Computer Security ProAdministrator'sGuide
F-SecurePSBAdministrator'sGuide |TOC|3
Chapter1:Introduction...... 5
Chapter2:GettingStarted...... 7
Creatinganewaccount...... 8
DownloadingSoftware...... 9
Recoveringyourpassword...... 10
Addinganewsubscriptionkeyforyourcompany...... 10
Chapter3:InstallingComputer Security Pro - Workstation...... 11
System requirements...... 12
Computer Security Pro - Workstationlocalinstallation...... 13
Computer Security Pro - Workstation remote installation...... 14
Chapter4:InstallingComputer Security Pro - Server...... 17
Systemrequirements...... 18
Computer Security Pro - Serverinstallation...... 18
Chapter5:InstallingComputer Security Pro - Email and Server...21
Systemrequirements...... 22
Beforeinstallingtheproduct...... 24
Computer Security Pro - Email and Serverinstallation...... 24
Chapter6:InstallingComputer Security Pro - Linux...... 27
System requirements...... 28
Chapter7:InstallingMobile Security Pro...... 29
Installationonthedevice...... 30
Activating...... 30
TakingAnti-Theftintouse...... 31
TurningonremoteAnti-Theft...... 31
Chapter8:Upgrade...... 33
UpgradingfromPolicyManager...... 34
Upgradingtothelatestversion...... 36
Chapter9:Administeringtheproduct...... 37
Checkingthesystemstatus...... 38
Ismynetworkprotected?...... 38
Checkingthestatusof agroupof devices...... 40
Checkingthestatusofcomputers...... 41
Checkingthestatusof aworkstationoraserver...... 42
Keepingcomputersinthenetworksafe...... 42
GetupdatesbyRSS...... 42
Managingproductsettings...... 43
Managingtheworkstationsettingslocally...... 43
Managingtheserversettingslocally...... 44
Managingtheproductsettingsremotely...... 44
Managingprofiles...... 45
Creatingaprofile...... 45
Editingaprofile...... 46
Deletingaprofile...... 46
Changingprofilenameordescription...... 47
Settingadefaultprofile...... 47
Resettingdefaultprofiles...... 48
Managingsoftware updates...... 48
Installingsoftwareupdatesautomatically...... 48
Checkingsoftwareupdatestatusforaspecificcomputer...... 48
Checkingthestatusofsoftwareupdatesinyournetwork...... 49
Managingmobiledevices...... 50
Checkingthestatusofmobiledevices...... 50
Addinganewmobiledevice...... 50
Searchingformobiledevices...... 51
Viewingmobiledevicedetails...... 51
Editinguserinformation...... 51
Removingamobiledevice...... 52
Anti-theftmanagement...... 52
Chapter10:Troubleshooting...... 53
Frequentlyaskedquestions...... 54
Computer Security Prosoftware,its deploymentand installation.
This guide contains instructionshow toinstall and administerCentralized Management Consoleand Computer Security Prosoftware.
•Creating a new account
•Downloading Software
•Recovering your password
•Addinganewsubscriptionkeyfor your company
ThischapterexplainshowtogetstartedwiththeComputer Security Prosoftware.
Inthis chapter,you find instructionshow tocreate a new account tolog intotheCentralized Management Console,andtodownloadandinstalltheComputer Security Prosoftware.
Youneed tocreate a new account tolog into the Centralized Management Console.
Youcanonlycreateacompany-levelaccountfromtheCentralized Management Consoleloginpage.Ifyouneedadifferent type ofaccount,contactF-Secure.
Tocreate a new account:
Note: Ifyou have created an account,forexample, forComputer Security Pro - Server,do notcreate a new company account,but add a new subscriptiontothe existing account.
1. Inyour browser,go tothe URL thatwas provided toyou togetherwith the subscriptionkey.
YoureceivedtheURLandthesubscriptionkey,forexamplebye-mail,whenyoupurchasedtheproduct. The F-SecureProtectionService login page opens.
2. Click the Create youraccountlink.
The Create account page opens.
3. Enterthe required information:
•Inthe Subscriptionkey field,enter the subscriptionkey thatyou received, forexample by e-mail, when you purchased the product.
•Inthe Accountname field,enter the name ofthe company.
Computer Security ProAdministrator'sGuide |GettingStarted|9
•IntheUsernamefield,enterthee-mailaddressoftheuser.Thee-mailaddressisusedasyourlogin name.
•Inthe Passwordand ConfirmPasswordfields,you mustenter exactly the same passwords.
•Inthe E-mailfield,enter your e-mail address.
4. Click Create youraccount.
Youwill receive an e-mail message thatshows your account information.
