Position title:Policy officer and technical advisor to WWF on EU/Africa relations

Office:WWF European policy office


Duration of the assignment: 3 years


Direct supervision by: Hervé Lefeuvre

Title of the supervisor:EC funding and policy coordinator

Content and methodology

of the supervision:

(describe the supervisory role in terms of planning, guiding and reviewing the work)

The AE will work on a daily close relation with the superviser. The superviser will plan with the AE one to two month priorities at a time. Guiding assistance will be applied as much as necessary. Assessment and reviewing of the work will be done twice per month the first three months and then on a monthly basis.


I.Major Functions:

  • Policy analysis of EC development aid related to WWF objectives and programs
  • Advocate WWF position/analysis at EU institutional level
  • Improve capacity building of WWF through provision technical assistance to WWF African/Pacific Program Offices to improve relevance with EU/ACP Cotonou priorities.

II.Major Duties and Responsibilities :

Assess the environmental integration in the EU indicative programs in countries and regions of Africa & pacific under the current EU/ACP Cotonou partnership agreements and where WWF has developped Ecoregion Actions plans.

Related to above, develop key data base and reports in order to advocate greening of the EU/ACP agreement and increase complementarity among the EU Member states bilateral ODA and the EC regarding financing of environmental issues in Africa.

Represent WWF in key Brussels based working groups and abroad if necessary, give presentation on key issues.

Develop guidelines to help key WWF Program Offices In Africa to better advocate Ecoregion approach within the bilateral programming of EC /Africa States and/or Regional authorities.

III.Supervises : n/a

IV.Working Relationships :

1.Internal to WWF:Working with WWF European Policy Office "EC funding and policy coordinator" - WWF Africa Madagascar program & WWF Pacific program staff in WWF international and in Africa Program Offices - WWF European National Offices investing in African Programs

2.Externalto WWF:Working with ACP secretariat in Bxl, European environment and Development NGOs Brussels based, EC officials (Members of EU & African Parliament as well as European Commission). The AE will also be in contact with EU member States ODA agencies which invest in regions where WWF has identified key ecoregions action plans.



(Describe clearly and accurately the required educational background)

  • Preferably environmental economics or political sciences with good understanding of North South relations and specifically European Institutions decision making process in the area of Development/External relations. Master degree required.
  • French /English written and spoken.
  • Familiar with Project Cycle Management tool (Logframe techniques) if possible


(Indicate if it is required or desirable)

  • Experience in working on the area of environmental policies and/or legislation linked with sectorial issues & dynamics in developing countries (i;e Agriculture, fishing, trade in natural commodities, forestry…) in the context of sustianble development.
  • Experience in project/program design & management would be an appreciated asset. (required)
  • Experience of working with African nationalities is desirable
  • Experience of preparing and conducting bilateral interviews with governmental officials

Competencies required :(Indicate the most relevant competencies required to properly carry out the duties and responsibilities within the context of the posting - elaborate on the 3 most important)

  • Writing skills ( policy position papers, letters to high EC officials…)
  • Assiduity for analyzing reports,and survey
  • Ability to summaryze and present with clarity complex issues
  • Familiar with Logical framework analysis.
  • High communication capacities:

Capacity for public speaking and to large assembly of officials in English and If possible in French

Familiar with interactive communication tools (facilitation technics, organising and running meetings /workshops..)

Familiar with programs XL, WORD.

Design presentations on power point


The background information should include:

1.General information about the organisational structure of the WWF Office (including organigramme) :

WWF EPO organigram

WWF Africa activities annual report

2.General outline about the programme/project to which the AE will be assigned:

The AE will be assigned to the WWF "EC funding and Policy co-ordination" Program based in WWF European Policy Office Program located in Brussels. The Four objectives of the program are:

-Greening the EC development policy and the Cotonou partnership agreement including financial investments in ACP countries

-Enhance environmental policy dialogue in ACP countries to prioritise natural resources in the EU/ACP programming

- Lobbying for greater environmental funding in the EU budget external relations

-Help WWF African and Pacific programs to design WWF project in South Program Offices aligned with EU priorities (poverty eradication/ Sustainable management of natural resources)

3.Outline about planned developments concerning the programme/project:

Guide lines on EU policy and funding (focus on Cotonou) developed and presented to WWF Programs Offices and European NOs by December 2003

-Assessment of environmental components in key ACP EC Countries Strategy Papers & 3-5 EC regional indicative Programs in Africa/Pacific by August 2004.

-Presentation of results to EU institutions through out the year 2004

-Follow and interact with the Cotonou Mid -Term review process [European Commission - European States - ACP states) Dec 2004-July 2005

-Define strategically and co-ordinate WWF network input with ACP government and European Government for interacting with the preparation of the 10th European Development Fund [ Starting of pre negotiation in 2006]

-Technical assistance to African Programs Offices regarding Ecoregion alignment with EU funding priorities - Through out the 3 years assignment

4.Information about living conditions (desirable):

The AE will have to find his own accommodation in Brussels.

The AE should have a travelling package for participating in 3 to 4 regional WWF workshops outside Europe - of 1 week each- 2 in Africa and 1or 2 in Pacific or SoutEast Asia (ecoregions or EU/ACP joint assembly) as well as for 3 to 4 meetings - of 1 to 2 days - in Europe for coordination within the WWF network.

The AE should have a travelling package for participating to European Parliamentary session in Strasbourg when the agenda on Development issues is directly relevant to the TOR here described (1 day-1 night - 2 to 3 times per year).

Prepared by: Hervé Lefeuvre

Supervisor: Tim Geer

______Date: ______

Accepted by:

Director, Government & Aid Agencies Relations, WWF International



The Minister, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

International Cooperation Personnel Branch (HPI)


mgg/word/ae/job description