St Johns Medical Centre
St Johns Road,
WA14 2NW
Tel: 0161 928 5522
Fax: 0161 929 8550
Welcome To
This booklet tells you about the practice and the services that we offer. We hope that you find it both helpful and informative and we suggest that you keep it in a safe place for future reference. Our aim is to provide an efficient service, delivered by a team of dedicated professionals.
The practice is fully computerised and we are registered under the Data Protection Act 1984.
This booklet lists the services we provide and the procedures we ask you to follow to ensure the smooth running of the practice.
Monday - Friday 7.30am - 19.00pm (1 day open until 20:00)
Reception staff will be available 08:00 to 18:30 to deal with your queries either face to face at the reception desk or via the phone system.
The surgery can offer extended hours, early morning and late evening appointments.
Dr Deborah J Marsh MB ChB DRCOG MRCGP DFFP (Qualified Leeds 1989)
Dr Jane P Allred MB ChB MRCGP DRCOG DFFP (Qualified Manchester 1978)
Dr Marik Sangha MB ChB MRCGP (Qualified Manchester 1992)
Dr Nigel P Lord MB ChB MRCGP (Qualified Sheffield 1991)
Dr Rebecca V Bell MB ChB MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH (Qualified Sheffield 2003)
Dr Thomas Earnshaw MB ChB MRCGP DRCOG (Qualified Sheffield 1998)
Dr Scott Pearson MB ChB BSC MRCGP (Qualified Warwick 2007)
Dr Christopher Pughe MB ChB MRCS DRCOG (Qualified Manchester 1995)
Dr Anya E Leaver MB ChB DRCGP (Qualified Sheffield 1996)
Dr A Mottram MB ChB MRCGP (Qualified Liverpool 1991)
Dr A MacDonald MRCGP DRCOG MRCP MBBS (Qualified London 2002)
Practice Manager Ian Sadler
Assistant Practice Manager Sandra Walton
Nurse Practitioner Maria McDonnell
Practice Nurses Sister Ann Tracey Sister Janice Kreissl
Sister Vicky Nathoo Sister Emma Green
Healthcare Assistant Deborah Davies
Head Receptionist Laura Russell
Reception Team Amanda Window Anne Taylor Beverley Riley Katie Russell Linda Humphreys Lindsey Franklin Lynn Steele Sue Thorniley Grazia Norris Marlies Armstrong
Secretaries Alison Bayliff Lyn Nurse Tracey Varley
Administration Lynnette Johnson Ann Jeacock William Dempsey
During normal surgery hours appointments can be made by ringing the surgery number and choosing option 1.
Routine Appointments can be booked up to six weeks in advance by telephoning the normal surgery number. All the doctors hold surgeries by appointment; urgent cases will be seen on the same day by the duty doctor, but to offer this service, you will need to be flexible regarding the appointment time; otherwise you will be offered the first available appointment.
Please arrive promptly to avoid inconvenience to other patients. Patients who do arrive late may be asked to re-book their appointment.
We lose a great deal of appointment time each week to patients who don't cancel their appointments, or do not attend at all.
If you need to cancel your appointment please give us at least 1 hours notice if possible. This means your appointment time can be offered to another patient.
Appointments can be cancelled by pressing option 3.
We also offer 5 minute telephone consultations, which can be booked with a doctor.
Messages can be left for GP's (if they are urgent) via the Appointments / Administration Team using option 1.
Please note that our secretaries are only available between 10am – 3pm.
Urgent messages for the practice nurses and other staff can be left via reception using option 1.
If the matter is not urgent, please either write or email the practice.
Our email address is:
The practice nurses can be seen from 8.30am to 6.15pm by appointment Monday to Friday and are able to provide the following services. They have all undertaken specialist training in chronic disease management (i.e. diabetes, asthma, COPD and CHD, injections (including holiday vaccinations), well person checks, stop smoking advice, smears, dietary advice (including weight loss and cholesterol lowering), general advice on minor health problems and blood pressure checks.