5. Click Back tothe loginpage.
The F-SecureProtectionService login page opens.
6. Log in tothe Centralized Management Console.
YoucandownloadtheComputer Security ProWorkstationSecurity,F-SecureServerSecurity,Computer Security Pro - Email and Server,or Mobile Security Prosoftwarethrough the Centralized Management Console.
Todownload the software:
1. Log in tothe Centralized Management Console.
Enterthe user name and password, which you selected when you created your account. The Protectionstatuspage ofthe new account opens.
2. Click the Downloadsoftwarelink atthe top ofthe page.
The Download softwarepage opens.
3. Inthe Download softwarepage, click the link forthe softwareyou want todownload.
Ifyou have forgottenyour password, you can recover it through the Forgotyourpasswordlink. Torecover your password:
1. Onthe log in page ofthe Centralized Management Console,click Forgotyourpassword?link.
2. Enteryour user name, and click Submit.
Ane-mailmessageissenttothee-mailaddressthatyouprovidedwhenyoucreatedtheaccount.Thee-mail message contains a link tothe Centralized Management Consolewhere you can change your password.
Addinga newsubscriptionkey for yourcompany
Byadding a new subscriptionkey foryour company,you can add more computers tothe portal
Toadd a new subscriptionkey:
1. Click the Subscriptionstab.
The Subscriptionspage opens.
2. Click Adda newsubscriptionkey.
3. Enterthe new subscriptionkey you have purchased, and click Add.
The new subscriptionkey is added toyour company account.
InstallingComputer Security Pro - Workstation
•Computer Security ProWorkstation
Securitylocal installation
•Computer Security ProWorkstation
Securityremote installation
Systemrequirementsand installationinstructionsforPSBWorkstation
This section describes the systemrequirementsforinstallingand using the product,and gives you instructionson how toinstall the product.
System requirements
Read the followingbefore startingtoinstall and use F-SecureWorkstationSecurity.
Yourcomputer mustmeet the followingminimum requirementsforinstallingand using the product:
Processor: Memory: Display: Disk space:
MicrosoftWindows XP(32-bit).service pack 2 or newer:
•Home, Professionaland Media Center editions
MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista(32- and 64-bits).All service packs:
•Home Basic
•Home Premium
Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit
For MicrosoftWindows XP:
•IntelPentiumIII1 GHz or higher
MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista:
•IntelPentium4 2 GHz or higher
For MicrosoftWindows XP:
•512 MB
For MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista:
•1 GB
For MicrosoftWindows XP:
•8-bit (256 colors)
For MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista:
•16-bit or more (65000 colors)
For MicrosoftWindows XP:
•800MB free HD space
For MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista:
•800MB free HD space
An Internetconnectionis required in order tovalidate your subscriptionand receive updates.
For MicrosoftWindows XP:
•InternetExplorer 5.0 or newer is required.
For MicrosoftWindows 7 and Vista:
•InternetExplorer 7.0 or newer is required
Supportedbrowsers forusing the Centralized Management Console:
•InternetExplorer 6.xor newer is required. JavaScriptand cookies must be enabled in the browser
•Firefox2.xornewerisrequired.JavaScriptandcookiesmustbeenabled in the browser
Note: Touse ProfileEditor,you need tohave Java Runtime
Environment1.6 or newer installedon your computer.
Computer Security Pro - Workstationlocalinstallation
This section describes how tolocally install Computer Security Pro - Workstation. Toinstall the program:
1. Locate the downloaded file and double-click the.exefile tostartthe installation.
2. Selectthe installationlanguage,and click Next tocontinue.
3. Read the license agreement.Toaccept the agreement and tocontinue,click Accept.
4. Enteryour subscriptionkey and click Next.
Youmustenter the same subscriptionkey thatyou used when you created the account.
5. Selectthe installationtype,and click Next:
•Automaticinstallation:The product is installedautomatically.Existingsecurity products may be automaticallyreplaced. The product is installedtothe defaultdirectory.
•Stepbystepinstallation:Duringtheinstallation,youcanchangetheinstallationdirectory.However, we recommend using the defaultdirectory.
6. Whentheinstallationiscomplete,thecomputerrestartsautomaticallyafterawhile.Torestartimmediately, click Restart.
Afterthe installation,log into the Portaltoverify thatthe computer shows in the Portal.
Note: Inthe Protectionstatuspage, you may see a green statusicon with the text"Waitingfor connection."Itmay take up totwo hours before the connectionis established.Ifthe computer has not
yetreceived the latestupdates,you may see either a yellow or a red statusicon. For more details on the computer(s),click the Computerstab toopen the Computers page.
