ROLE AND TASKS (Terms of Reference) OF THE CHAIR of


General role and responsibilities

  • Ensure that ASTI pursues its objects as defined in its governing document i.e.
  • To serve as an international centre of excellence that campaigns for the global elimination of acid and burns violence, and provides vital support to survivors through a network of in-country partners sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice.
  • Ensure that ASTI complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • Ensure ASTI applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects.
  • Contribute actively to the Board of Trustees' role in giving firm strategic direction to ASTI, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • Safeguard the good name and values of ASTI.
  • Ensure the effective and efficient administration of ASTI.
  • Ensure (in especial liaison with the Treasurer) the financial stability of ASTI and compliance with financial legislation and Charity law.
  • Protect and manage (in especial liaison with the Treasurer) the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of ASTI’s funds.

Main Tasks of the Chair

With the Executive Director

  • Plan the annual cycle of Board meetingsand of its principal Sub-Committees or Working Groups.
  • Set Agendas for Board meetings.
  • Ensure that relevant, timely and accurate information is supplied in order to allow the Board of Trustees to discharge its responsibilities.


  • Chair and facilitate Board meetings.
  • Give direction to Board policy-making.
  • Monitor enactment of the decisions taken at meetings.
  • Represent ASTI at high level prestigious functions and meetings, ensuring ASTI is presented in an appropriate and professional manner to all.
  • Maintain point of contact with partners’ (ASFs’) Chairs and governing bodies
  • Travel overseas in order to represent ASTI and be adequately informed about contexts in partner countries
  • Appoint the Executive Director and monitor his / her performance.
  • Participate in appointment and disciplinary panels.
  • Undertake individual pieces of work on behalf of the Board of Trustees and ASTI as a whole. Examples of latter may include:
  • Applying for HRH/Patron events; liaising with her Private Office
  • Establishing and overseeing any agreed Board sub-group (working groups, Advisers Group and/or Vice Patrons, etc)
  • Establishing initial contacts for developing teams of medics and related professionals
  • Lobbying for legislation reform to eliminate acid and burns violence at the international level
  • Establishing a strong network of partnerships and relationships with NGOs, UN agencies and other key organisations operating in the field of human rights, violence against women and girls, and access to justice
  • Identifying opportunities to expand and promote the role of ASTI worldwide
  • Identifying suitable professional input for developing a communications and media strategy

Financial Management

  • With the Executive Director and other Trustees, principally the Treasurer, set the financial strategy of ASTI and ensure it is adhered to.
  • Ensure that ASTI’s financial dealings are prudently and systematically accounted for, audited and publicly available.
  • Ensure that where appropriate monies are invested to the greatest benefit of ASTI within the constraints of the law.
  • Receive and approve annual reports and financial reports (latter with advice and support from Treasurer).
  • In close consultation with the Executive Director make recommendations on the composition of the Board of Trustees, and Vice Chair.
  • Work in consultation with the Executive Director to recruit Trustees with specific/relevant expertise.
  • Ensure that the Board of Trustees annually reviews its structure, role, relationship to staff and implements agreed changes as necessary.
  • Define and keep under review selection and performance criteria for trustees.
  • With the Executive Director ensure that all trustees receive appropriate advice, training and information relating to their role.
  • Update the succession Plan for Trustees.