Body Image
This interactive module commences by assessing your eating and dieting behaviours on-line and your attitude towards your body image. You will explore your actual body size on-line using a body mass index calculator and an interactive assessment of body image. The module will help you understand some of the influences on slimness and body image. It will present fascinating data on the body size men and women think they are, compared with their actual body size, and the size the opposite sex actually consider ideal. It will outline some of the factors that contribute to a negative body image in men and women which in turn can lead to self-destructive behaviours and poor health. The module finishes by providing suggestions on improving your body image and self esteem. The module is assessed with on-line true/false questions and multiple choice questions. It is recommended for the general public and for people working in the weight loss industry.
Healthy Eating - general
This module commences by assessing the nutritional adequacy of your diet on-line in relation to the recommended number of food serves in the novel HEC healthy eating pyramid and weekly food variety score (developed by HEC nutritionists). When you purchase this module you will also have free on-line access to Professor Mark Wahlqvist & Dr David Briggs books "Food Questions & Answers" and "Food Facts" (click here to have a look).
This module will answer many popular, but important questions about healthy eating like:
- are vegetarian diets healthier than omnivorous (meat containing) diets?
- what is a healthy omnivorous diet?
- how much red and white meat can I eat and what should I buy?
- how much dried beans/lentils/nuts are equivalent in nutrients to 100g meat and how often
can/should meat alternatives be eaten by vegetarians and omnivores?
- how much dairy foods should I eat and what should I buy?
- how much bread/cereal/pasta/rice can I eat; can eating too much of these be undesirable; what
bread or breakfast cereal should I buy?
- if I stop adding salt to my food at the table/cooking will I be on a low salt diet?
- can people with diabetes have some sugar in tea and coffee; can I drink as much fruit juice as I
- is the energy density and glycaemic index of a food important?
- common misconceptions on food and healthy eating
Dietary fat and cholesterol is covered in the module "Healthy eating tips - fat and cholesterol". This module is therefore essential reading for anyone who is interested in their health and well-being, and especially for people working in the weight loss industry, the food industry or for people working as carers. The module is assessed with on-line true/false questions and multiple choice questions.
Food Labels
More and more people are relying on foods out of packets or from fast food outlets for their meals due to the 'time famine' they are experiencing. If your meals are not cooked or prepared from scratch then you are not in control of the ingredients. Food labels can help you feel more in control of what you are eating if you understand how to read them. To help consumers understand food labels, the Australian New Zealand Food Safety Council changed the food laws in December 2000 under the Food Standards Code. This module will bring you up to speed with all the changes you can expect to see on food labels by the end of 2002 (there is a 2 year phase in period for these changes to take effect to allow manufacturers to change over to the new standards). It will help you understand misleading 'nutrient claims' which are usually splashed across the front of the product, the nutrition information panel which is usually on the back of the product and the ingredient listing. It will also address labelling issues related to food additives, functional foods, health claims, pick the tick logo and genetically modified foods and ingredients.
This module is therefore essential reading for anyone who is interested in their health and well-being, and especially for people who rely on packaged foods for most of their meals.
The module is assessed with on-line true/false questions and multiple choice questions.
Physical Activity: for fat loss and strength
This module commences by assessing your physical activity level on-line. It will provide practical tips on how you can reduce body fat and improve muscle strength with the right types of exercises. When you purchase this module you will also receive a free copy of a video (link to agefit book/video) by Dr Gayle Savige and Professor Mark Wahlqvist. The video demonstrates simple exercises for increasing muscle strength and mass, especially for senior citizens. Muscle strength is not only important for fat loss, but also for improving insulin sensitivity (important for people prone to diabetes) and balance in the aged (can help prevent falls). This module is therefore essential reading and viewing for anyone who is interested in their health and well-being, and especially for people working in the weight loss industry, or for people working as carers. The module is assessed with on-line true/false questions and multiple choice questions.