Computer Security Pro - Workstationremote installation
This section explains how toremotely install Computer Security Pro - Workstation.
Beforeyou startthe remote installation,make sure thatthe domain controllerexists and thatthe computers onwhichyouwanttoinstallthesoftwarebelongtoadomain.Tobeabletoremotelyinstallthesoftware,you musthave domain administratorrights.
Toinstall the software:
1. Log in tothe Centralized Management Console.
Enterthe user name and password, which you selected when you created your account. The Protectionstatuspage ofthe new account opens.
2. Click the Downloadsoftwarelink atthe top ofthe page.
The Download softwarepage opens.
3. Inthe Download softwarepage, click the Downloadthe Remote InstallationToollink. Ifyou have not downloaded the workstationsoftwareyet,click also theDownloadthe workstationsoftwarelink.
4. Extractthe Remote InstallationToolzip file on a local drive.
5. Double-click the ritool.batfile.
The F-SecureRemote InstallationToolwindow opens.
6. Inthe SoftwaretoInstallpage, click .
The SoftwareInstallerSelectionwindow opens.
7. Locate the downloaded workstationsoftwarefile and click OK.
8. Click Next.
9. Inthe TargetComputers page, do the following:
a)Under DomainName,select the domain towhich the computers belong.
b)Under ComputerName,select the computers on which you want toremote install the software.
10.Click Next.
11.Inthe Accountpage, do the following:
b)Enterthe domain administratorname and password. c) Confirm the password.
12.Click Next.
13.Click Install.
The workstationsoftwareis being installedon the selected computers. Inthe Centralized Management Console,verify thatthe computer shows in the portal.
InstallingComputer Security Pro - Server
•Computer Security Pro - Server installation
Systemrequirementsand installationinstructionsforComputer Security Pro - Server.
Thischapterdescribesthesystemrequirementsforinstallingandusing theproduct,andgivesyoustep-by-stepinstructionsonhowtoinstallthe product.
Read the followingbefore startingtoinstall and use the Computer Security Pro - Serversoftware. Yourcomputer mustmeet the followingrequirementsforinstallingand using the product:
Processor: Memory:
Disk space toinstall:
Disk space forprocessing: InternetConnection:
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2
Small Business Server 2003
Small Business Server 2008
IntelPentium4,2GHz or higher
260 MB free hard disk space
10 GBor more free hard disk space
An Internetconnectionis required tovalidate your subscriptionand receive updates.
Computer Security Pro - Serverinstallation
Installthe softwareon a computer and afterthe installationverify thatthe computer shows in the portal. Toinstall the software:
1. Locate the downloaded file and double-click the .exefile tostartthe installation.
2. Selectthe installationlanguage,and click Next tocontinue.
3. Read the license agreement.Toaccept the agreement and tocontinue,click Accept.
4. Enteryour subscriptionkey and click Next.
Youmustenter the same subscriptionkey thatyou used when you created the account.
Computer Security ProAdministrator'sGuide |InstallingComputer Security Pro - Server|19
5. Selectthe installationtype,and click Next:
•Automaticinstallation:The product is installedautomatically.Existingsecurity products may be automaticallyreplaced. The product is installedtothe defaultdirectory.
•Stepbystepinstallation:Duringtheinstallation,youcanchangetheinstallationdirectory.However, we recommend using the defaultdirectory.
6. When the installationis complete,click Finish.
InstallingComputer Security Pro - Email and Server
•Beforeinstallingthe product
•Computer Security ProE-mailandServer
Systemrequirementsand installationinstructionsforComputer Security Pro - Email and Server.
Thischapterdescribesthesystemrequirementsforinstallingandusing theproduct,andgivesyoustep-by-stepinstructionsonhowtoinstallthe product.
System requirements
Read the followingbefore installingComputer Security Pro - Email and Server.
Based on the MicrosoftExchange Server version, your computer mustmeet the followingrequirementsfor installingand using the product.
MicrosoftExchangeServer 2003
Toinstall Computer Security Pro - Email and Serveron MicrosoftExchange Server 2003, the following minimum hardware and systemrequirementsare recommended:
Processor: Memory:
Disk space toinstall:
Disk space forprocessing:
Microsoft®Windows Server 2003, StandardEditionwith the latestservice pack
Microsoft®Windows Server 2003, EnterpriseEditionwith the latestservice pack
Microsoft®Windows Server 2003 R2, StandardEdition Microsoft®Windows Server 2003 R2, EnterpriseEdition Microsoft®Small Business Server 2003
Microsoft®Small Business Server 2003 R2
32-bit processor: IntelPentium4 or compatible2GHz or faster
500 MB free hard disk space
10 GBor more free hard disk space
Microsoft®Exchange Server 2003 with the latestservice pack
MicrosoftExchange Server:Note: Clusters are not supported.
