University of Indianapolis
Police Administration CRIM340-50
Fall Semester 2015
Good Hall #307 Thursdays @ 6:00 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.
Instructor: Thomas N. Davidson, J.D.
133 West Market St., #208, Indianapolis, IN 46204
or (Unless an emergency exists, email is my preferred mode of communication.)
Text: Caines, L. K., & Worrall, J. L. (2012). Police administration (3rd. ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmare Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 1439056390 | ISBN-13: 9781439056394
Objectives: This is a survey course regarding the issues and principles of police administration. The field of police administration is dynamic and ever changing. At the conclusion of this class the student will have an understanding of several dimensions of police administration including: History, Community Policing, External Influences, Organizational Theory, Leadership, Human Resources, Legal, Financing, & Labor.
Means of Assessment:
· The student may elect to earn points through attendance and preparing a One Minute paper due at the end of each class meeting. These are one or two handwritten sentences on an idea or concept discussed in class or a topic the student would like to have covered in class. 5 points each. Attendance and papers above 10 class meetings earns extra credit. You must be present in class and personally prepare the One Minute paper in order to earn points.[1] The One Minute papers will be used to assess the midterm grade. A score of 30 = A; 25 = B; 20 = C; 15 = D; anything less than 15 = F for the midterm.
· One 8 to 10 page (narrative) Research paper on a topic related to police administration of the student’s choice. If the student elects to do a Research paper instead of the One Minute papers, the Research paper is due September 26th, 2013 and will represent the midterm grade and is half of the overall grade.
Research Paper: Use APA 6th Edition format. One inch margins all around. Title page required (not included in page count.). Use at least 5 sources. APA citation and reference style (Visit www.thinblueline.ws/students for help with the APA and sample papers.). Double space, indent paragraphs 1 tab (no double-double spacing), use Times New Roman #12 font. Reference page in APA format is required.
50 points max.
· Final exam. 50 points max.
Exam: The exam is an open note and book exam. The exam may include multiple choice and true/false questions. Anything covered by lecture in class or anything covered in the text-book may be tested. Answer questions on the exam with respect to how the subject matter was covered in class or in the textbook.
Schedule: Subject to change due to class needs or other influences.
Class 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Police Administration (PA)
2 Chapter 2 Environment of PA
3 Chapter 3 PA & Homeland Security (HS)
4 Chapter 4 Foundations of the Police Organization
5 Chapter 5 Organizational Theories
6 Chapter 6 Leadership
7 Chapter 7 Personnel & Optional MID TERM Paper due 10/15/2015
8 Chapter 8 Communication, Negotiation, & Conflict Resolution
9 Chapter 9 Stress Management
10 Chapter 10 Human Resources (HR)
11 Chapter 11 Labor Relations
12 Chapter 12 Control & Productivity
13 Chapter 13 &14 Planning & Accountability
14 Chapter 14 Change
15 Chapter 15 FINAL EXAM due 12/17/2015
Grading Scale:
95-100 = A 77-79 = C+
90-94 = A- 73-76 = C
87-89 = B+ 70-72 = C-
83-86 = B 67-69 = D+
80-82 = B- 63-66 = D
· Mon. Aug. 31 Semester I Classes Begin
· Fri. Sept. 4 Drop classes for 100% refund deadline
· Fri. Sept. 4 Change to audit deadline
· Mon. Sept. 7 Labor Day (No Classes)
· Sat. Oct. 17 Mid–Semester Grading Period Ends
· Mon.–Tues. Oct. 19-20 Fall Break (No Classes)
· Fri. Nov. 6 Withdrawal/Administrative withdrawal/change to P/F deadline
· Wed. Nov. 11 Veterans Day (No Classes)
· Wed.–Sun. Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Vacation (No Classes)
· Mon. Nov. 30 Classes Resume Mon.
· Dec. 14 Final Examinations Begin Sat.
· Dec. 19 Semester I Ends
[1] Students who miss class because of approved Uindy extracurricular activities may make-up points by submitting two page written summary of the Chapter scheduled to be covered for the class missed.