Patients who arrive late may be asked to re-book their appointment.
Ian Sadler
Ian Sadler is responsible for the management of the practice. He is happy to discuss any difficulties you may have and welcomes your comments on the service we provide.
Our receptionists are trained to take essential details sympathetically and in complete confidence. They are able to help with appointments and give information on the facilities available.
The doctors do home visits under certain circumstances. Please telephone before 10.00am if possible. When requesting a home visit please indicate the nature of your request (this information is strictly confidential) as this allows the doctor to judge the urgency and the appropriateness of the planned visits. The doctor may ring you back before visiting.
If you can come to the surgery, this helps you as we have better facilities for examination and treatment.
Your doctor may wish to give you a computerised repeat prescription slip, which enables you to obtain repeat medication for a specific period. Or you can fill in one of the Repeat Prescription slips on our reception area. Please return your request to us using the letter box by the surgeries main front door.
Repeat prescriptions can also be ordered via Email. Please send your request to: stating your name, date of birth, first line of your address and telephone number along with your request.
Prescriptions can be sent to, and collected from local pharmacies by arrangement with the pharmacy. You can also arrange with the pharmacy to deliver your prescription to your home.
Community District Nurses are attached to the practice and are available to help patients who need nursing assistance at home. Visits are arranged in liaison with hospitals and your doctor. The Health Visitors may give advice on health care, particularly for expectant and nursing mothers, small children, the elderly and the handicapped.
The district nurses and health visitors may be contacted through the medical centre and
District Nurses - Phone: 0300 323 0303
Health Visitors, Sale Waterside - Phone: 912 4044
We hold a Clinic on Wednesday mornings at the surgery. Please phone the surgery or ask our receptionist for an appointment.
The community midwives provide antenatal and postnatal care and can be contacted directly on - Phone: 291 2942.
Social Workers will consider requests for home care, meals on wheels and re-housing.
Social Services
Trafford MBC
Waterside House
Sale Waterside
M33 7ZF
Phone: 912 5199 or 912 5770
Our secretaries can assist with referral enquiries, letters and test results between 10.00am and 3.00pm, Monday to Friday.
New patients registering with the practice must live within the practice boundary.
South: River Bollin - Ashley Road to A556
West: A556 - River Bollin to Regent Road
North: Regent Road, Railway Street, Lloyd Street, Stamford New Road, Moss Lane, Westminster Road, Hale Road to Delahays/Park Road
East: Park Road, Bankhall Lane to Ashley Road
Facilities are available for disabled patients with disabled toilets and parking at the rear of the building. Wheelchair access to the building is through the main entrance. Should any further assistance be required, a member of our reception team will be happy to help wherever possible.
The team at the practice are English speaking. Translators can be arranged with advance notice if required. Please phone the surgery or advise our receptionist when booking your appointment.
The surgery offers a range of clinics:
Family Planning
We offer a comprehensive family planning service which is run by the doctors in conjunction with our practice nurses.
Antenatal care is provided by all doctors at the medical centre. The midwife runs the routine antenatal clinics. Care is shared with a local hospital although most of your visits will be to the midwife.
Diabetic, Asthma, Cardiac, COPD And Hypertension Clinics
These are run by our practice nurse specialists.
Minor Surgery
The practice is equipped to carry out some minor surgery procedures at the discretion of the doctor.
Over 75 Reviews
Patients are welcome to attend for health checks carried out by our practice nurses.
Well Person Clinics
Patients are welcome to attend for health checks carried out by our practice nurses.
Stop Smoking Clinics
Patients wishing to stop smoking can make an appointment to discuss options with our practice nurse.
Flu Vaccination
This is offered in the autumn to those with chest, heart or other chronic illnesses and particularly the elderly. We also offer pneumonia vaccinations for the over 65s or those with chest, heart and other chronic diseases. This vaccination can be given at anytime of the year.
