DATE: September 6, 2011 – December 17, 2011



CHAT SCHEDULE: Wednesdays, 6pm – 7pm

TEXTBOOK: Starting Out with C++ , & Codemate ACC /crd Pkg, Tony Gaddis, 7th Edition, 2012, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 9780132576253

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a foundation for the use of the C++ Programming language. Outside lab assignments required.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  1. Write simple programs in C++
  2. Use simple input and output statements
  3. Use arithmetic operators
  4. Write decision-making statements
  5. Use program control statements
  6. Use arrays to sort, store, and search lists and tables of value


Wed1Sep 7Course Overview and Requirements

Review of COP1006

Set up Visual C++ and/or MyCodeMate

Chapter 1: Intro to Computers and Programming

Chapter 1: Textbook Page 26 Questions 33-36 Due

Wed2Sep 14Chapter 2: Intro. To C++

Chapter 2: Textbook Page 74

Algorithm Workbench #25 and #26 Due

Chapter 2: Textbook Page 75

Programming Challenges #6 Due

Wed3Sep 21Chapter 2: Intro. To C++

Chapter 2: Programming Challenges #8 and 10 Due

Chapter 3: Expressions and Interactivity

Chapter 3: Predict the Output #37 and #38 Due

Chapter 3: Program Challenges #10, 11, and 13 Due

Document-Document Assignment

Discuss Exam #1

Wed4Sep 29 TEST #1 on Chapters 1 – 3 (100 points)


Wed5Oct 5Chapter 4: Making Decisions

Chapter 4: Programming Challenges #4, 5, and 14 Due

Wed6Oct 12Chapter 5: Looping

Chapter 5: Program Challenges #1, 3, 6 and 13 Due

Wed7Oct 19Chapter 6: Functions

Chapter 6: Programming Challenges # 3, 7 and 8 Due

Bjarne Stroustrup Assignment Due

Discuss Exam #2

Wed8Oct 26 Test #2 on Chapters 4 – 6 (100 points)


Wed9Nov 2Chapter 7: Arrays

Chapter 7: Programming Challenges # 4 and 6 Due

Wed10Nov 9Chapter 8: Sorting Arrays

Chapter 8: Programming Challenge # 1 Due

Wed11Nov 16 Chapter 9: Pointers

Chapter 9: Programming Challenge # 2 Due

Discuss Exam #3

Wed12Nov 23Test #3 on Chapters 7 – 9 Due (100 points)


Wed13Nov 30Chapters 10 & 11: Characters, Strings, and Structured Data

Chapters 10: Programming Challenge # 8 Due

Chapters 11: Programming Challenge # 13 Due

Chapter 12: Advanced File Operations

Chapter 12: Programming Challenge # 1 Due

Wed14Dec 7Catch Up and Discuss Exam #4

Wed16Dec 13Test #4 on Chapters 10 – 12 Due (100 points)


Lecture, demonstration, of programming theory, discussions, chats and practice. Assignments issued.

Programming Problem assignments may be completed in Microsoft Visual C++ or with MyCodeMate: .


Reading: Chapter reading assignments will be an integral part of each student’s assigned weekly work activity. Assigned chapter(s) will be covered weekly as depicted in the “Course Schedule.” It is recommended that each student print out the syllabus so this information is readily available. More than one chapter will be covered several weeks. Be prepared.

Participation: Each student will have participation submitted to the Deans for their participation each class week.

Attendance will be based on participation in a number of important activities. These activities include: (1) participation in weekly chat sessions; (2) participation in weekly “threaded discussions”; (3) submission of weekly homework assignments; and (4) completion of scheduled tests. Participation will be marked twice weekly for on-line participation, much as attendance is marked twice weekly in on-ground classes.

Logging into the course website will count as a student’s first attendance activity each week. The second attendance activity must be earned by completing one of the four course-based activities listed above. Students must complete two attendance/participation activities each week in order to be submitted to the Deans as attended.

Chat Sessions/Chat Logs: 75 points. Weekly chat sessions are scheduled as shown on this syllabus. Access to chat is made by clicking on the “Chat” link on the Course Tools Menu. Students are expected to check in during each chat session. I will be available the entire period to discuss issues, answer questions on material in the chapters, etc.

