Sukkot-October 13,14, &15, 2011
Due to recent water related damage there will be nonon-davening related activities at YIH this Shabbos.
The basement is completely closed safety for safety reasons
All davening will continue as scheduled
This week’s announcements are sponsored by:
Peninsula Wine and Liquor (516) 374-0900
Gotta Get a Bagel (516) 569-6628
Wednesday, October 12, 2011-Erev sukkot
Mincha 6:13 pm
Candle Lighting 6:03pm
Thursday,OCTOBER 13, 2011-1st DAY SUKKOT
C. Hirchler Hashkama 7:30 am
Shacharit 9:00 am
Shiur 5:45pm
Mincha 6:13 pm
Light Candles after 7:00 pm
Friday, october 14, 2011-2nd day sukkot
C. Hirchler Hashkama 7:30 am
Shacharit9:00 am
Shiur 5:40 pm
Mincha 6:09 pm
Light Candles at 5:59pm
C. Hirchler Hashkama 7:30 am
Shacharit 9:00 am
Shiur5:30 pm
Mincha 5:59pm
Shabbat ends 6:47pm
Daily Minyanim Week of october 16, 2011
Shacharit –
Monday, Tuesday & Weds6:20am
Mincha 6:05pm
Please keep Anne Meisels, Chana Lea bat Gittel,
Yolanda Herskowits, Yita bat Chaya Esther
Sam Mezrahi’s father David ben Malka
The semiannual membership meeting will held on Wednesday October 26th at 7 pm.
Agenda will include but is not limited to:
High Holiday and Sukkot Holiday review
Building status review
Budget Review
Thank you to all the members and guests who pledged this year’s appeals. All donors to the Kol Nidre appeal will be listed on our appeal board which will remain in the lobby through the end of the month.
The Kol Nidre cards for the SKA minyan appeal were late in arriving and were not available for during the appeal. The fundraising committee will be sending out a letter to members and their guests to give them an opportunity to be included in this appeal.
A complete report for both appeals will be presented at the upcoming semi- annual membership meeting.
The eruv appeal is ongoing. Thank you the following families for your contribution: Michelle & Robert Appel, Tammy & Jeffrey M. Bernstein, Sara & Simeon Blitman,
Lemor & Murry Englard,Vicki Fishof,Carol & Irwin Goodman, Susan & David Green, Anita & Samuel Koren, Bonnie & Stuart Kotler, Shirley & Edward Lieberstein, Caryn Liebman, & Ron Markovitz.
There was yet another problem with the post office… some of the responses that were mailed back to shul were returned to sender because there was insufficient information on the mailing address. A second mailing will be sent out next week with a corrected address.
Erev News
The Eruv is fully functioning.
Pre Bar Mitzvah Shiur with Rabbi Blumstein for boys ages 11 and 12.Thursday nights at 7:45pm.For more information please call the shul office 516.295.2282
Shul Sukkah Open for Members use
This year we will have tables and chairs (weather permitting)in the Sukkah to afford all of our members who may not have their own Sukkah a place to eat during this very festive Yom Tov. We will have the lights on a timer to go off at midnight each day. The Sukkah will be available to any congregant on a first come first serve basis. Please contact the shul office to make sure there is space for you and your family.
Sukkot Kiddush Sponsors
The shul is looking for Kiddush sponsors for sukkot.
For more information see Adam Schwartz or Sam Mezrahi
Thank you to the families who have already sponsored:
Main shul: Ann & Allan Roffe, Ian Ausubel, Jana & Saul Brooks, Tammy & Jeffery M. Bernstein, Vicki Fishof
Hashkama Kiddush: Scott Wagman, Stephen Krown, Harold Verschleiser, Ira Schechter, Dan Kaufman, Jules Beck, Sam Merzhi
Simchat Torah Candy Bag Sponsors
Thank you to Coby, Rafaella and Levi Agamie for their partial sponsorship of the candy bags for their friends at YIH and the Young Israel of Hewlett Sisterhood for their partial sponsorship of our candy bags. Additional partial sponsorship opportunities are available. Interested members who would like to bepartial sponsors please call the shul office at 516-295-2282.
Chassanim and Eishet Chayil Honorees
The Ritual Committee is pleased to announce this year's Chassanim and Aishes Chayel Honorees. All are deserving of recognition and we are thankful for the contributions they have made to our Shul.