Holiday Vaccinations
If you are travelling abroad, please see a practice nurse about the need for special vaccinations e.g. typhoid, hepatitis, malaria etc. A charge will be made for some vaccinations. Please enquire at the surgery. Please ensure you contact the surgery in good time - some vaccinations do take time to become active.
St Johns Medical Centre is a registered Yellow Fever Centre.
However, If we are unable to accommodate the timescale for your injections, you can contact:
Travel Health Clinic
66-68 Bridge Street
M3 2RJ
Phone: 832 2134
Baby and pre-school immunisation clinics are held each Thursday between 9.00 and 10.30am at the surgery. Adult immunisation is also available by appointment with one of our practice nurses.
Medical Examinations and Private Certificates/Forms etc
For medical examinations not covered by the NHS, such as those for pilots, elderly drivers, taxi drivers, HGV licences, forms, exemption certificates, private health insurance forms and medical insurance etc, please telephone our secretaries who will be able to inform you of the fees for non-NHS work and can arrange an appointment.
Sickness Certificates
The first week of an illness or hospital admission is covered by a Self Certification Certificate (Form SC1 or SC2) obtainable from your employer. If you need further time off work please contact reception for a DSS certificate. You may need to see your doctor.
You can register with St Johns by attending the surgery and completing a new patient registration form. You have the right to register with the individual doctor of your choice. You should bring along your medical card/NHS Number, Driving Licence or Passport (for photo ID) and a bill with your name and address that you are registering with us.
Patients in the EU who are not permanent residents within the UK, require an E111 in order to receive treatment,
If you have any issues regarding registering at the surgery please contact the Practice Manager. If you have any other issues, you can contact the Patient Data Department at LASCA on 01772 221 444 or
If you need a doctor when the surgery is closed, please phone our normal phone number 928 5522. You will be given an option to.
Phone NHS 111 Service by dialing 111 for further advice.
or for an EMERGENCY press Option 1 where you will be directed to Mastercall Healthcare Ltd.
NHS 111 Service (Previously known as NHS Direct)
NHS Direct has now changed to NHS 111 Service. You can contact this service by dialling 111 from your phone.
Walk-in Centres have been set up to provide instant access to treatment for ailments such as strains, sprains, bites and minor burns etc.
Our nearest Walk-in Centre is at:
Trafford General Hospital
Moorside Road,
M41 7BD
8am - 8pm
All the staff in the practice try to provide care for the patients as efficiently as possible. However, as a large practice, the unexpected and the emergency may occasionally cause disruption or delay.
Please try to be considerate to the other patients, doctors and our staff:
The next emergency may be you!
The doctors and staff at St Johns will not tolerate violent and aggressive patients, or verbal abuse. Such patients will be asked to leave the practice.
Please notify us immediately of any change of name, address or telephone number. Patients who move out of the practice area will be asked to find an alternative surgery.
PALS has been set up by NHS England to help patients when you need CONFIDENTIAL advice, have concerns or do not know where to turn.
They provide a confidential listening service, help to resolve any concerns patients, their families and friends may have, information about health services and the best way to access them along with details of other organisations and information about complaints procedures.
Trafford Patient Advice & Liaison,
Trafford General Hospital,
Moorside Road,
M41 7BD
Phone: 0161 746 2019
If you have any queries about our arrangements or services, the practice will be only too pleased to help. Please contact the Practice Manager with any concerns or issues.
We will always try to resolve any complaint you might have about a doctor, any practice staff or the services provided by us.
In the first instance please ask our receptionist for a Complaints procedure pack.
This will give you details of how to contact our Practice Manager.
If you remain dissatisfied, you may telephone or write to:
The Health Care Commission,
Complaints Team,
Peter House,
Oxford Street,
Manchester. M1 5AN.
Phone: 0207 7448 9200.
All patients have the right to have access to their patient records. If you do wish to see your records, a form is available from reception which will explain the procedure. If copies of the notes are required, a charge will be made.