy of the plan must be posted at the mine or provided to each miner within 1 week after approval [Section 46.3(g)].

If miners or miners= representatives wish to appeal a decision of the MSHA Regional Manager, they must send the appeal, in writing, to the Director for Educational Policy and Development, MSHA, 4015 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22203, within 30 days after notification of the Regional Manager's decision. The Director will issue a decision within 30 days after receipt of the appeal [Section 46.3(h)].

A copy of the current training plan must be made available at the mine for examination by miners and their representatives. If the training plan is not maintained at the mine, the operator must have the capability to provide the plan within 1 business day upon request of miners or their representatives [Section 46.3(i)].

For additional information, you may also refer to the MSHA Guide to Miners=Rights and Responsibilities Under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (OT-2).

Developing a Training Plan

Your plan may be in any format, so long as it includes all the required information and describes how the miners will be trained. Training plans can be hand-written, typed, or generated on a computer. Also, we will have available on our website ( a program that will electronically walk you through the steps of developing a training plan. You can use whatever format works best for your operation.

The sample forms in this section are strictly optional. We are making them available as just one way you might put together your training plan. You may decide to use the entire sample plan or you might select certain sections to enhance the program you already have in place.


This sample training plan covers all the required topics under part 46. If you complete these materials thoughtfully with regard to your own operation, you will have an approved training plan. Space is provided for each of the required subjects. We have also provided options for teaching methods, course materials and evaluation procedures, and a place to list your estimated teaching time for each subject so that you can customize the plan to meet your specific needs. If additional pages are needed for other subjects or tasks, you may make copies from this package. If the information you provide is complete and correct, you will be in compliance with the plan requirements for part 46.

If you need assistance completing the training plan, you may contact Educational Field Services (see list of educational field services contacts in this starter kit), MSHA District Offices, or an MSHA State Grants Program (see list of grantees in this starter kit).

If you choose to send a training plan to us, please use the appropriate following address (see map below):

Eastern Regional Manager Educational Field Services 1301 Airport Road

Beaver, West Virginia 25813-9426 Phone:1-800-678-6746


Western Regional Manager Educational Field Services

P.O. Box 25367

Denver, Colorado 80225-0367


If a plan does not include the required minimum information listed in the rule, you must submit the plan to the appropriate Regional Manager, Educational Field Services Division, for approval.

Sample Plan Instructions

Training Programs

Under each subject listed in your plan, check the teaching methods, course materials, and evaluation procedures that apply. If a subject does not apply to your mine or operation, indicate this by checking Anot applicable@ in the block for that subject. Instructions for completing the subject blocks in all the training programs are as follows:


Indicate the approximate number of hours and/or minutes that will be spent on each subject within each training program. The time may be a single amount, such as, 45 minutes; or a range of times, such as, 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Teaching Methods

Indicate the method by which each subject is to be taught. Some of the more common methods include:

 Lecture

 Discussion (normally used with other methods)

 Audiovisual

 Demonstration (often used when teaching skills)

 Site tour (walk around tours of the work environment)

 Computer

 Games (good for annual refresher and for evaluations)

 Practice (used when teaching and evaluating skills)

Course Training Materials

Indicate the materials that will be used for each subject. Some places where you can get training materials include:

MSHA=s National Mine Health and Safety Academy in Beckley, West Virginia (refer to the Catalog of Training Products for the Mining Industry)

 State grantees

 Trade associations

Not-for-profit groups (e.g., National Safety Council; American Society of Safety Engineers)

 Insurance carriers

Evaluation Procedures

Several procedures are available for evaluating the retention and understanding of the trainee. Some examples of evaluation procedures include:

 Oral or written examination

 Demonstrated performance

 Observation of trainee reactions and understanding

 Participation in discussions and activities

General Information (Cover Sheet) / Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Competent persons or organizations and subject areas each is competent to instruct

[Section 46.3(b)(4)]:














Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ ___Contractor ID _ _ __

New Miner Training Program (Section 46.5) / Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each new miner will receive no less than 24 hours of training [Section 46.5(a)]. Miners who have not received the full 24 hours of new miner training will work under the observation of an experienced miner.

A.Each new miner will receive the following training before the miner begins work. This training will be no less than 4 hours and will also address site-specific hazards [Section 46.5(b)]:

1.Introduction to work environment [Section46.5(b)(1)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback

 site tour

 other

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

2.Recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards and other hazards, such as traffic patterns and control, mobile equipment, and ground conditions [Section46.5(b)(2)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback

 lockout devices

 site tour

 other

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

3.Emergency medical procedures; escape and emergency evacuation plans; firewarning signals and firefighting procedures [Section46.5(b)(3)]

Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:




 escape and emergency evacuation plans

Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 site tour

 other

 firewarning signals and firefighting procedures

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

4.Health and safety aspects of the tasks to be assigned [Section 46.5(b)(4)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual

 practice under close observation Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 site tour

 other

 safe work procedures

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

5.Statutory rights of miners and their representatives [Section46.5(b)(5)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 1977 Mine Act Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 other

 company rules

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

6.Authority and responsibilities of supervisors and miners=representatives [Section 46.5(b)(6)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 1977 Mine Act Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 other

 company rules

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

7.Introduction to rules and procedures for reporting hazards [Section46.5(b)(7)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 1977 Mine Act

 company rules Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 other

 mine communication system

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

B.After each new miner begins work, the miner will receive the following training within 60 days [Section46.5(c)].

1.Self-rescue and respiratory devices [Section46.5(c)(1)]

This subject is:  applicable  not applicable


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback

 observation


 other

 training devices

 applicable regulations

 other

 fit test

 other

2.First aid [Section46.5(c)(2)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 other

 first aid supplies

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

C.After each new miner begins work, the miner will receive the balance, if any, of the 24 hours of training on any other subjects that promote occupational health and safety for miners at the mine within 90 days [Section46.5(d)].

If other subjects will be taught based on circumstances or conditions at the mine, the AYes@box should be checked and a completed AOther Subject(s)@page for each attached.

 Yes  No

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ ___Contractor ID _ __

Section 46.5

C. Other Subject(s)

Subject Title: [Section 46.5(d)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 site tour

 other

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ ___Contractor ID _ __

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program
(Section 46.6) / Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each newly-hired experienced miner will receive the following training [Section 46.6(a)]. As specified below, some of the training will be given before the miner begins work; while the balance of the required training will be given within 60 days after work begins.

A.Each newly-hired experienced miner will receive the following training before the miner begins work. This training will also address site-specific hazards [Section46.6(b)]:

1.Introduction to work environment [Section46.6(b)(1)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback

 site tour

 other

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

2.Recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards and other hazards, such as traffic patterns and control, mobile equipment, and ground conditions [Section46.6(b)(2)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:



 vendor/manufacturer Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback

 site tour

 other

 lockout devices

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

3.Emergency medical procedures; escape and emergency evacuation plans; firewarning signals and firefighting procedures [Section46.6(b)(3)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual Course Training Materials:




 escape and emergency evacuation plans

Evaluation Procedures:

 oral feedback

 written feedback


 site tour

 other

 firewarning signals and firefighting procedures

 applicable regulations

 other

 observation

 other

4.Health and safety aspects of the tasks to be assigned [Section 46.6(b)(4)]


_ _ hours


_ _ hours

_ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:

 lecture


 audiovisual

 practice under close observation Course Training Materials:

