at 11.30 am on Thursday 14th January 2016
The Vice-Captain David Aspey, the Vice-President John Trumper,the Hon. Secretary (and Chairman for Items 1-5) Andrew Rintoul and Messrs Adams, Ambrose, Aspery, Cunningham, Dent, Emlyn Jones, Gill, Hallett,Laurie, March, Martin, McAllister, McIndoe, Rose, Seymour-Taylor, Sheridan, Snowball, Soskin, Stevenson, Webb and Wrigley . The Hon. Secretary welcomed everyoneparticularly those who had travelled some distance.
Received from The Captain, Ian Ditchfield, The President Martin Bruhl, The Honorary Treasurer Colin Searle, The Honorary Accounts Examiner Michael Coates and Messrs Davis T Edwards, Fisher, Hannam, Higham, Hunter, Middleton, Rice, K Thompson, G Stewart, Thompson and Tuck.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th January 2015 had been circulated and/or tabled and were proposed and seconded for approval by Messrs Aspery and Ambrose. They were duly signed by the Hon. Secretary.
Any matters arising were to be considered at the Meeting.
In the absence of the Hon. Treasurer the Hon. Secretary presented the accounts. Subscription income was broadly the same as last year as was the membership. The profit on the Annual Dinner and National Meetings was slightly down but tie sales were up by £100. The contribution to Sections was increased by £500 to £3,500. Administration costs were some £570 less and subsidies for younger members were up by some £600. The website costs were £900 more than the previous year which was attributable to the upgrading of the site which now looked much more professional. There is likely to be continuing annual expenditure on the site as it is important to keep it up to date and therefore this expenditure will be shown separately in the accounts from now on. The Society is now in profit to the order of £2,000 compared to a run of small losses in recent years. The Treasurer’s Account stood at £5,540 which the Hon. Secretary confirmed excluded the value of the tie stock. The Accounts were adopted being proposed by Iain Laurie and seconded by Tom Emlyn Jones. As the finances are in good health it was proposed to increase the Capitation Grant to the Sections by £1,000 overall this year ie. to £4,500. The Hon. Secretary will look at the method of apportionment as it may be fairer to make a weighting allowance in favour of the smaller Sections.
In the Captain’s absence the Vice-Captain read out Ian Ditchfield’s report in which he thanked firstly the Society for electing him - he had enjoyed every minute - the Hon.Secretary for his support and guidance and the Section Captains and Honorary Secretaries for their hard work and their hospitality, kindness and generosity they and their members had afforded him.
He had attended all the National Meetings except Swinley Forest when he was away, he played in several national matches and at least one meeting in every Section, apart from the Midlands event which was cancelled at the last minute. There were many highlights in his year but Ian very much regretted not being able to attend the Meeting to deliver his report personally and to hand over to his successor David Aspey. He ended by wishing David and the Society every success for the coming year.
Following applause the Hon. Secretary agreed to write to Ian on behalf of the Society thanking him for his year and to wish him a full and speedy recovery.The Vice- Captain then moved to the Captain’s chair and thanked the immediate past Captain for all he had done during a most successful year.
The Captain announced that his Vice-Captain would be David Rose.On the Committee Derek Hannam retired by rotation and John Keenan and Niall Sheridan were to remain on the Committee. Alex Soskin had kindly agreed to join the Committee. He then put to the meeting all the elections en bloc which was proposed and seconded by Simon Seymour-Taylor and John Aspery respectively.
The Hon. Secretary confirmed that the membership at 31st December 2015 stood at 514 which was the same as 2014. There were 68 new members a good proportion of whom were under 35. 38 members had resigned and 30 memberships had lapsed owing to the non payment of their subscription. Simon Seymour Taylor commented that 30 was a lot and it was suggested that standing orders might be the way forward or through the website. The Hon. Secretary agreed to look at this but he had his doubts.
The Hon. Secretary reported that the 102nd Annual Dinner was as usual a very enjoyable evening despite only 76 people attending which was disappointing. The matters discussed at the Committee will be pursued to try to bring more variety to the Dinner evening, including an auction. This year’s Dinner will again be held at the Royal Thames Yacht Club on Wednesday 2nd March and members were encouraged to attend with or without guests.
The results were noted. 5 of the National Matches were won, 4 lost and 3 halved. The 2016 National Programme was approved and noted that the Autumn Meeting will be held at Coventry GC this year. The Mixed Meeting will again be at Porters Park GC on Monday 17th October.
The Captain suggested a Captain’s Blog on the website and smart phone access. Alex Soskin advised the meeting that more use could be made of the website such as through links to social media. The Hon. Secretary and Alex Soskin will arrange a meeting with Net72 to discuss all the possibilities.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.19 pm