Mr. Hirsch’s 5th Grade General Music Class
Welcome to music class. I am excited to teach you! We will be covering a great deal of musical concepts in class this year including music reading, musical form, music history, critical listening, composing music, improvising music, understanding the importance of music in our lives, and a number of other musicianship skills. You will be actively making music on a daily basis including singing, performing on instruments, and engaging in other musical activities.
Before we begin, there are a few items we need to address:
Materials you will need for class:
•A folder of your choice to put papers in (I recommend a folder with pockets). If your school notebook (or accordion folder) already has pockets built into it, pick one. This will work well too.
• Pen or pencil
• Agenda book
• You will need a Soprano Recorder to be stored here in the classroom
Classroom Rules and Guidelines:In order to create a healthy and effective learning environment, it is necessary to follow certain Guidelines of Classroom Behavior:
- Show respect and consideration to your teacher and to other students in the class.
- Respect other’s rights, views and personal property & school property
- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking
- Do not speak while someone else is speaking, presenting or performing
- Talking while a recording is playing is prohibited.
- Be on time to class.
- Be in class and seated (in your assigned seat) when the bell rings
- Come in quietly, sit down at your seat, take out your folder and homework and begin the “Do Now” on the SMART Board.
- Do not get ready to leave until you are told to or when the warning bell rings
- Be responsible.
- Take notes, complete all assignments, andhand in work on time
- Always make up missed work. (All assignments, handouts, and class information will be posted on my district webpage. To access this site, visit the teacher section of the district website: Please visit the class website often, and any time you are absent).
- Bring your folder and all classroom materials with you to each class session
- All handouts and class materials should be organized and in your folder
- Be Positive and Actively participate
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Not following directions is considered insubordinate.
- Food, drink and gum chewing is not permitted in class.
Consequences:Everything you choose in life has a good or bad consequence. Your behavior is your choice. Therefore, choosing not to follow my classroom rules will mean you have chosen to:
- Receive a warning
- Receive a warning with time spent after class
- Receive lunch detention
- Receive a phone call home
- Receive other consequences (time spent in the assistant principal’s office, etc.)
Most of you will never have to deal with these items above because you will choose appropriate behavior. Therefore, let us all focus on the positive things ahead of us this year & enjoy our time together!
-Grading Policy is listed on the back of this letter -
Here is a breakdown of my grading policy. Please look this over and feel free to email me with any questions at :
5th Grade General Music Grading Policy
- 30% participation and preparation – all materials are brought to class; assignments are turned in on time; participation during in-class activities and music-making
- 30% tests and quizzes – there will be tests and quizzes throughout each semester based on material covered in class.
- 30% class assignments – in-class projects, group work, and written work
- 10% homework – will not be given every class, but some assignments will be checked as a homework grade.
I am looking forward to working with you all this year! I hope that you find this class to be an exciting and enjoyable part of your day, and I know that we will enjoy making music together.
Mr. Hirsch