Application for the Payment of Recruitment Supplements

The following evidence should be provided by the Head of the Academic/Professional Services Department/Line Manager, HR Manager and HR Manager (Reward) and approved by the Director of HR in each case where a recruitment problem arises. It will form the basis for objective justification for the payment of a supplement.

Please attach any useful additional information to this form. If there is insufficient room on the form for the evidence, please write it on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.

Department: ………………………………………………………………………………

Job under consideration: …….. ……………………………………………………….

All sections must be completed before the application is submitted to the Director of HR.

The following evidence should be provided by the Line Manager and their HR Manager

Recruitment Difficulties
Q1. How does the advertisement/job description reflect the full benefits (core and soft benefits) of working for the University?
Please attach a copy of the advertisement and job description
Q2. Name the media that was used (and give the reasons for your choice) to advertise the job e.g. the appropriate publication, website, recruitment agent.
Q3. Was the advertisement placed in a prominent position in the media, where it would have attracted attention?
Q4. How many times has the job been advertised?
Q5. Does the information pack sent to applicants reflect the full benefits (core and soft benefits) of working for the University? If not, how can this be improved?
Q6. How many applications were received?
Q7. How many people were invited but dropped out of the subsequent selection process? If yes, what reasons were given? Was the selection process too long?
Q9. Is the job description appropriate? e.g. are the skills and experience requested realistic?
Q10. What would be the implication if a market supplement could not be paid?
Q11. Any other contributory factors?

Department Line Manager (Print Name): …………………………………………….

Department Line Manager (Signature): ………………………Date …………………..

Head of Department (Print Name): ……………………………………………..

Head of Department (Signature …………………… Date……………………

The following evidence should be completed by the HR Manager (Reward) for the case of both Recruitment and Retention Supplements

Market Data
Q1. Which sources of data were used to obtain the market rate?
Q2. From the sources used, what is the market median rate for the job?
Q3. Grade and top normal contribution point of the grade for which the job has been evaluated.
Q4. Difference between the market median rate and rate for the job (the top point of normal progression).
Q5. Is the market rate more than 20% above the University’s rate of pay for the job? If so, by how much?
Q6. Amount of supplement proposed
Q7. Date supplement is effective from:
Q8. How long will the supplement be paid?
Q9. Biennial review date (if applicable)
Q10. Is there an impact on other identical jobs?


Director of HR (print name): …………………………………………………………

Director of HR (signature): ………………………………Date …………………..

Head of Department (print name): ………………………………………………

Head of Department (signature): ………………………Date …………………..

Application for the Payment of Retention Supplements

The following evidence should be provided by the Head of Department/Line Manager, HR Manager and HR Manager (Reward) and approved by the Director of HR in each case where a retention problem arises. It will form the basis for objective justification for the payment of a supplement.

Please attach any useful additional information to this form. If there is insufficient room on the form for the evidence, please write it on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.

Department: ………………………………………………………………………………

Job under consideration: …….. ……………………………………………………….

All sections must be completed before the application is submitted to the Director of HR.

The following evidence should be provided by the Line Manager and their HR Manager

Retention Difficulties
Q1. What retention difficulties have been experienced?
Q2. Are the staff resignation rates for the job or similar jobs in the University higher than expected?
Q3. What are the main reasons given for staff resignations?
Q4. What would be the implication if a market supplement could not be paid?
Q5. Identify any other underlying problems that might contribute to retention problems.

Department Line Manager (Print Name): ……………………………….……………….

Department Line Manager (Signature): ……………………………Date ……………..

Head of Department (Print Name): ……………………………………….…………..

Head of Department (Signature) ……………………………Date ……………….