Animal Report Poster


Create an animal poster with the information you have gathered. Make sure your animal is clearly visible. Be creative but remember to be neat, organized, and proof read your work.

Things to Consider:

What’s my Animal?

Everything you put on your poster relates to a carefully crafted message.

  • You must be able to state youranimalinformation clearly
  • All visuals and text should relate to your animal.

How much room do I have?

Before you glue or write anything permanent, look at your poster and determine:

  • What information can you fit on it?
  • What information if any can you leave out?
  • What layout will your poster have – landscape vs. portrait orientation?
  • How will things be organized?

Animal Report Poster Rubric

Score 1 / Score 2 / Score 3 / Score 4 / Self-Score
Research / Made little or no effort / Made some effort to gather information / Effectively gathered information on their animal / In addition to score 3 performance, student shows ‘in-depth’ research and goes beyond what was expected
Poster Information / Made little to no effort to add information to poster / Made some effort to display information to poster / Student effectively displayed with at least 7 of the 9 categories listed below:
  • Animal name and classification
  • What does your animal look like and any obvious adaptation
  • What does your animal eat? Who are its enemies?
  • How does it defend itself?
  • Where does it live – its biome?
  • Is it endangered?
  • How does it move around?
  • How does it reproduce?
  • Anything special about your animal?
PLUS: Referenceswritten neatly and cited correctly displayed on the back of the poster. / Effectively displayed information from score 3 with deep understanding of animal – an expert. Student’s animal information goes beyond the information from score 3.
Poster Presentation - visual / Illegible, Messy / Almost illegible / Organized, neat, and pleasing to the eye with visuals / Extremely organized, neatly written with appropriate visuals that assist understanding of the topic
Conventions / Many spelling and grammatical errors / A few errors / Only one or two errors / Spelling and grammar perfect
References / No references / A single reference, incomplete citation / Several references with appropriate citations / Many references, listed in appropriate format
Time Line / Over a week late / A week late / A day or two late / Handed in on time

**Grades are as follows: 4=A+ 3= A2.5= B 2= C 1= D