From: Ravi Malik <>
Subject: agi, VIP ref, PQ
To: ......
Date: Saturday, 9 February, 2013, 11:25 AM
Dear friends,
good morning.
1. Our officers are afraid of Conduct Rules on a few places and apprehended of acceptance of resignationson a few placesas per a few mails sent by them. Friends, the agitational programme is declared "only to observe" without being worried of Conduct Rules or a job on account of which we are already facing all the disgraces, disrespects and degradations. The actual acceptance of our resignations is really a better option for us, if we have to face the continuous insult in every aspect throughout our career & life under CBEC. However; it is reiterated that even asingleresignation is never accepted whentendered under protest. So, kindly don't get worried as the question of acceptance of such resignations on mass level never arises. Evenmore, we shall always have the opportunity to withdraw our resignation within 3 months of its submission as per rules. Friends, we have to be bold enough to follow the programme to give the required message to the authorities. It will be even more insulting, if we are unable to follow the programme due to our mental weakness or any apprehension.All are requested not to place this mail on any site, otherwise the weakness of our officers will become public.
2. As far as the apprehension of Conduct Rules is concerned, it is their work to issue such letters. We should concentrate on our work, let them do their work. If we are afraid ofConduct Rules or any other action, we can never observe any agitational programme. If we are only interested to observe the agitational programme without reflecting Conduct Rules, that shows our weakness. However, none of the steps of our programme will reflect Conduct Rules. Let them say anything, but they also know that "work to rule" or boycott of any function (attending any function is not included in our official work/duties) or bearing black badges without stopping work or peaceful lunch hour protest without hindering work or Satyagraha in the Gandhian manner (to follow any path shown by the Father of the Nation never falls in the category of any misconduct reflecting any Conduct Rule) or to submit resignation never reflects Conduct Rules. I was keen to observe the mass casual leave programme prior to observing the mass resignation and also discussed the same with the Chair but the same couldn't be materialised perhaps due to the apprehension of the Chair that a few of our officers are always afraid of Conduct Rules at the time of following any agitational programme because mass casual leave shall reflect the Conduct Rules. He, however, didn't disclose his feelings at that time. Friends, we can never take any agitational programme so easily as per our convenience that we want to observe light things like boycott of Excise dayfunctionbut are afraid of bigger programmes. All are requested not to take anything in person but we have to be strong enough to observe the programme to give due message to the authorities. However keeping in view the apprehension of a few of our officers, the language of the resignation letter will be in the form of 3 month notice which may bewithdrawn anytime before completion of 3 months. The format of the same will be sent very soon. So dear friends; we have to observe each step of the programme in all united manner, if we really want the recognition of our importance by the authorities.
3. I also came to know that "work to rule" step in relation of revenue mobilisation work is not being followed on a few places. All of the units are again requested to follow the programme seriously instead of name sake. We have to understand that none other will come for our rescue or work for us, if we ourselves are not serious for us.Otherwise, we should forget the word "agitation" and keep continued to lead the life like slaves.
4. The copies of the letters written by Sh. Zafar Ali Naqvi, the Hon'ble Member of Parliament, to the PM & FM regarding our promotional avenues are attached herewith.He is also taking up the issue in person.
5. The copy of the letter written by Sh. Sriprakash Jaiswal, the Hon'ble Minister of Coal, forwarding our representations to the FM regarding our promotional avenues & pay matteris also attached herewith. Both the issues are being taken up in our Board. They asked for some relevant papers in relation of pay matter which havealready been provided to them.
6. A few draft PQ's are also attached herewith. All are requested to get the same raised by the known M.P.'s in Parliament. All are also requested to get our cause forwarded to the PM & FM by maximum number of MP's after procuring the relevant matter from AIB.
7. It is being learnt that the reply already sent to the FMO in r/o cadre restructuring is being amended in more effective manner.