Dante’s Inferno Unit
Thursday, Sept. 1 ------Many names have special meaning or history. For example, the name Hannah
means “favor” or “grace.” The name Vito means “life.” Write about your own
name. Does it have a special ethnic or religious significance? Are you named
after someone in your family? If you could change your name, would you?
Friday, Sept. 2 ------King Arthur of the Round Table is a heroic figure of English legend. Arthur and
his knights were said to live by a set of beliefs known as the Code of Chivalry. A
few rules of the code include: 1) Live one’s life so that it is worthy of respect and
honor, 2) Live for freedom, 3) Be polite and attentive, 4) Never betray a
confidence or a comrade, 5) Protect the innocent. Come up with a modern Code
of Chivalry. Write a list of at least five things people should do today to make
modern society more chivalrous – that is, more considerate and courteous.
Tuesday, Sept. 6 ------If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Consider scientists,
entertainers, world leaders, artists, writers, people in your family, and so on.
Make a list a questions you’d like to ask this person.
Wednesday, Sept. 7 ------Confucianism, which is practiced by approximately six million people, is a life
philosophy. It teaches its practitioners to live their lives according to the
universal virtues – wisdom, benevolence, and fortitude. If you were to develop
your own life philosophy, what three things would you designate as your
universal virtues?
Thursday, Sept. 8 ------You’ve probably heard the cliché “Money is the root of all evil.” Do you agree
that the desire for money and possession of money lead to corruption and violence
or do you think something else is the root of all evil?
Friday, Sept. 9 ------“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in
the world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald. It’s
easy – and often really fun – to criticize people we don’t know. Do you feel
you’re fair to other people, especially those you don’t know very well, or do you
criticize too much? Write about your tendency to be critical or fair.
Monday, Sept. 12 ------Watch the Simpsons episode from Treehouse of Horror “The Devil and Homer
Simpson.” What are some similarities between Dante’s description of hell and
the hell depicted in the cartoon?
Tuesday, Sept. 13 ------People have different ideas about what is masculine and what is feminine
behavior. For example, consider anger and gender. Do men and women have
different ways of expressing their anger? Explain.
Wednesday, Sept. 14 ------Was 9/11 an act of anger, revenge, both, or neither? Also, what are some of the
lasting effects of 9/11?
Thursday, Sept. 15 ------What are some examples of productive and destructive ends from anger? OR
What was the most interesting thing about Dante’s Inferno?