Please join us today between services for donuts, muffins, fruit, coffee and juice in the social hall. Our host is the Wee Care/Peppermint Board. Our host next week is the Membership Board.
Welcome Team (8:00) Ron Mueller Cheryl Mueller
Dennis Wilkinson Sandy Wilkinson
(10:15) Doug Smith Marcie Smith
Ron Schneider Pam Schneider
Valet Team (8:00) Julie Mason (10:15) Kelly Knackstedt
Lay Reader (8:00) Tamie Heichelbeck (10:15) Ryan Smith
Worship Service Attendance for November 13 - 317
Hearing Devices are available. Please ask one of the ushers.
Senior Pastor – Christopher Hill ()
Associate Pastor – Will VerDuin ()
EvUCC Communications Ministries
Radio Station WGEL 101.7 FM Greenville
Church Phone: 618-654-7459
November 13, 2016
Welcome to Evangelical United Church of Christ! We encourage you to return soon. Please stop at the visitors’ desk. Please sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to the outside aisle where an usher will pick it up.
Nursery care is available today in Room 38 for infants and toddlers (3 years old and under). Our volunteers are: 9am Donna Brendal and Hazel Rauscher and 10am Jan Tebbe and TBD .
Prayers, Concerns and Joys - Please include in your Prayers Connie Louer Abert, Terry Bell, Christel Bense (Barb Bray’s niece), Warren Clayton (son of Rich and Marge), Florence Collmann, Betty Jo Cornell, Jeanne Dankenbring, Viola Deibert, Gene and Debra Dilley (Marsha Rinderer’s sister and brother-in-law), Marlene Dickerson, Jared Emig (nephew of Jerry and Karla Zurliene), Ellen Gelly, Robert Goth, Elaine Grundhoefer (Harold Byers’ sister), Maurie Henricks, Chrissy Knebel Hoeflinger, Carol Hoffman, Dorothy Johnson (Aunt of Ron and Kathy Schneider), Betty Kamm, Jon Kamm (Betty’s great-grandson), John Klueter, Ben Krauz, Sophie Kreher, Vera Kunz, Rev. Jim Langdoc, Betty Legier, Traci Luitjohan, Marion Marcus, Wayne Marcus, Ava Martin, Joe Michaelis, Becky Morris (Shirley Hug’s niece), Daniel Morris, Morris Moser, Richard Moser, Verla Moser, Darrell Rankin, Alicia Rayner (Al & Shirley Flath’s daughter), Robert Reeves, Sandra Reinacher, Ruth Reker, Don Rinderer, Russell Rinderer, Sandy Rinderer, Karen Schindler (Chari Hagler sister), Sandy Schoeck, Tyler Simpson, John Snider, Doris (mother of Barb Stallard), Dorothy Steiner, Paige Stevens (Arnie and Jeanne Meyer’s daughter), Gloria Stuckwisch, Ken Sudbring, Diann Thiems, Elva Tucker, De De Weder, Alvin Whitsell (Florence Collmann’s brother-in-law), Dale Wiesemeyer (Niala Keilbach’s brother), and Kathy Wilsman (Nancy Byers’ sister), Barb Winters and Shirley Zbornak. Also pray for Kent Schoeck and family with the passing of his father, Norman Schoeck.
BAKE SALE - Christmas is a great time to help our children understand the message of giving and sharing with the less fortunate. Every year each Sunday school class sponsors and buys gifts for a child from KinderCottage in East St. Louis. To provide funds for this mission project, the Sunday school classes will be holding a bake sale TODAY. Please check out our yummy treats and baked goods and support our children in this mission project.
HANGING OF THE GREENS - We will be decorating the church for the Christmas Season today following the 10:15 service (approx. 11:15). Everyone is welcome to stay and help us prepare for this holy season.
Our ecumenical (many-church) Thanksgiving Service sponsored by HAMA (Highland Area Ministerial Alliance) is on Sunday, November 20th at 6pm at the Highland Middle School. All are welcome as Highland's pastors join together in leading a worship service of gratitude. This is always a tender and wondrous time to give thanks to the God of all Life!
Wee Care Daycare is looking to hire two full-time Teachers. Please contact the church office if you or someone you know is interested.
Work Day - Mark your calendar for another work day scheduled for Saturday, December 3 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We will again work on the landscaping around the buildings trimming the bushes back for the winter. Please join us for some good old fashion work and great fellowship. Hope to see you there. The more the merrier.
USHERS – We are STILL in need of someone to volunteer to line up volunteers! Each month a schedule of ushers is needed for both services. If interested in coordinating this, please contact the church office.
Hospitality Nook Teams!- We’ve loved having food (muffins, fruit, coffee, juice, etc.) in the lobby Hospitality Nook and are looking for people to handle that as small teams, once or twice a month! If you’re interested in hosting the Hospitality Nook for a little over an hour (just between services) Contact: Barb:
The Women’s Guild will meet at 12 P.M. on Tuesday, December 6, 2016, for the Christmas potluck . We remind all who plan to attend, to bring a larger dish, because the program will be presented by the Joy Singers who will be guests for the meal. Meat and beverages will be provided. The Guild Board will gather at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, December 5 for the meeting and for setting up the dining room. Please join us as we continue to “Serve the Lord with gladness”.
It is time to order Poinsettias in memory or in honor of a loved one or if you prefer, we are also accepting honorariums and memorials towards any fund you designate. All honorariums and memorials will be printed in the Christmas Eve booklet if received by DECEMBER 18TH. Order forms can be found in the Narthex or in your December Evangelines.
This Week’s Schedule
Sunday: 11:30 a.m. unMute and Next Step Youth – Hoyleton Service
7:00 p.m. AA
Monday: 7:00 a.m. Quilters
10:00 a.m. First Place for Life Bible Study
(conference room)
6:30 p.m. Grief Share
Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. AA
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Followship Bible Study
6:00 p.m. God Squad
5:30 p.m. Bell Choir Practice
6:30 p.m. No Next Step
7:00 p.m. Choir Practice
Sunday: First Sunday of Advent
Worship Memorials/Honorariums to the Glory of God
The Radio Ministry and the Bulletin Ministry is from Gloria Klaus in memory of Jack Klaus for his 88th Birthday.
The Flowers on the Altar are in honor of Darrell and Karen Becker’s 40th Wedding Anniversary.