Complaints Policy & Procedure V1.2
1. Purpose of the Policy 3
2. Policy Definition 3
3. Scope 3
4. Guiding Principles 4
5. Responsibilities 4
6. Confidentiality 5
7. Implementation 5
8. Review of Effectiveness 6
9. Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms 6
10. Revision History and Approvals 6
1. Purpose of the Policy
To define the commitment of The Silver Line to handling complaints effectively, ensuring they are managed within appropriate timescales, and ensure they inform future service improvements. This policy plays an important part in improving the accountability of The Silver Line to stakeholders and supports improvement of its services by responding to feedback.
2. Policy Definition
The Silver Line wants to encourage feedback from individuals and organisations. The Silver Line views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve the future services as well as an opportunity to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint. All complaints to The Silver Line will be dealt with constructively, impartially and effectively in accordance with the complaints procedure. Handling complaints effectively and fairly is an important part of maintaining trust in our services. It indicates our commitment to listen and hear the views of the people who use our services and of those who are connected to the services in any way.
3. Scope
This policy applies to the Board of Trustees, the staff, our volunteers, and our partners and suppliers.
This policy applies to any person who uses our services or any organisation which has a legitimate interest in the work of the Silver Line. e.g. a person who uses the services and/or their agents, volunteers, our providers, our partners, or organisations to which we refer callers.
A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing.
The policy does not apply to staff. There are separate processes for staff to use to raise concerns as outlined in the Staff Handbook .
The complaints procedure will cease if the complainant explicitly indicates an intention to take legal action in respect of the complaint. In this case, a senior manager or the Chief Executive should be informed immediately.
4. Guiding Principles
The Silver Line is committed to providing a fair and accessible complaints procedure, which is clear and transparent and ensures that we respond effectively to complaints and concerns. The following are our guiding principles:
· People should know how to contact us to make a complaint
· Everyone at the Silver Line should know what to do if a complaint is received
· All complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way
· Complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and relationships are repaired
· Information is gathered which helps us to improve what we do
· Complaints are handled in a confidential manner
· People who are making a complaint are treated with respect and courtesy
· Complainants are informed of progress throughout the process;
The Silver Line defines a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of the Silver Line, its work, or its suppliers.
We will ensure that we deal with complaints fairly and ensure that we do not discourage people from making a complaint. Any investigation will be:
· Open and understood by all those involved in the complaint
· Fair – not biased towards anyone involved
· Thorough, involving finding out the relevant facts, talking to everyone involved, and checking details where possible
· Consistent, treating people in similar circumstances in similar ways.
We will let everyone involved know the decision reached on the complaint.
Fairness for staff and volunteers
We will ensure that staff and volunteers are treated fairly if a complaint is made against them. We will:
· Tell the member/s of staff/volunteers immediately and fully about any complaint against them
· Give them the opportunity to tell their side of the story
· Keep them informed of progress and the result on investigating the complaint
5. Responsibilities
The Silver Line Board has overall responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness of the Complaints Policy.
The Silver Line Chief Executive and the Senior Management team have responsibility for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of this policy. The Silver Line staff and volunteers, will ensure that they are familiar with the procedure for handling complaints effectively. The will also support the complainant where necessary to have any concern and/or complaint heard, dealt with appropriately, and resolved.
Providers will ensure that they adhere to the principles set out in this policy and in the procedures that stem from it.
6. Confidentiality
All complaint information will be handled sensitively, telling only those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements
7. Implementation
In implementing our Complaints policy we will follow the stages outlined below:
Stage 1 Informal – Target Response Time 0-5days
Where possible and appropriate we will resolve misunderstandings on an informal basis, and people should be encouraged and supported to raise their concerns to the appropriate member of staff/service manager as soon as possible so that they may resolve the problem straight away.
Stage Two – Target Within 20 days (with written acknowledgement of the complaint within a target of 5 working days)
If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at Stage One, they can request that the complaint is further investigated by a more senior manager. This manager may investigate the facts of the case themselves or delegate a suitably senior person to do so. This will involve reviewing the paperwork of the case and speaking with anyone involved with the complaint at Stage One.
If the complaint relates to a specific person, they will be informed and given an opportunity to respond.
Stage Three – Target Within 30 days
If the complainant still feels dissatisfied, the matter should be referred to the Chief Executive (on behalf of the Trustee Board) who will review the actions taken so far. The Chief Executive will decide if any further action is required.
External Stage
The complainant can complain to the Charity Commission at any stage. Information about the kind of complaints the Commission can be involved in can be found on their website.
8. Review of Effectiveness
The implementation and effectiveness of this policy and the requirements that stem from it will monitored by the Chief Executive at least annually, to identify any trends which may need further action.
The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring appropriate reporting to the Trustee Board and will recommend and implement any improvement actions required.
9. Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms
10. Revision History and Approvals
Revision History
Date / Document Version / Document Revision History / Document Author / Reviser15 Nov 2013 / V1.0 / Issue with changes / Maureen Johnston
10 Nov 2013 / V1.0 Draft / Amend to include agreed naming conventions and proposed revisions / Maureen Johnston
10 Aug 2013 / V0.1 Draft / Initial Version / Anthea Beeks
Date / Document Version / Approver Name and Title / Approver Signature15 Nov 2013 / V1.0 / Sophie Andrews (Chief Executive) /
25 October 2015 / V1.1 REVIEWED / Sophie Andrews C.E.O. /
16 October 2016 / V1.2
REVIEWED / Sophie Andrews C.E.O /
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