Chassan Torah: Yehoshua Dure
Chassan Breishis: Stephen Krown
Chassan Maftir: Ron Markowitz
Aishet Chayel Awardee: Rebbitzin Mimi Blumstein
Annual Sukkah Hop (family event)
Shul Members travel from Sukkah to Sukkah in celebration of Sukkot Holiday
Shabbos October 3:00-6:00 pm
Thank you to our host families:
1) Jodi & Jason Spitzer 1269 Westervelt Place(right off of Mill Rd.) 3:00 - 3:30
2) Amy & Ivan Goodstein165 Harris Ave. (right off of Peninsula Blvd.) 3:40 - 4:10
3) Leah & Jack Diamond178 Harris Ave.(across the street) 4:15 - 4:45
4) Gila & Adam Schwartz50 Bergman Dr. (off of Kew Ave.) 5:00 - 5:30
For more information please contact Amy Goodstein:
4th Annual Men’s Night Out in the Shul Sukkah (men only)
Annual YIH softball award ceremony and end of the year event
Sunday October 16 8:00pm
$18 shul members
For more information please contact Neal Ben Dayan:
Artragous (Youth event)
Tuesday October 18 3:30-5:30 pm
Paint ceramics at Artrageous in Rockville Centre.
Parents have to drop off and pick up their children. Under 5 requires adult companion
For more information please contact Michele Goldstein:
Smichat Beit Hashoeva (family event)
Home of Rabbi and Rebbitzen Blumstein, 45 Centre Street, Woodmere, NY
Tuesday, October 18 7:30-9:30 pm
No charge. Open to all Shul members and their guests
Everyone is invited to sing, dance, eat and have a good time!
For more information please contact the shul office 516-295-2282
Youth Hakafot (youth event)
Young Israel of Hewlett Social Hall
Thursday October 20 7:30-8:30 pm
Open to all Children and their parents
Everyone is invited to come and sing and dance with the Torahs
For more information please contact Michele Goldstein:
Family Smichat Torah luncheon/Youth Luncheon and Entertainment program
Family Luncheon Approximately 1 pm in the social hall
$7/per adult (13 & older) $3( per child 12-5) no charge (4 and under)
Please e-mail Ivan Goodstein @ or call 516.569.4146
Youth Luncheon approximately 12 noon in the social hall no charge
(Parental supervision required for children five and under)
Youth entertainment program approximately 1 pm no charge
(Parental supervision required for children five and under)
Peninsula Wine and Liquor,208 Franklin Place,Woodmere, NY 11598,
Will be offering a 10% discount to Young Israel of Hewlett Members
Bring the flyer you received in the mail to redeem.
Care for those in need
On behalf of the Shul, UJA, and most importantly the JCC Five Towns Kosher Food Pantry, I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you! Your generosity certainly paid off when we walked into the lobby and found the pail overflowing with donations. Wow! We are going to be continuing our efforts on behalf of the Food Pantry for a while longer. They are always in need of non-perishable items, and right now they are very short on the following items: kid friendly items: juice boxes, snacks, cereals, macaroni & cheese, and paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, shampoo, toothpaste (travel size is fine).The pail is empty and waiting to get full again. When you come to shul this week and next week, please remember those less fortunate than you and please bring some items and place them in the pail located in the Shul lobby. What a wonderful mitzvah for our children! If anyone is interested in making a financial donation, please don't hesitate to contact me at: 516-569-4146.
Thank you again for your continued support and I wish you all a Chag Sameach!
Amy Goodstein
Long Island Growers Marketat Grant Park in Hewlett, NY. The Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools Endowment Fund
brought a farmers market to Grant Park. The farmers market is located at Grant Park’s Upper Parking lot. It will be there
EVERY Friday until November 19, 2011 from 8AM to 1PM
Marion Blumenthal Lazan, YIH member and author of the “Four perfect pebbles”
Will speak in our shul about her experiences during the Shoah
Kristallnacht 2011, Wednesday night, November 9, 2011
Help Wanted
Young Israel of Hewlett is looking for an assistant youth director candidates. The Assist youth primary responsibilities will be running the youth minyan and organizing
of youth sports program. Candidates must be able to both daven and lain & teach davening and laining as well. Sports activities but little league baseball and recreational
basketball. If you’re interested please e-mail your resume and salary requirements to .
Monday – Friday at 6:00 a.m. - Gemara with Dr. David Wiseman
Tuesday Night at 8:00 p.m. – Chumash with Rabbi Blumstein
Tuesday Night at 8:45pm-9:30pm-Refresher course in Hebrew reading and bible basics
Thursday Night-7:45pm-8:30-Pre Bar-Mitzvah class, boys 11-13, at the home of Rabbi Blumstein
Thursday Night at 8:45p.m.-Gemara and Cholent at the home of Rabbi Blumstein
Shabbat mornings at 8:30 a.m. - Gemara with Rabbi Blumstein
Parsha Chabura immediately following Hashkama with Dr. Wiseman
Navi Shoftim on Shabbat afternoon 30 minutes before Mincha – Rabbi Blumstein
Please visit the Shul Calendar for a complete listing of events at
Rabbi Blumstein is available for private consultation by appointment by calling 516 668 6554 or by email at