Finding A Money Making Business Idea
There are many people who really love the idea of getting into business for themselves, being called an entrepreneur, business owner, "the Boss," however one wants to put it. People are attracted by the thoughts and dreams of more independence, working for themselves, making their own decisions and more, but from theory to practice is where people get turned off. A common reason for people giving up at such an early stage is that they draw a blank when attempting to find a money making business idea.
The idea stage is an important one indeed and often, it is where the "uncommitted" are filtered out. When you can come up with an idea and actually start to refine and develop it is where you get over that first little hill, that can seem like a huge mountain when standing at the bottom looking up at it. But as you start to climb that winding path and begin to discover what things you have interest and talent in the incline settles off and the momentum carries you as you become more excited and clear on what it is that you want to do. Before you know it, you have an idea in front of you and it is off to the races (or at least to the next step).
Some things to consider when brainstorming for a business idea
Don't limit yourself by asking what wont work. Look around, some of the craziest things that could ever be thought of have been turned into prosperous businesses. Go back to your basic senses and let the creativity flow. Is there something that you want or would like to have as a product or service? What do people complain about, that is a good problem that you can use to base your business idea on. Always stay on the positive side and ask yourself "How something can work?"
Key in on a problem and find a creative way to solve it. That is what businesses do, they offer a "great" solution to people's problems. Whether the problems are big or small, they will pay for the solution and you can all benefit from offering the best solution you can.
You are an information resource waiting to be unleashed. You have lived a life unique and your experiences are something worth writing about and sharing. Whether you have traveled the globe, or whether you are a struggling single parent, you have experiences and expertise that you can share. You could author a book on how to raise a baby by yourself, or you could write an article on how to tour Bangkok in a week and spend less than $100.00. Whatever you're an "expert" in, you will find people who want to learn from you. This is the "information age," deliver your information.
Talk to people. Tell them your idea and tell them you are thinking about starting a business. By talking to people and asking them questions you may find that people will give you an idea, inspire an idea in you, or develop a partner for business. Talking to people is an important skill that you must practice to do well in business.
Consider what you like or love. At this point you may be doing something that you are not happy doing, if you make the decision to start a business make sure to consider the future and if you will be happy doing this in the future? A business is a big commitment, or at least should be, and you should always commit to doing something that you like or love doing and will continue to be happy doing it in the future. Choose your own future and live a happy life.
Understand what Commitment means. Commitment is a big word that is often misused. It is misused because people make many tentative commitments and then forget them at the first sign of trouble, ambiguity or boredom. When something doesn't go the way you wanted it to, change it so it is the way you want it to be. Stay with things until you arrive at the place you want to be, then you will realize happiness and success, only then.