Staff Opportunity
2 x 5 Year Scientific Programme Managers
Pre-Award & Grants /Post Award & Research Centres
(Level E)
Programmes & Investments Directorate
Reference No. 180202
Science Foundation Ireland is the Irish government’s largest competitive funder of scientific research in Ireland.
Science Foundation Ireland invests in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The agency is charged with supporting outstanding research that will underpin economic development and assist international and indigenous industry to grow and flourish in Ireland. The Foundation also promotes and supports the study of, education in, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and, in particular, to the growth of the economy.
SFI makes grants based upon the merit review of distinguished scientists. SFI also advances co-operative efforts among education, government, and industry that support its fields of emphasis and promotes Ireland’s ensuing achievements around the world.
SFI operates a staffing model similar to that of the National Science Foundation in the States. Scientists join SFI from industry, academia, research or other agencies to gain experience of a funding environment and to gain skills needed to either further a career in research or within the wider science arena. Once their contract completes with SFI they leave with new and fresh skills that are for the better of science and the community and SFI rotates in new scientific expertise. This is a proven model of best practice worldwide in science funding agencies and one that SFI is focussed on emulating as it evolves and grows.
Wearenowrecruiting two 5 year ScientificProgramme Managerstoworkin theProgrammesand Investments Directorate. These post holders will be assigned to either the Pre–Award & Grants or Post-Award & Research Centres teams. Applicationsaresoughtfromsuitablyqualified individuals.
Excellence, Passionate, Progressive, Integrity, Collaborative, Respect
TheProgrammes and InvestmentsDirectoratehasoverallresponsibilityforcoordinating SFI’ssuiteofprogrammes includingthose involvingretentionorrecruitmentofearly-careerandestablishedinvestigators, feasibilitystudiestodemonstrate commercialpotential,largescaleindustrialcollaborationsand partnershipswithnationalandinternationalfundingagencies andcharities. Theforging ofstrategic alliancesinresearch anddevelopmentandengagementwithindustryfeaturestronglywithinthe dutiesoftheDirectorate,inadditiontoclosecollaborationwithsisteragencies,EnterpriseIrelandand IDA Ireland.
Funding of industry relevant research is akeyobjectiveofSFIasanimportantpartoftheState’s enterpriseecosystem,togetherwithitssisteragenciesIDAIrelandandEnterpriseIreland. Undertheguidanceofourparentdepartment (Business, Enterprise andInnovation), the majority ofpublicfundsforresearchmustnowbe directedtowardsthefourteenareasoutlinedinthereport oftheNationalResearchPrioritisationSteeringGroupand SFIisfocusingtheremitofappropriate programmesonthesepriorityareas.
TheProgrammes & Investments Directorateiscomprised ofPre-Award & Grants,Post-Award& Research Centres, Enterprise Partnerships and International Partnerships. ThePre-Award& Grants teamis responsibleforthedevelopmentanddelivery ofSFI’ssuiteoffundingprogrammes.ThePost-Award & Research Centres teamisresponsiblefortheon-going monitoringandevaluationofSFI’sportfolioofawards. In addition,bothteamsactivelycontributetoSFIpolicyandstrategydevelopment.
Collectively,thetwoteamsoperate undertheauspicesofthe Programmesand Investments Directorate,whosetaskis toimplement andrunasuiteofprogrammes,asguidedbytheSFIAnnualPlan,whichprovidesthebreadthofsupport todeliveronSFI’sstrategicplan,Agenda2020. TheScientificProgrammeManagerpositionwill initially report to theHeadofthe Pre- Award and Grants or Head ofPost-Award and CentresandwillbebasedwithintheProgrammes and Investments Directorate.
ScientificProgrammeManagers playacriticalroleinthedeliveryofSFI’smission.Theirexcellent scientificand analyticalskills,outstandingorganisationalabilitiesandkeyunderstandingofnational policy areessentialforSFItodeliveranambitiousprogrammewhichfundsexcellentresearchwith high impact.
Excellence, Passionate, Progressive, Integrity, Collaborative, Respect
KeyResponsibilities include, depending on the final role:
- Engaging with a wide variety of industry partners and other relevant stakeholders including funding agencies.
- Contributing to the development of programme calls and grant policies.
- Leading on the management of the review process, the review of proposals, preparation of review documentation, conducting internal reviews and evaluations.
- Management and monitoring of awards; organising and conducting site reviews and preparing associated reportspotentially including oversight of one or more of the SFI Research Centres.
- Annual/final report evaluation, analysis and follow-up on issues.
- Preparation of reports on active grants and programmes.
- Contributing Post – Award perspectives in the development of programme calls and grant policies.
- External communication(e.g. webinars,townhallmeetings)ofSFIProgrammesandCalls.
- ProvidinginputtoSFIpolicies,strategyandplanningforenhancingresearchcapabilityinIreland
- Technicalconsultancy-internalandexternal,in particularwithsisteragenciesEIandIDA.
- Working with the Communications team on relevant material e.g. Press releases, web updates etc.
- Other duties as assigned by the Director of Programmes & Investments or Head of the Pre- Award & Grantsor Post – Award & Research CentresTeam.
Scientificknowledgeandskillsetwhichwill berespectedby theacademiccommunity.
Strongcapacitytoacquireandevaluateinformation aboutnewknowledgeandopportunities intherelevantareas.
Experienceinand awarenessofTechnologyTransfer.
Ability to coordinateand administerthe SFIprogrammeof proposalassessment,grant
approval,settingofperformancetargetsandmonitoringof progress.
Proven ability to build and maintainanetworkofcontacts,withintellectual and interpersonal skillsthatgaintherespectandcooperation oftheindustrialandacademic researchcommunity,andalsoofadministratorsandmanagersinuniversitiesandthepublic sector.
Abilitytoserveeffectivelyasamember of theDirectorate.
Excellentcommunication,writing andinterpersonalskills.
Willingness to travelinorder to delivereffectivelyonyourrole.
Key Competencies
- Communications & Influencing
- Teamwork
- Stakeholder & Client Service
- Respect & Integrity
- Project management
- Networking
- Flexibility & Resilience
- Personal Effectiveness
- Initiative & Creativity
Excellence, Passionate, Progressive, Integrity, Collaborative, Respect
Candidates holding aPhD in a STEM discipline.
Proventrackrecordideallywithatleast3years’experiencepost-PhDineitheracademiaor industry
Thursday March 8th 2018
These positionswillbe 5-yearcontractsatLevelE.
Please note that new entrants will be at the minimum point of the salary scale.
Excellence, Passionate, Progressive, Integrity, Collaborative, Respect