Title of Unit: Phones for Maths / Year 7 Term / Duration 6 lessons
Unit Description: Design and present the “perfect” mobile phone based on data collected and analysed from fellow pupils.

Content & Range Objectives
·  decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources
·  plan how to collect and organise small sets of data from surveys
-  design a collection sheet or questionnaire to use in a simple survey
-  construct frequency tables for gathering discrete data, grouped where appropriate in equal class intervals
·  collect small sets of data from surveys as planned
·  calculate statistics for small sets of discrete data
·  construct on paper and using ICT, graphs and diagrams to represent data including bar charts and simple pie charts
·  interpret diagrams and graphs and draw simple conclusions based on the shape of the graphs and simple statistics for a single distribution
·  write a short report of a statistical inquiry, including appropriate diagrams, graphs and charts, using ICT where appropriate; justify the choice of presentation / Level
4/5/6 / Key Process Objectives
·  Identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or problem; represent problems, making correct use of tables and graphs including ICT
·  Draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
·  Communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing, and discuss and compare approaches and results with others
·  Construct, on paper and using ICT, graphs and diagrams to represent data / Resources:
PowerPoint x2
Task sheet
Assessment tick sheet
Mobile phone data spreadsheet
Sugar paper, pens, glue etc
Key Vocabulary
Biased, sample, interpret, mean, median, mode, spread, range, questionnaire, analyse, reasoning, conclusion / Misconceptions:
-  Knowing what a good sample size is
-  Interpreting diagrams appropriately
-  Appropriate questionnaire questions
-  Over generalising
Title of Unit: Phones for Maths / Year 7 Term
Phase / How will the pupils learn?
e.g. tasks/activities, starters, plenaries etc / How will the learning emerge?
e.g key questions, assessment points, assessment criteria / How will this be adjusted? / Notes
e.g. practical resources, ICT, homework …
Support / Extension
A / Planning:
See powerpoint presentation.
Explanation of the project and its outcome: explain that there will be a presentation.
Assigning groups.
There should be a class discussion on the structure of a project; eg questionnaire to collect information presenting the results, evaluating, implementing new ideas.
Class discussion on different types of sampling, random etc. and how big a sample size should be.
As a class discuss the different types of questions, eg tick boxes, yes/no. Discuss the different places that you could find information.
In groups create a variety of different questions that could be used in a questionnaire, then as a class decide on the most important ones.
Decide as a class/group the different ways that we could gather this information: eg maths lessons, form classes, assembly, lunchtimes, library, playground.
In their groups decide the day, where and at what time they will collect their data.
Write final questionnaire which should contain 5 – 10 questions.
Start discussing what needs to happen next lesson, start diary journal about what they have achieved this lesson and were they need to be by the next lesson (also homework task if necessary). / What are we looking for?
Discussing the usefulness of different questions.
Students will need to consider the different places that they could gather information, and what would be best for their situation.
Students will have created a suitable and appropriate questionnaire.
Students are aware of the next stage of the project/investigation. / ICT work: Data already collected and entered into a spreadsheet, on tariffs and different phones.
Example of different questions you could ask. Eg colour, make size.
Teachers give out the survey to answer as a starter to a lesson.
Class has discussed several different questions that could be used.
Discussion helps weaker students realize what needs to be done next. / ICT work: allow them to explore different websites and see what information they can find.
Bring in ideas of tariffs, texts and minutes, web access, mps options, data cards.
Allow the students to visit different classes/assemblies and collect the survey results themselves. Playground, lunchtimes etc.
Groups decide which question they wish to use and justify why.
Ideas from students where their project could go next.
. / Use powerpoint presentation.
Examples of questionnaire’s.
List of websites useful to find information: using Google, virgin, 02, vodaphone, orange, T-Mobile. Carphone warehouse, phones4u. Can be in an ICT lesson or set for homework, or both.
Homework can include use of ICT to research tariffs, or gather different data.
B / Analysising:
Discussion, recap on what has been completed so far, and what was completed for homework. This can be as a class or as a group.
Class discussion on where do we go from here?
Discussion in groups on the types of diagrams that they would like to use.
Recap on different types of diagrams eg pie charts, bar charts, pictograms, scatter graphs, frequency tables. etc. Worked examples.
Recap on when the different diagrams are useful.
Students collect the relevant information from the data collection sheets, representing them into tally charts and then start to represent them in an appropriate diagram. They should choose at least 2 different ways of representing their data.
