Section 9

Lecture is M W F from 11:00-11:50 a.m.

In Room 0210 Bessey

Instructor: Dermot Hayes

Class web page

TEXTBOOK: Microeconomics 9th Edition by Michael Parkin. (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 2009).

EXAMINATIONS AND GRADES: You must be enrolled in one of the lab sessions. Please enroll in one immediately if you have not already done so. 101L meets Mondays 1:10 to 3:00 and 3.10 to 5 and on Wednesdays from 2:10 to 4:00. All labs are in 68 Heady

75% of your grade will come from this course and 25% will be based on your performance in the labs. Homework will be graded and collected in the lab.

There will be four exams. Your grade will be based on your highest three scores. All of the exams will be 50 minutes in length. The fourth exam will cover material taught after the third exam and will not be comprehensive. The material to be covered in future classes and exams is tentative. If we fall behind this agenda, some of the make-up classes will be used.

If you miss an exam your grade will be based on all three of the exams you do take. There is no excuse required for missing one exam. But you cannot miss two exams without a written statement from the Student Health Center or a Medical Doctor or a national student organization such as FFA indicating the reason for the absence. If you miss two exams without providing this statement you will receive a zero on the exam you missed.

I have invited a guest speaker but I do not yet have exact dates for this speaker. Therefore the class schedule shown below is likely to change. I will keep you informed on the material to be covered by each exam as the semester progresses. If we get ahead of schedule I will use the class prior to each exam and a review session. If we fall behind I will use up one of the scheduled make up classes.

Instructor:Dermot HayesOFFICE HOURS

Professor of EconomicsTue/Th. 3.30-5.00 in 3375 Professor of Finance Gerdin or by appointment

568C Heady Hall and 3375 Gerdin


Teaching Assistant:TBD




Class #DateTopicChapter and section

1Mon.Aug. 24, 2009What is EconomicsChapter 1

Big Ideas of Economics

What Economists Do

2Wed.Aug. 26, 2009Making & Using GraphsChapter 1

Graphs Used in Economics

and in Agricultural Markets

3Fri.Aug. 28, 2009The Economic ProblemChapter 2

Resources Production Possibilities &

Opportunity Cost

Using Resources Effectively

Economic Growth

4Mon.Aug. 31, 2009Gains from TradeChapter 2

The Market Economy

5Wed.Sep. 2, 2009Demand & SupplyChapter 3

6Fri.Sep. 4, 2009Market EquilibriumChapter 3

7Mon.Sep. 7, 2009University Holiday

8Wed.Sept. 9, 2009ElasticityChapter 4

9Fri.Sept. 11, 2009More Elasticities of DemandChapter 4

Elasticity of Supply

10Mon.Sept. 14, 2009Efficiency and EquityChapter 5

Value Price and Consumer Surplus

11Wed Sept 16, 2009EXAM #1 Chapters 1,2,3,4,5

12Fri.Sept. 18, 2009Make up class or speaker

13Mon.Sept. 21, 2009Markets in ActionChapter 6

Housing Markets and Rent Ceilings

The Labor Market and the Minimum Wage

14Wed.Sept. 23, 2009TaxesChapter 6

Markets for Illegal Goods

Stabilizing Farm Revenues

15Fri.Sept. 25, 2009The Global EconomyChapter 7

The Case against Protectionism

16Mon.Sept. 28, 2009Utility and Marginal Utility

Consumption PossibilitiesChapters 8 and 9

Preferences and Indifference Curves

17Wed.Sept. 30, 2009Predicting Consumer BehaviorChapters 8 and 9

Work-Leisure Choices

18Fri.Oct. 2, 2009The Firm and its Economic ProblemChapter 10

19MonOct. 5, 2009Information and OrganizationChapter 10

Markets and the Competitive Environment

20Wed.Oct. 7, 2009Decision Time FramesChapter 11

Short-Run Technology Constraint

21Fri.Oct. 9, 2009Short-Run CostChapter 11

Long-Run Cost ‘

22Mon.Oct. 12, 2009Perfect CompetitionChapter 12

The Firms Decisions in Perfect


23Wed.Oct. 14, 2009Changing Tastes and Advancing TechnologyChapter 12

Competition and Efficiency

24Fri.Oct. 16, 2009EXAM #2Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

25Mon.Oct. 19, 2009Market PowerChapter 13

Monopoly Price-Setting Strategies

Single-Price Monopoly

26Wed.Oct. 21, 2009Price DiscriminationChapter 13

Monopoly Policy Issues

27Fri.Oct. 23, 2009Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 14

28Mon.Oct. 26, 2009Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 14


29Wed.Oct. 28, 2009Game TheoryChapter 15

Oligopoly Price Fixing Game

30Fri.Oct. 30, 2009Antitrust RegulationChapter 15

31Mon.Nov. 2, 2009ExternalitiesChapter 16

32Wed.Nov. 4, 2009Pollution and KnowledgeChapter 16

33Fri.Nov. 6, 2009Public GoodsChapter 17

34Mon.Nov. 9, 2009Market Failure and GovernmentChapter 17

35Wed.Nov. 11, 2009Factor Markets. Chapter 18

Income Rent and Opportunity Cost

36Fri.Nov. 14, 2009 EXAM #3 Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

37Mon.Nov. 16, 2009Factor MarketsChapter 18

38Wed.Nov. 18, 2009Economic InequalityChapter 19

39Fri.Nov. 20, 2009Income redistributionChapter 19


40Mon.Nov. 30, 2009Uncertainty Chapter 20

41 Wed. Dec 2, 2009InformationChapter 20

42Fri.Dec. 4, 2009Introduction to Finance

43 Mon.Dec. 7, 2009Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

44 Wed. Dec. 9, 2009 Make-Up Class

45Fri.Dec. 11, 2009EXAM #4 Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20 and CAPM