  • For those of you who cannot participate in the chat at the listed time, the chat log will be posted on the website for review at your convenience. Students missing any chat must submit a two paragraph summary of what was discussed via Blackboard e-mail and receive credit for Chat. Such submittals must be made during the week the chat session was missed for credit to be given.

Threaded Discussion Postings: 75 points. Weekly Threaded Discussion postings will be made to the website. Access the postings by clicking on the “Discussions” link on the Course Tools Menu. It will be each student’s responsibility to review and comment on these postings each week. Each of the fifteen threaded discussions is worth 5 points. I suggest you read each chapter before responding to any of the threaded discussion postings. Doing so will better prepare you to respond and critique classmate responses.

Document - Document Assignment: 50 points. Each student will individually complete at least a four paragraph research on the benefits, pitfalls, who does/doesn’t use documentation. Submit the four paragraphs (at least three sentences each paragraph) as shown in the assignments area online and is due when shown in this same area.

Bjarne Stroustrup Assignment: 100 points. Each student will individually complete at least a six to eight paragraph research on Bjarne Stroustrup. Bjarne Stroustrup “invented” C++. Tell me some history of how, why and when he came up with C++. You must use at least three web different web sites. Submit the six to eight paragraphs (at least three sentences each paragraph) and the three web sites you are citing as shown in the assignments area online and is due when shown in this same area.

Chapter/MyCodeMate/Programming Exercises: 300 points. Each student individually will complete the Programming/MyCodeMate exercises for each chapter during the times and dates above in the Course Schedule. There are ten (10) exercises each worth 30 points. No chapter programming exercises during test weeks.

The weekly assignment can be found by selecting the appropriate chapter from the “Assignments” link on the Course Tools Menu. The link to each assignment will open on the first day of the week in which the assignment is available (Sunday). The link will close on the last day of the week in week in which the assignment is available (the following Saturday). Students must complete each assignment within the week scheduled. Answers are to be typed in complete sentences using correct punctuation and grammar. Submit all documents in WORD, RTF, or TEXT format.

Assignments are expected to be turned in by the end of the week assigned. If an assignment is submitted late a minimum of ten (10) points will be deducted from your grade.

Tests: 400 points. Each student individually will complete the four (4) Tests as shown in the Course Schedule. Each Test is worth 100 points. No late exams will be allowed.






Final Grading:POINTS


Chat/Log (5 points each) 75 points

Discussion Questions/Comments (5 points each) 75 points

Document-Document Assignment 50 points

Bjarne Stroustrup Assignment100 points

Programming/MyCodeMate Exercises (10 @ 30 points each)300 points

4 Tests(100 points each)400 points


TOTAL 1000 points

Grade Computation:

900-1000 points (90% and above) A

800-899 points (80-89%) B

700-799 points (70-79%) C

600-699 points (60-69%) D

0-599 points (less than 60%) F

PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is “The act of stealing (ideas, writings, etc.) from another and passing them off as one’s own. The act of literacy theft.” The school policy on plagiarism reads: “Plagiarism is an illegal and unethical activity and will result in the student receiving a FAILING grade on the particular assignment and resubmission will not be allowed.

FINANCIAL AID: When a student receiving Title IV grant or loan assistance withdraws from all classes at Jones College during a payment period that he/she began attending, a determination of the amount of assistance earned must be made. If the student earned more aid than was disbursed, he or she will be able to receive additional funds if desired. However, if the student earned less than what he/she received, the excess funds must be returned. The student may owe part or all of the excess funds which must be returned. . For additional information, please refer to the College Catalog, “Return of Title IV Funds".

Additional information on the College's Tuition Refund Policy can be found in the College Catalog.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is critical to successfully complete this course. Failure to attend class is recorded and reported to the Dean’s office. Students with excessive absences may be withdrawn from the course as follows:

Students having four (4) consecutive absences will be administratively dropped from the course by the Dean’s office and given a grade of “W” (withdrawal with penalty.)

Students who anticipate a prolonged absence should advise both their instructor and the Dean’s office of the reason for the absence, and provide documentation if available. Any requests for reinstatement must be made directly to the Campus Director.

Reviewed: April 2010