An Internetconnectionis required tovalidate your subscriptionand receive updates.
MicrosoftExchangeServer 2007
Toinstall Computer Security Pro - Email and Serveron MicrosoftExchange Server 2007, the following minimum hardware and systemrequirementsare recommended:
Microsoft®WindowsServer2003,Standardx64Editionwiththelatestservice pack
Microsoft®WindowsServer2003,Enterprisex64Editionwiththelatestservice pack
Microsoft®Windows Server 2003 R2, Standardx64 Edition Microsoft®Windows Server 2003 R2, Enterprisex64 Edition Microsoft®Windows Server 2008, StandardEdition Microsoft®Windows Server 2008, EnterpriseEdition Microsoft®Small Business Server 2008
Intelx64 processor with ExtendedMemory 64 Technology(EM64T)
Disk space toinstall:
Disk space forprocessing:
AMD processor thatsupports the AMD64 platform
500 MB free hard disk space
10 GBor more free hard disk space
MicrosoftExchange Server:
Microsoft®Small Business Server 2008
Note:The32-bitevaluationversionofMicrosoftExchangeServer2007 is not supported.
An Internetconnectionis required tovalidate your subscriptionand receive updates.
Computer Security Pro - Email and Serversupports the followingroles ofMicrosoftExchange Server 2007:
•Edge Server role
•Hub Server role
•Mailbox Server role
•Combo Server (Mailbox Server and Hub Server roles)
Note: Clusters are not supported.
MicrosoftExchangeServer 2010
Toinstall Computer Security Pro - Email and Serveron MicrosoftExchange Server 2010, the following minimum hardware and systemrequirementsare recommended:
Processor: Memory:
Disk space toinstall:
Disk space forprocessing: MicrosoftExchange Server:
Microsoft®Windows Server 2008, StandardEdition Microsoft®Windows Server 2008, EnterpriseEdition Microsoft®Windows Server 2008 R2, StandardEdition Microsoft®Windows Server 2008 R2, EnterpriseEdition
Intelx64 processor with ExtendedMemory 64 Technology(EM64T) AMD processor thatsupports the AMD64 platform
500 MB free hard disk space
10 GBor more free hard disk space
Microsoft®Exchange Server 2010
An Internetconnectionis required tovalidate your subscriptionand receive updates.
Computer Security Pro - Email and Serversupports the followingroles ofMicrosoftExchange Server 2010:
•Edge Server role
•Hub Server role
•Mailbox Server role
•Combo Server (Mailbox Server and Hub Server roles)
Note: Clusters are not supported.
SQLServer requirements
The product requires Microsoft®SQLServer forthe quarantinemanagement.The followingversions of
MicrosoftSQLServer are recommended touse:
•MicrosoftSQLServer 2000 (Enterprise,Standardor WorkgroupEdition)with Service Pack 4
•MicrosoftSQLServer 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE)with Service Pack 4
•MicrosoftSQLServer 2005 (Enterprise,Standard,Workgroupor Express Edition)with the latestservice pack
•MicrosoftSQLServer 2008 (Enterprise,Standard,Workgroupor Express Edition)
Important:Wedo not recommend using MSDEor MicrosoftSQLServer 2005/2008Express Edition if you are planning touse the centralizedquarantinemanagementor if your organizationsends and
receives a large amount ofe-mails.
Note: Youmustinstall a MicrosoftSQLServer with Mixed Mode authenticationbefore you install the
Computer Security Pro - Email and Serversoftware.Toinstall MicrosoftSQLServer 2005, refer to
Before installingthe product
Beforeyou install the Computer Security Pro - Email and Serversoftware,you mustinstall MicrosoftSQL Server.
BeforeinstallingtheComputer Security Pro - Email and Serversoftware,makesurethatyouknowthefollowing:
•the password forthe 'sa'account on the MicrosoftSQLServer,and
SQLServer installedon the same server.
Computer Security Pro - Email and Serverinstallation
Installthe softwareon a computer and afterthe installationverify thatthe databases have been updated. YoumustinstallaMicrosoftSQLServerorMicrosoftSQLServerDesktopEngine(MSDE)withMixedMode
authenticationbeforeyou installtheComputer Security Pro - Email and Serversoftware.ToinstallMicrosoft
SQLServer 2005, refer to. Toinstall the software:
1. Locate the downloaded file and double-click the .exefile tostartthe installation.
2. Selectthe installationlanguage,and click Next tocontinue.
3. Read the license agreement.Toaccept the agreement and tocontinue,click Accept.
4. Enteryour subscriptionkey and click Next.
Youmustenter the same subscriptionkey thatyou used when you created the account.
