Study Guide for Earth Science Final 11-12
1. What are the 4 main areas of Earth Science?
2. Be able to determine what metric units would be used to measure distances,
weights, and volume.
3. Explain the importance of King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk?
4. What is a control?
5. What is a variable?
6. What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable?
7. What is a hypothesis?
8. What is a rock? What are they made of?
9. What are the 3 different types of rocks and how does each form?
10. What is the difference between an intrusive and extrusive rock?
11. Draw the rock cycle diagram.
12. What is porphyritic texture?
13. Why are soil erosion rates faster today than in the past?
14. What are the major components of soil?
15. What is the difference between mechanical/physical and chemical weathering?
16. In a soil profile, what is found in the following layers:
a. A horizon
b. B horizon
c. C horizon
d. Below A, B, C
17. Using the soil texture triangle in 5.2 (page 134), determine the following:
a. What are the percentages of clay, silt and sand for point A?
b. What type of soil exists with 10% clay, 20% silt, and 70% sand?
18. Describe how Pangaea and Continental Drift are related.
19. What are the 4 pieces of evidence supporting Continental Drift?
20. Describe the theory of plate tectonics.
21. What are the 3 main layers of Earth?
22. Define Lithosphere and Asthenosphere.
23. What are the different types of plate boundaries and what processes occur at each boundary?
24. Define Subduction. At what type(s) of plate boundaries does subduction occur?
25. Where does sea-floor spreading occur?
26. What layer of the Earth are the plates composed of?
27. What can paleomagnetic rocks tell us? What does the magnetic striping along ocean
floor indicate?
28. What is a seismograph? Seismogram? Richter Scale?
29. Define epicenter, focus, and fault.
30. How are earthquakes related to plate tectonics?
31. How does a Tsunami form?
32. List and Describe the 3 types of volcanoes. Give an example of each type of volcano
33. Explosive volcanoes have _____ gas, _____ silica, and _____ viscosity.
34. What is a contour (topographic) map and what does it show?
35. Contour lines that are close together show an area that is ______.
36. Label A-D on the diagram to the right.
37. What are the two sources of energy that all natural processes derive their energy from?
38. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources? Examples?
39. How did industrialization affect our environment?
40. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the following types of power?
a. wind power
b. hydroelectric power
c. nuclear power
d. solar power
41. What is a biome?
42. Why is biodiversity important?
43. How do the following threaten biodiversity?
a. Pollution
b. Habitat destruction
c. Invasive species
44. Define species.
45. What is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors? Give an example of each.
46. What are examples of limiting factors on a population?
47. Complete the chart below regarding biomes.
Biome / Location / Average Temp / Average Rainfall / Animals and PlantsDeciduous Forest
Tropical Rainforest
48. What are examples of countries that are still developing? Sketch and age-structure diagram for a country that is developing.
49. What are examples of countries that are developed? Sketch and age-structure diagram for a country that is developed.
50. What is exponential growth? Make a sketch of the graph. What is an example of a population that exhibits this type of growth?
51. What is logistic growth? Make a sketch of the graph. What is an example of a population that exhibits this type of growth?
52. In logistic growth, why does the curve go up and down after it has reach carrying capacity?
53. What is carrying capacity?
54. In what zone is groundwater located? What is the top of this zone called? What is
the zone of aeration?
55. Be able to determine whether a well would be able to get water by looking at a diagram.
56. Define Eutrophication.
57. What are some sources of groundwater pollution?
58. What is the difference between point and non-point source pollution? examples?
59. List some stream characteristics that could contribute to higher erosion rates and material
60. What is the Clean Water Act?
61. How does velocity change as water flows around a curve? How does this affect erosion and deposition?
62. What are characteristics of ocean waves?
63. Define Salinity. What units are used to express it?
64. List and Describe some features of the ocean floor.
65. What are examples of landforms created by wave erosion?
66. What is a longshore current?
67. What can be done to try to limit beach erosion and its effects?
68. What is upwelling in the ocean?
69. What causes tides?
70. What are the three types of tides? Describe their motion.
71. Define spring and neap tides. Which one has the greatest tidal range?
72. What is the difference between a surface current, a density current, and a turbidity current?
73. What are the 4 layers of the atmosphere?
74. Where is the Ozone Layer?
75. What is the Coriolis Effect? In what direction does it affect fluids in the northern hemisphere? How does a pressure gradient affect winds?
76. What are the origins for winds?
77. What is the difference between radiation, conduction, and convection?
78. Define sublimation, deposition, evaporation, and condensation.
79. Warm air can hold ______water vapor than cold air.
80. What is a jet stream?
81. Compare and Contrast High and Low Pressure systems.
82. How does a tornado form? How does it die?
83. How does a hurricane form? How does it die?
84. What is the relationship between elevation and climate?
85. List the characteristics of the 4 different air masses. (cP, mP, cT, mT)
86. What is the term for the boundary where two air masses meet?
87. Draw the diagrams for the 4 types of fronts, showing how the air masses move &
the resulting precipitation.
88. What is the ultimate energy source that creates wind and waves?
89. What instrument measures…
a. wind speed:
b. atmospheric pressure:
c. humidity:
90. Be able to interpret a weather map.
91. What are isobars? How can you tell where the wind speeds will be the highest?
92. What is climate change? What trend does it try to explain?
93. What are greenhouse gases? Why are they important?
94. List some things that humans can do to keep our society sustainable.
95. What are chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)? In what products have they been used?
96. How does the ozone layer protect humans?
97. Be able to label a diagram of the greenhouse effect.
98. What is difference between the geocentric and heliocentric model of the universe?
99. What is retrograde motion?
100. Describe contributions to astronomy of the following astronomers:
a. Ptolemy
b. Copernicus
c. Kepler
d. Galileo
e. Newton
101. What is the shape of the planets orbits?
102. What are the different forms of electromagnetic radiation?
103. What is the function of a prism?
104. What information can a star’s spectrum provide?
105. What is the Doppler Effect? And what can it tell astronomers?
106. Know how to interpret an HR diagram. What are the 3 regions of the diagram,
and where are they located?
107. As a star’s brightness increases on the diagram, what happens to its magnitude?
(Does the number become larger or more negative?)
108. What are the different layers of the sun?
109. What is the composition of the sun?
110. What are the characteristics of sunspots?
111. What is the source of the sun’s energy?
112. Describe the relationship of color and temperature of stars.
113. What do light-years measure?
114. What characteristic of a star does magnitude describe?
115. Describe the difference between absolute and apparent magnitude.
116. Describe the Nebular Theory.
117. Describe the stellar evolution of both sizes of stars.
118. What force is needed to form a star?
119. What happens when a star dies?
120. Describe black hole characteristics.
121. Provide evidence for an expanding universe.
122. What is the “Big Bang” theory? What does it try to explain? What are two
pieces of evidence for it?