Start discussing what needs to happen next lesson, continue with diary journal about what they have achieved this lesson and were they need to be by the analysising lesson (eg they need to have finished the tally charts, and have most of their diagrams completed ready to analysis the results). / Discussions.
Worked examples and discussions.
Students sort data and represent them in relevant diagrams.
Feedback from students. / List of different types of diagrams that could be used. Eg bar chart, pie chart s etc.
Shared diagrams (incase students fall behind) so that they can still evaluate the data. / Let students decide which diagram they wish to use, but ask them to explain why they have chosen that diagram including scatter diagrams etc.
Let students start to analysis the results-3 sentences per diagram). / Spreadsheets ‘phone data’ showing different tariffs and different styles of phone.
List of relevant diagrams:
Bar chart.
Pie chart
Scatter Diagrams.
Frequency Tables.
boardworks: Bar Charts D3.1 Slide 1, Pie Charts D3.2 Slide 10.
Collected information and diagrams drawn from the data.
C / Presenting and Evaluating:
Discussion, recap on what has been completed so far, and what was completed for homework. This can be as a class or as a group.
Class discussion on where do we go from here?
As a group discuss 1 of your diagrams to feedback to the class what you have found.
Class discussions on what type of sentences we might write after looking at the diagrams
Recap on how to calculate the mean.
Students continue to collect the relevant information from the data collection sheets, representing them into tally charts and then start to represent them in an appropriate diagram. They should choose at least 2 different ways of representing their data.
Once their diagrams are complete, they need to analysis the diagrams, making sure that there are 3 sentences for each. Describing the results eg: most common answer. Least common answer. Etc. Students should also calculate the mean, median and mode of the data were appropriate.
Start discussing how these results and findings are going to help them decide on what they want as a group in/on their phones..
Discuss as a class the different findings that they have and why, how this could be.
Start discussing what needs to happen next lesson, continue with diary journal about what they have achieved this lesson and were they need to be by the next lesson (also homework task if necessary, to make sure everything is completed ready to start designing phone).
Students should have collated their data and now have to analyse it and decide on how they want to market their phone. They will spend most of this lesson working on designing their phone based on their findings.
They now need to be making decisions today and they will have two lessons in which to design and market the phone. They have to be told that they only have a budget of £350 per phone and they have to stick to their budget to be able to design their phone. They all need to buy the base unit which comes in whatever style they like and has a colour screen and slot for memory card as standard. For the budget see the PowerPoint.
Ensure that they are aware that they need to back up what they have put on their phones with evidence from their findings about what students want from a phone.
The students should prepare their presentations to do back to the rest of the class. They can do a poster or use PowerPoint if they wish depending on the ICT facilities of the school.
A price plan needs to be decided on as well based on their findings. The prices are £5 for 500 texts and £5 for 500 minutes. They can charge the customer whatever they like around this so if they decide to charge more this will go down as a profit for them e.g. £13 for 500 minutes and 500 texts. They need to explain why they decided on this as their price plan based on evidence from their findings.
Present back to the class with posters showing how they came up with their ideas and what the phone looks like. Each group should be given a time limit for their presentation so that it’s fair. This will obviously depend on how long lessons are and how many groups there are. The class will vote on a winner. They should be told that this is to be based on which phone they would want not on who they like the best. The winner will then go against the other winners from other classes in an assembly.
The teacher assesses each group with the form provided using APP and the students also have a chance to evaluate each other using the same kind of form. / Discussions.
Discussion and feedback from students.
Students working on their project practically.
Students working on their project practically.
Discussion and recap on lessons work.
Analysis of their data to design their phone
Assessing each other / Observe work form other students and help with groups ideas.
The most is _____because ___.
Mean from a list.
Shared diagrams (incase students fall behind) so that they can still evaluate the data.
Use of sentences discussed at the start of the lesson.
Students get feedback and ideas from peers.
Students get feedback and ideas from peers.
Group work mixed ability groups / .
Observe work form other students and help with groups ideas.
the mode can be calculated from the ____as it is the most frequent answer.
Mean from a frequency table.
Let students start to analysis the results-3 sentences per diagram.
Compare diagrams and mean, median and mode, understanding the relevance of each.
Students get feedback and ideas from peers.
Students can go into more detail with their phone and price plans etc.
Group work mixed ability groups / Boardworks; Finding the mean D2 Processing Data D2.2 slide 10)
Students may need resources for their presentations e.g. pens or sugar paper or computers if you have them.

05/06/2009 1 Bexley LA