5. Selectthe installationtype,and click Next:
•Automaticinstallation:The product is installedautomatically.Existingsecurity products may be automaticallyreplaced. The product is installedtothe defaultdirectory.
•Stepbystepinstallation:Duringtheinstallation,youcanchangetheinstallationdirectory.However, we recommend using the defaultdirectory.
6. Inthe SQLServer details page, enter the name ofa local or remote SQLserver instance.
Note: Tofind your HOSTNAME,type ipconfig /allata command prompt .The server name is displayed in the command prompt window as "HostName".Youcan also use an IPaddress or
Fully QualifiedDomain Name instead ofhostname.
Note: Tofind your INSTANCE,click Start AllProgramsAdministrativeToolsServices.
ThenfindtheSQLServer(INSTANCENAME)service.Theinstancename is displayedin brackets.
Ifyou find multipleinstance names, select the one thatyou want touse.
7. Enteryour SAuser password.
Note: Ifyou are not sure thatyou remember your correct SApassword, or if the installationfails because ofan SQLserver error,refer tothe Troubleshootingsection.
8. Click Next.
9. When the installationis complete,click Finish.
b)Inthe AutomaticUpdateAgenttab,in the Summarypage, check thatthe last check result shows thatthere is nothing new available.
c) Under Summary,click Downloadsand check thatthe AvailablePackageslist shows atleast one update with a recent date on it.
11.Inthe Home tab,check thateach component has a green statusicon.
12.Next,configure F-SecureAnti-Virus forMicrosoftExchange.See the AdministrationWithWebConsole
chapter in F-SecureAnti-Virus forMicrosoftExchange Administrator'sGuide fordetailedinstructions.
Systemrequirementsand installationinstructionsforLinux Security.
This section describes the systemrequirementsforinstallingand using the product.Detailedinstructionson how toinstall the product are availableintheLinuxSecuritydocumentation,whichyoucanfindonthe F-Secureweb site
System requirements
Read the followingbefore startingtoinstall and use Computer Security Pro - Linux.
Yourcomputer mustmeet the followingminimum requirementsforinstallingand using the product:
Youcan see the list ofsupported distributionsin the release notes ofthe product,which are available on the F-Secureweb site
IntelP6 (686) or compatibleor higher
Disk space:
Full installation:
•1024 MB RAM or more
Command-line only:
•512 MB RAM (1024 MB recommended)
Note: Having sufficientswap memory is highly recommended.
3 GB
Required components:•Linux kernel 2.6 or later
•Glibc 2.3.4or later
•32-bit compatibilitylibraries on 64-bit distributions
Supportedbrowsers forthe WebUser Interface:
•InternetExplorer 6 or 7
•Firefox2.xor newer
Note aboutDazukoversion
TheproductneedstheDazukokernelmoduleforthereal-timevirusprotection,integritycheckingandrootkit protection.Dazuko is an open-source kernel module thatprovides an interfaceforthe file access control. More informationis at.
The product installs the Dazuko driver during the product installation.
TheproducthasbeentestedextensivelywiththeDazukoversionthatisincludedwiththeproduct.Operation with other Dazuko versions or versions provided by Linux distributionsis not supported or recommended.
•Installationon the device
•TakingAnti-Theftinto use
•Turningon remote Anti-Theft
InstallationinstructionsforPSBMobile Security.
This section gives you instructionson how toinstall the product.
Installationonthe device
Instructionshow toinstall the product directly on the device
Note: Youshould receive an SMSthatcontains links fordownloading and activatingthe software.Ifyou have a valid PSBMobile Securitysubscriptionbut have not received the activationSMS,contact
your administrator.
Youneed tohave the installationfile on your device tostartthe installation.Eitherdownload the installation file toyour computer and move it tothe device, or download the installationdirectly toyour device.
Follow these instructionstoinstall the product using your mobile device.
1. Open SettingsApplicationand check thatUnknownsourcesis turned on.
Skip this step if you are not using an Android device.
When this settingis turned on, you can install applicationsoutside the Android Market.
2. Ifyou downloaded the installationfile directly,the installationstartsautomatically.Otherwise,find and open the installationfile thatyou moved tothe device.
3. Follow the on-screen instructionstoinstall the product.
4. When the installationis ready,restartyour device if the installationasks you todo so.
Aftertheinstallation,you need toactivatetheproduct.Theproductdoes notprotectyour device ifyou have not activatedit.