Course in Electrical Fitting – Minimum Australian Context Gap



Organisation Details
Registered business:
Trading names:
TGA provider code:
CRICOS provider code:
Registered Business Street Address: / Address
State: / Postcode:
Postal address (Only if different from registered business address): / Address
State: / Postcode:
Details of person(s) responsible for the application
  1. Primary Contact :

Title: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
First Name:
Last/Family/Surname Name:
Telephone: / (W) / Mobile:
  1. Secondary Contact :

Title: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
First Name:
Last/Family/Surname Name:
Telephone: / (W) / Mobile:
  1. InvoicingContact :

Same as above / Primary Contact / Secondary Contact
Title: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
First Name:
Last/Family/Surname Name:
Telephone: / (W) / Mobile:
Background and Structure of the Organisation
Overview of Organisations Industry Knowledge and Experience in delivery of Electrical Training:
Current Scope of Registration: / Code : / Name :


Purpose of the Course:

This course provides Minimum Australian Context Gap training to holders of an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) for the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor.

When this Statement of Attainment is completed and presented to an RTO, together with evidence of sufficient workplace experience and performance, it will trigger the issuance of the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor.

Nominal duration of the course:

Supervised Hours: 95 hrs (core nominal)

24 hrs (elective nominal)

119 hrs (total nominal)


The establishment of the OTSR process by the Australian Government has ensured that assessment undertaken onshore or offshore does not result in the issuance of a full Australian unit of competency or qualification, instead the OTSR documents that successful demonstration of the generic technical aspects within all competency standard units comprising the qualification have been verified.

Since applicants commenced arriving in Australia under the onshore or offshore skilled migration process,some candidates have struggled to access an RTO to deliver the identified Australian Context Gap. Additionally, RTOs have been reluctant to deliver this training to candidates due to thin markets, a lack of flexibility and other constraints.

As a result, Energy Skills Australia,in consultation and cooperation withthe Department of Education, has developed this accredited course to enable RTOs, under licence to Energy Skills Australia, to deliver the course and grant a Statement of Attainment to verify that candidates have met the Minimum Australian Context Gap and can be issued the full qualification by the OTSR issuing organisation or the GAP training organisation, once they provide evidence of sufficient workplace experience and performance using the approved profiling system.

RTO’s responding to the EOI must consider how they will deliver the course in an efficient, accessible and cost effective way to small numbers of applicants from a range of backgrounds.

This course is only accessible by OTSR holders for the UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting or its successor.

Candidate Licensing/Regulatory Requirements:

Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) holders wishing to undertake this course in a jurisdiction that regulates Electrical Fitter workers will be required to apply to the appropriate Regulatory authority for a Provisional/Restricted Licence. The Provisional/Restricted Licence enables the candidate to undertake necessary work experience under the supervision of a qualified Electrical Fitter/Electrician and undertake the required Australian Minimum Context Gap training through an approved RTO.

On completion of this training and the issuance of the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor, in regulated justifications, candidates will be eligible for an unrestricted Electrical Fitter License or equivalent.

Course Structure:

This course consists of accredited core and elective competency standard units to provide the required Australian Minimum Context Gap training for those issued with an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) for the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor.

The requirements for granting this course will be met when competency is demonstrated and achieved for:

  • All of the Core competency standard units, and
  • A combination of Elective competency standard units selected from the list of Elective Units to achieve a total of 24 nominal hours.

To achieve a competency standard unit participants must demonstrate an understanding of the required skills and knowledge and have successfully gained relevant workplace experience/performance as prescribed in each unit.

All required pre-requisite competency standard units must be achieved prior to completing each competency standard unit.

Unit code / Unit title / Pre-requisite / Nominal hours
Core Units
ECGELF001 / Apply Australian Work Health and Safety practices in the workplace / Nil / 9
ECGELF002 / Document Australian workplace hazards and risks in electrical work / ECGELF001 / 7
ECGELF003 / Apply Australian standards and requirements to solve LV a.c. circuits/systems problems / ECGELF001
ECGELF002 / 20
ECGELF004 / Select protection devices and systems for low voltage circuits and apparatus / ECGELF001
ECGELF003 / 35
ECGELF005 / Verify compliance and functionality of Australian electrical apparatus and existing circuits. / ECGELF001
ECGELF004 / 24
Total Nominal Hours in Core / 95
Elective Units (units to achieve to a total of 24 nominal hours)
ECGELF006 / Use computer applications relevant to the Australian workplace / ECGELF001 / 2
ECGELF007 / Source and purchase Australian material/parts for electrical work / ECGEFL001 / 2
ECGELF008 / Carry out basic repairs to Australian electrical components and equipment / ECGELF001
ECGELF002 / 4
ECGELF009 / Assemble, mount and connect Australian control gear and switchgear / ECGELF001
ECGELF004 / 4
ECGELF010 / Fabricate and assemble Australian bus bars / ECGELF001
ECGELF003 / 6
ECGELF011 / Mount and wire Australian control panel equipment / ECGELF001
ECGELF004 / 4
ECGELF012 / Wind electrical coils to Australian standards / ECGELF001
ECGELF002 / 4
ECGELF013 / Place and connect electrical coils to Australian standards / ECGELF001
ECGELF012 / 4
ECGELF014 / Rewind LV three phase induction machines to Australian standards / ECGELF001
ECGELF013 / 6
ECGELF015 / Use Australian instrumentation drawings, specifications, standards and equipment manuals / ECGELF001
ECGELF002 / 4
ECGELF016 / Develop, enter and verify Australian programs for PC’s using ladder diagrams / ECGELF001
ECGELF002 / 6
ECGELF017 / Repair and maintain mechanical components of Australian electrical machines / ECGELF001
ECGELF008 / 4
ECGELF018 / Find and rectify faults in Australian energy supply network equipment / ECGELF001
ECGELF004 / 8
Total Nominal Hours of Electives / 24
(All 5 of the Core and 24 nominal hours of Electives) Total Nominal Hours / 119

Entry and Exit Requirements:

1.Entry for this course will be strictly limited to holders of an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) for the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor.

