Section A: Communities of Faith



Part one

A community is a group of people with something in common.

Examples include school, family and church communities.



A breakdown in communication can cause tension in a community.

Compromise means working together to find a solution. This helps to fix a communication breakdown.

Part two

Every person had needs. A scientist called Abraham Maslow worked out the hierarchy (order) of human needs.


To feel they are developing their full potential.

To feel self confident and respected by others.

To feel loved and wanted.

To feel safe and protected.

To get food, water, clothing, sleep and shelter.


Not every person has all of these needs met.

As a result of this various organisations strive to help people in need.

St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) / Modern Hospice Movement.
Founder / Frederic Ozanam / Dr. Cicely Saunders
Vision / He wanted to be like Jesus and so he helped the poor the way Jesus had done. Ozanam called the organisation after St. Vincent who was a French saint who helped the poor. / She felt that God had called her to care for the dying. Her vision was to help people die with dignity and for people to feel love, compassion and kindness at the end of their lives.
Services / Homes visits, money management, hospital visits, homework clubs, prison visits, meals on wheels and second hand shops. / The hospice is more like a home than a hospital. Patients can make put up picture and use their own sheets. Bingo, aromatherapy, painting and massage are all available. Visitors (including families, children and pets) are always welcome.
Roles / Collectors, shop workers and volunteers. / Doctors, nurses, counsellors and the Director of the hospice.

Part three

There are five major world religions. Believers of each religion may be found all over the world.

Name of Religion / Important Person / Sacred text / When it started... / Countries this religion is mainly found in.
Hinduism / None / Vedas / 4,500 years ago / India
Judaism / Abraham / Hebrew Scriptures / 4, 000 years ago / Israel and USA
Buddhism / Siddhartha Gautama-Buddha / Tripitaka / 2,500 years ago / Countries to the east of India.
Christianity / Jesus / Bible / 2,000 years ago / Worldwide
Islam / Muhammad / Qur’an / 1, 500 years ago / Middle East, North Africa and Asia


Symbols of World Religions



He lived 4000 yearsago.Abraham lived in the city Ur with his wife Sarah and they had no children. Unlike most other people at this time Abraham believed in only one God. He had a calling from God who asked him to go on a journey. Abraham said yes (although he did not know the way) because he had great faith in God.He made a covenant (holy promise) with God- Abraham would have land and as many descendents as stars in the sky if he worshipped and obeyed God. Abraham and Sarah travelled to Canaan. In their old age they had a son called Isaac.


A Jewish woman called Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel who told her she would have son called Jesus, who would be the Son of God. Mary and her husband Joseph travelled to Bethlehem and Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger. Later the family travelled to Nazareth where Jesus grew up. At the age of 30 Jesus travelled around Palestine teaching people about God and performing miracles. The authorities were afraid that Jesus was becoming too powerful. They arrested him, put him on trial and sentenced him to death. Jesus was crucified. Three days after his death he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples, who later received the Holy Spirit. The religion of Christianity began.


Muhammad was born in Arabia about 1500 years ago. There was a lot of corruption and dishonesty in the city of Mecca where Muhammad lived and this bothered him. While praying in a cave one day, he believed an angel of God spoke to him and told him that there is only one God. Muhammad began to teach the angel’s message and this was later written down and became the Qur’an. Muhammad taught that there was only one God and encouraged the people of Mecca to change their ways. The people did not accept his message and Muhammad was forced to leave. He went to Medina (this journey is called the “Hijra”) where his message was accepted. Eventually he returned to Mecca with an army and this time the people of that city accepted his message. Mecca is the holy city of Islam.


First major split

In 1054 CE the “Great Schism” occurred. Christians disagreed over who should be head of the Church. Some agreed that the Pope should be head of the Church- others did not agree.

Christianity split into two groups: Catholic and Orthodox.

What are the differences between Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians?

Catholic / Orthodox
Most Catholics lived in the West of Europe. / Most Orthodox Christians lived in the East of Europe, in places such as Greece and Russia.
The Popeis head of the church. / There is no Pope but there are Patriarchs instead. These are the leaders.

Second major split

This occurred during the 16th century.Christianity split into another group called “Protestants” because they protested about the Church.

King Henry VIII of England set himself up as the head of the Church of England (Anglican Church) because he disagreed with the Pope over a number of issues.

Other Christians (such as Martin Luther)felt that the Catholic Church was corrupt or did not reflect their beliefs. As a result of this various denominations of Protestants emerged over the years (e.g. Methodists and Quakers).

What are the differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants?

Catholic / Protestant
The Popeis head of the Church. / The Pope is notthe head of the Church.
There are seven sacraments. / There are twosacraments.
The meaning of the Eucharist(the bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Christ). / The meaning of the Eucharist
( the bread and wine are not transformed into the body and blood).

Religious organisation: The Dominican Sisters

  1. A vocation is a calling to serve.Some people serve God through joining a religious order and dedicating themselves to others in order because they are inspiredto be like Jesus. One such order is the Dominican sisters.
  2. Dominicans are referred to as “the Order of Preachers” and their founder was Dominic Guzman. St. Dominic was born in Caleruega in Spain in 1170 and he died in 1221 in Bologna, Italy. The first monastery of nuns was founded by Saint Dominic in Prouille in the South of France.
  3. There are Dominican sisters in many countries. In Ireland the Dominican sisters are involved in education, chaplaincy, and care for elderly and ill as well as other areas.

Part four

(A)Sectarianism: the hatred of other people because of their religion.


In Northern Ireland there has been conflict between Catholics and Protestants since the “Troubles” began in 1969. This resulted in violence and segregation. The Corrymeela Community is a Christian community situated 60 miles from Belfast. It was founded by the Rev. Ray Davies. It is a place for Catholics and Protestantsto meet each other and chat. People of all ages go there and travel from all over Ireland to visit it. The Corrymeela Community encourages Christians to respecteach other and to keep this up when they return home to their communities.

(B)Ecumenism: the movement towards Christian unity.


Christian churches are making a greater effort than ever before to come together and learn more about each other. Taize is a place in France. Every summer thousands of young people from different Christians denominationstravel there. While theyare there they study, pray, help with the cooking and cleaning and engage in discussion groups.

(C)Interfaith dialogue: members of different religions meeting to talk about their religions and learn more about other religions.


In 1986Pope John Paul II invited religious leadersfrom all over the world to the town of Assisi inItaly. His invitation was accepted by 70 leaders. It was a day of prayer for world peace. This was the first World Peace Day. Every year since World Peace Day has been celebrated on January 1st. 2011 marked the twenty fifth anniversary of this occasion. The theme was religious freedom- this means an end to discrimination based on religion and an end to the poor treatment of religious minorities.Pope Benedict XVI has chosen "Educating young people in justice and peace" to be the theme for World Peace Day in 2012.

Part five(Higher Level only)

Organisation of Catholic Church Organisation of Methodist Church