Minutes of Meeting held18October 2017 / Friends of Duns Primary School
Date of Meeting / 18October 2017
/ Friends of Duns Primary School MeetingVenue and Time
/ Duns Primary School 6.15pmParticipants
/ Pauline Heron, Julie Chalmers-Mckenzie, Sandra Dewar, Morag Myers, Sharon Cleghorn, Wanda Field, Victoria Tait, Lynne Bryce, Audrey Anderson, Gayle Clark, Fiona Lawson, Lesley Rosher, Sara Steady, Ashleigh Wright, Laura Wilkinson, Leanne Stewart, Susan WightApologies
/ Ann Lindsay, Debbie Knighton, Mo Lamond, Katie Massie, Heather Borthwick, Jacqui Bennett, Ian Stark, Kirsten SharpChairperson
/ Julie Chalmers-MckenzieMinutes Prepared by
/ Morag Myers /Action
Parent Liaison GroupThis was set up approx. 18 months ago because the majority of the FDPS meetings were taken up by events. Looked at reading resources last year and is a really good way for parents to get involved in what improvements can and are being made within the school. Leanne and Julie have proposed that perhaps it would be good for the parent class reps to be involved in this. Meeting on 06 Nov 2.30pm at the school for those who can make it (Leanne will send out an invite). Also discussed other ways to encourage parents to come into the school (perhaps on a Friday).
Library Sub-Committee
Started to catalogue the books. Still waiting on shelves. Provisional list of what is needed drafted. Wind farm application required to be in by the end of the month. Shelving at Kelso high school that can be obtained – if not suitable for the library area will be used elsewhere.
Class Reps
Class reps for all classes except for P1F, P6M and P6/7B. If you are interested in being a class rep for one of these classes please contact Julie or email
For reps already allocated, Julie will draft up some guidance and will organize a meeting with the parent reps and Leanne (06 November). Will then communicate to all parents.
Halloween Disco
Disco 1 Nursery – P3 Disco – 6.00pm-7.00pm
Disco 2 P4-P7 – 7.30pm -8.30 pm
Helper allergic to latex. Discussed as only decoration really balloons due to not being able to fix things to walls. Vicky to speak to her and pass to her to decide as to whether she still helps or we find an area with no balloons to help at.
Everything in hand.
All: Keep receipts for anything that you buy and preferably bring to Lesley on the night.
Set-up and helpers
Still need a few more helpers. Agreed it would be nice for all helpers to dress up if possible. Mr Maunder and Mr Reid will help on the night.
Helpers for each session so far:
Set-up (from 1pm)
Mo Lamond
Mo Myers
Julie Chalmers-Mckenzie
Lesley Rosher
Lynne Bryce
Pauline Heron
Fiona Lawson
Katie Massie (later)
1st Disco (arrive 5.30pm for 6.00-7.00)
Laura Wilkinson
Heather Boyes
Susan Wight (first aider)
Tracey Dodd
Kerry Renton
Gordon Mckenzie
Lesley Rosher (+ Abby)
Finlay Chalmers-Mckenzie (S1)
Debbie Knighton
Fiona Lawson
Pauline Heron (+ Hazel)
Sara Steady
Robyn Steady
Mo Myers (+ Niamh)
Lorraine Glasgow
2nd Disco (arrive 7.00 for 7.30-8.30 + tidy up)
Laura Wilkinson
Gayle Clark
Heather Borthwick
Susan Wight (first aider)
Kerry Renton
Sandra Dewar
Gordon Mckenzie
Lesley Rosher (+ Abby)
Katie Massie (possible)
Kirsten Bennett (S2)
Poppy White (S2)
Finlay Chalmers-Mckenzie (S1)
Pauline Heron
Mo Myers
Sharon Cleghorn
Sarah Williams
Wanda Field
Dev Field
Stewart Myers
Jamie Crawford
Sarah Stark
If you are able to help then please get in touch. Please contact Julie or email
Allsorts Access and Path at side of school
Mr Maunder liaising with council to try and get path put in to access Allsorts. If not possible then Allsorts will raise within their committee meeting. Also buzzer not working. Path at side of school with steps raised again regarding getting a ramp put in. Leanne confirmed that a ramp wouldn’t be installed as it would encourage the children to ride down the path and onto the road.
Mathletics Update
Mathletics training planned for teachers end Nov with a hope to launch it December for older children.
HT School Improvement Discussion
Leanne has a school improvement plan to write based on previous year. Leanne shared with everyone a handout detailing the key priorities for 2017/2018 which will feature in the school improvement plan. Leanne would like the Parent Liaison group to look at this plan and help produce a parent-friendly version of what is in the plan.
Leanne also covered current staffing/recruitment.
Xmas Fayre
23 Nov. Currently have 31 stalls with enough tables from volunteer hall and church. If more stalls then need more tables. Vicky to ask Gavinton and could also use tables upstairs in school. Will need to arrange for tables to be transported to the school. Vicky has a horsebox that could be used to transport tables from elsewhere if required.
Tombola – dress down Friday (16 Nov) where kids can bring in Tombola prize in exchange for dressing down. Leanne will bring in boxes for the class teachers to store items. Gayle offered to come in and check through items (either on the Friday or Monday with Audrey).
Canteen would like to have a tea/coffee/cake stand as well as serving hot food. Audrey confirmed they are happy to donate 20%of profit back to FDPS. Will need a couple of helpers on the night.
Mo to complete form for hall and ensure other bookings are aware.
Xmas Concerts
P1-2 Nativity (Silver Collecton), P6-7 panto and P3-5 Carols for curtains in December. Proposed prices of £3 entry or £10 for family ticket. Proceeds are for curtains for the school hall/stage.
Price will include mince pie/shortbread/non-alcoholic mulled wine.
Fashion Show/Next Fundraiser
Fashion Show
Valentines Disco
Treasurer’s Update
FDPS had £5,000 in the bank at the end of last session, but wehad a number of items still to pay:
- £ 700 towards the cost of the P7 drama workshop. This is a great workshop for the kids transitioning to high school.
- £ 400 to cover the Xmas books which are given out to each child
- £ 700 towards Mathletics
- £ 400 Xmas books for this year
-£1,500 for Bookbug
AOB – is it required?
Would rather items are on agenda ahead of meeting. Agreed that would be better to change to ‘Items for next meeting’.
Next Meeting / Pauline/Sharon
For Xmas Fair: Monday 13 November 2017 ca 18.15 in School / All members and parents