NORMAN McDONALD13 Beulah Avenue, RothesayBay, NorthShoreCity,

Auckland, 0630, New Zealand.

Tel:(0064)94767040 NZ (0064)211845761

(00971)501039081 UAE


I am an ex-naval pilot with experience in SAR/EMS. I have flown single and multi pilot, multi crew aircraft, mostly medium and large twin turbine aircraft. I have extensive low level, confined area operations, winch and load lifting experience, day and night. This includes operations to moving platforms. This was also conducted with NVG, to the same extent. I am currently operating AW139 aircraft in the desert climate of the UAE, conducting SAR and EMS. This has allowed me to work with GPS/FMS fed moving map and EFIS ‘glass’ cockpit technology; on the edge of the aircrafts operating envelope. I am a solid team player who can lead easily without being overbearing and with a good empathy for the needs of others; but still ensuring that the task gets completed to the best of our abilities. I have purchased the correspondence course for the CASA ATPL (H) with the intention of achieving this over the next year.


Flying Hours / Ratings/Qualifications / Aircraft Flown
Total / 3490 / NZ CAA CPL (H) with IR, NIGHT. / R22 (NZ, CASA Rating)
PIC / 2822 / CASA CPL (H) with Sling Load / R44 (JAR Rating)
PIC Turbine / 2822 / JAR-FCL CPL (H) / AW139
PIC Multi / 2800 / UKCAAPPL (A) / Seasprite SH-2G (NZ)
Night / 508 / NVG Qualified SH-2G (NZ) / Sea King Mks 2,5,6,7.
Actual IFR / 283 / Lynx AH7
SIM’ IFR / 192 / Squirrel HT1
NVG / 64 / Gazelle HT2
Bulldog T1
Cessna 150


RNZAF Flight Safety Course- able to organise and run a Flight Safety Committee.

RNZN Officers Leadership Course- Management Training.

RNZN Maritime Strategy Course- Management Training.

RNZN Divisional Officers Leadership Course- Human Resources and Management Training.

Flight Safety and CRM Course- able to organise and run a Flight Safety Committee.

Equal Opportunities Advisor Course- qualified to give advice on matters of Equality and Diversity.

European Computer Driving Licence- certified competent to complete computer tasks.

Unit Security Officer Course- able to advice on security matters.

Instrument Rating Instructors Course- qualified to act as an Instrument Rating Instructor.

Squadron Test Pilot- authorised to carry out test flights within my own authorization.

Survival Equipment Officer- able to manage the drill routines for all sqn aircrew.

Public Relations Course- able to advise command on information control and release.

Divisional Officer Course- Human Resources and Management Training.


SAR Abu Dhabi Aviation, providing Search and Rescue cover for the UAE Air Force and civil population on military AW139s. Conducting winch, load lifting, confined areas and mountain training.

Aircraft Captain 6 SQN RNZAF,employed as an aircraft captain, sqn flying programme co-ordinator and tasking officer. Divisional Officer. Conducted winching, boat transfers, confined areas, load lifting, low level, NVG, ASW and ASuW; both ashore and embarked.

SAR Aircraft Commander 771 NAS, employed within the Search and Rescue element of the Squadron. Divisional Officer. Conducted winching (inc’ cliff winching), boat transfers, confined areas, load lifting (inc’ RHIB lifts), low level and NVG.

Aircraft Commander 849 OCU, tasked to train Airborne Surveillance and Control Observers and act as their course officer and mentor. Divisional Officer. 1st Lieutenant. Conducted ASaC.

Aircraft Commander 1 Regt AAC, employed as a pilot in Attack Helicopters based in Germany.

Aircraft Captain 819 NAS, employed as a Detachment Senior Pilot and sqn flying programme coordinator. Conducted winching (inc’ cliff winching), boat transfers, confined areas, load lifting, low level and mountain flying.

Instructor at the School of Maritime Operations, HMS DRYAD, teaching Helicopter Operations and Warfare. I also managed courses of up to 17 students.

Aircraft Captain 849 B Flight, providing frontline Airborne Early Warning capability. Divisional Officer. Conducted embarked AEW.

Aircraft Captain 849 HQ, tasked to train Airborne Early Warning Observers and act as their course officer and mentor. Divisional Officer.

Pilot 819 NAS, Captaincy achieved Nov 1994. Assistant Divisional Officer. Conducted winching (inc’ cliff winching), boat transfers, confined areas, load lifting, low level and mountain flying.


I am available from my current employer with three months notice; though this can be shorter, after discussion.


I am married with three children. My interests include keeping fit, motorcycles, cinema, reading and outdoors activities. A lot of my spare time, when in New Zealand, is spent sprucing up our home and keeping our garden from becoming the tropical jungle that it truly wants to be.

Currently I am an Upper Freeman of GAPAN and a Pilot member of AIA NZ.