2.Holders of an OTSR will have already demonstrated the recommended LL&N skills for the completion of this course via the OTSR process.

3.Participants must be in relevant employment to achieve the completion requirements of this course.

4.There is no exit point during the course which achieves a successful course outcome.

5.A Statement of Attainment will be issued for any competency standard unit completed as there is no full qualification outcome.

License fee for maintenance:

Energy Skills Australia will establish licensing or franchising arrangements with interested parties and reserves the right to levy a licensing or franchising fee. Information on such arrangements can be obtained from E-Oz Energy Skills Australia on (02) 6262 7055.

The delivery of this course will be limited to RTOs operating under licence to Energy Skills Australia, and upon completion the applicant is to be provided with a Statement of Attainment, which when presented to an RTO, together with evidence of sufficient workplace experience and performance, will trigger the issuance of the UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting qualification from the UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor.

Only RTOs who are registered to deliver the UEE 33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting from the UEE11Electrotechnology Training Package or its equivalent successor will be able to nominate their interest to deliver the course and be approved by Energy Skills Australia. Endorsement of successful RTOs will be based on the expertise of teaching staff, facilities, resources and ability to provide flexible deliveryof the training to both individuals and group situations.

RTOs will be charged at a License fee of $200 (incl GST) per student.

RTO Selection Criteria

Applicants must meet the course’s selection criteria listed below in order to proceed with an extension of scope application to your State Training Authority/ASQA:

  1. The RTO holds current registration as identified on (TGA) and the RTO number has been provided
  2. The RTO Registered name aligns with the advised ABN number
  3. The RTO’s next scope review date has been provided
  4. The RTO’s period of registrationis sufficient to have delivered the full UEE33011 qualification
  5. The RTO has the Qualification (UEE33011) Certificate III in Electrical Fittingor its successoron scope and the Qualification has been on scope for sufficient time for the RTO to deliver the full qualification.
  6. The RTO is currently delivering the Qualification UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or its successor.
  7. The RTO has a sufficient number of students currently enrolled in the Qualification UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or its successor.
  8. The RTO has delivered the full the Qualification UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or its successor at least once.
  9. The RTO representative has acknowledged that they have read the Course Methodology and indicated they have a clear understanding of the requirements
  10. The RTO has provided sufficient evidence to confirm its facilities and equipment are adequate and meet industry expectations including accommodation of distance learning.

NOTE: Please click on the following link to review the Pink Slip process and documents:

  1. The RTO has provided sufficient evidence to confirm that Delivery and Assessment material meets UEE11Electrotechnology Training Package,or its successor,requirements
  2. The RTO hasconfirmed its acceptance of the Licensing arrangements
  3. The RTO has confirmed that it will pay the License fee/student
  4. The RTO has confirmed that it will ensure that an Energy Skills Australia approved profiling system is used and that students are enrolled in the profiling system
  5. The RTO has provided an indicative total course cost and per unit cost to applicant.
  6. The RTOs indicative costings are reasonable.

Response to Selection Criteria
Current RTO registration (as per / Yes / No
RTO registered name aligns with the advised ABN / Yes / No
RTO registration details (as per / Commenced
Renewal date
Qualification UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or successor, currently on Scope / Yes / No
Date Qualification UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or successor,was added to scope / Commenced
Qualification UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or successor, is currently being delivered / Yes / No
The full Qualification UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or successor, has been delivered by this RTO at least once. / Yes / No
I have read the Course Details and have a clear understanding of the requirements / Yes / No
This RTO accepts the Licensing and Franchise arrangements and agrees to pay the $200/student Licencing Fee / Yes / No
UEE33011Certificate III in Electrical Fitting, or successor / Number of students currently enrolled / Actual number of training hours (OFF-JOB)
Facilities and equipment are adequate and meet industry expectations, including for distance learning. / Yes / No
Delivery and Assessment material meet Training Package requirements. / Yes / No
Trainer/Assessor qualifications (as per Standards for RTOs 2015)
Trainer/Assessor Delivery Experience:
Risk Assessment and mitigation strategy:
Strategy for accommodating thin markets and provision of flexibility in delivery of the gap training including distance learning.
Total course cost including any specific course requirements (for publication on the E-Oz website).
(delete electives not delivered):
ECGELF018 / Insert Cost/Unit

Additional Comments


I, INSERT NAMEhereby declare that our organisation, <INSERT ORGANISATION> meets the above selection criteria to apply for the delivery of the Electrical Fitting- Minimum Australian Context Gap Course. We understand approval must be given by Energy Skills Australia (E-Oz), in which they will grant us with a license to put forward with our application to our State Training Authority/ASQA.

Primary applicants name:
Primary applicants signature: / Date:

Attachment 1 – Mapping of UEE 33011 to 106659NAT

Expression of Interest: Electrical Fitting – Minimum Australian Context Gap Course – 10659NAT1

Expression of Interest: Electrical Fitting – Minimum Australian Context Gap Course – 10659NAT1